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Demonstration of image transmission through fibers by optical phase conjugation Dunning G.J., Lind R.C. OL 7(82)558-560 1
Tilted-pulses second-harmonic beam analysis for femtosecond to subnanosecond laser pulse-duration measurements Janszky J., Corradi G., Gyuzalian R.N. AP B 33(84)79-82 2
Sum frequency beam analysis for the determination of the temporal characteristics of ultrashort light pulses Janszky J., Corradi G., Arakelian S.A., Gyuzalian R.N., Sogomonian S.B. OQE 16(84)109-115 3
OPC von Picosekundenimpulsen durch Vierwellenwechselwirkung in LiNbO3 Alum Ch. P., Wlad I.W., Dabu R., Kowaltschuk J.W., Ostrowskaja G.W., Ostro Pis SCH T F 7(81)1365-1368 4
Degenerate two-wave mixing in the collinear geometry Saldin D.K., Wilson T., Solymar L. JOSA 72(82)1179-1182 5
Picosecond generation of conjugate wavefronts in LiNbO3 crystals at 530 nm Vlad V.I., Ostrovskaya G.V., Ostrovsky I.I., Kovalchuk Y.V., Alum J.P., Da Centr. Inst. of Physics, Bucharest, LOP-2 6
Transient four-wave mixing and real time holography in atomic systems Yariv A., Auyeung J. IEEE 15(79)224-228 7
Observation of higher-order diffraction components in degenerate four-wave mixing experiments in Bi12GeO20 crystals Ja Y.H. EL 17(81)488-489 8
Theory of wave-front-distortion correction by phase conjugation Mittra R., Habashy T.M. JOSA A 1(84)1103-1109 9
Temporal analysis of short laser pulses using degenerate four-wave mixing Janszky J., Corradi G., Hamilton D.S. AO 23(84)8-9 11
"Running" holograms in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Stepanov S.I., Kulikov V.V., Petrov M.P. OC 44(82)19-23 12
A two-dimensional vectorial theory of degenerate fout-wave mixing Wilson T., Saldin D.K., Solymar L. OC 39(1981) 11-14 13
Phase cojugation in liquids in the picosecond range Rivoire G., Ferrier J.L., Gazengel J., Xuan N.P. J. de Phys. 44(83)C2-81-90 14
Degenerate four-wave mixing with a nonplanar object beam Wilson T., Saldin D.K., Solymar L. OQE 13(1981) 411-414 15
Elimination of distortions by phase conjugation without losses or gains Agarwal G.S., Friberg A.T., Wolf E. OC 43(82)446-450 16
Amplified reflection, phase conjugation, and oscillation in degenerate four-wave mixing Yariv A., Pepper D.M. OL 1(77)16-18 17
Quantum statistics of the degenerate four-wave mixing process Janszky J., Yushin Y.Y. OC 49(84)290-292 18
Real-time image dedlurring using four-wave mixing Ja Y.H. OQE 15(83)457-459 19
Real-time edge enhancement in four-wave mixing with photorefractive BGO crystals Ja Y.H. OQE 15(83)269-273 20
Using the shooting method to solve boundary-value problems involving nonlinear coupled-wave equations Ja Y.H. OQE 15(83)529-538 21
Real-time image subtraction in four-wave mixing with photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystals ( BGO ) Ja Y.H. OC 42(82)377-380 22
Real-time image division in four-wave mixing with photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystals ( BGO ) Ja Y.H. OC 44(82)24-28 23
Transverse modes of a stimulated scattering phase-comjugate resonator Giuliani G., Denariez-Roberge M.M., Belanger P.A. AO 21(82)3719-3724 24
Phase conjugation and image reconstruction in stimulated scattering Rivoire G., Sokolovskaia A. OC 42(82)138-142 25
Four wave mixing in picosecond range: intensities, duration, wave front reconstruction Ferrier J.L., Wu Z., Nguyen X.P., Rivoire G. OC 41(82)207-212 26
Imaging through a distorting medium with and without phase conjugation Feinberg J. APL 42(83)30-32 27
Self-pumped, continuous-wave phase conjugator using internal reflection Feinberg J. OL 7(82)486-488 28
Continuous-wave self-pumped phase conjugator with wide field of view Feinberg J. OL 8(1983) 480-482 29
Theory of a self-pumped phase conjugator with two coupled interaction regions Mac Donald K.R., Feinberg J. JOSA 73(83)548-553 30
A mechanical approach of phase conjugation Wu Z.X., Ferrier J.L., Rivoire G., Thibeau M. RPA 17(82)645-648 31
Backward scattering in the picosecond range: generation and geometrical conditions for wave front reconstrustruction Ferrier J.L., Wu Z., Gazengel J., Xuan N.P., Rivoire G. OC 41(82)135-139 32
Influence of the non linear refraction index on the phase conjugation efficiency in stimulated scattering effects Rivoire G., Ferrier J.L., Gazengel J., Lecoq J.P., Xuan N.P. OC 48(83)143-148 33
Instabilities and all-optical phase-controlled switching in a nonlinear directional coherent coupler Wabnitz S., Wright E.M., Seaton C.T., Stegeman G.I. APL 49(1986) 838-840 34
Theory and applications of four-wave mixing in photorefractive media Cronin-Golomb M., Fischer B., White J.O., Yariv A. IEEE QE 20(1984) 12-30 35
Applications of optical phase conjugation Giuliano C.R. PT 4(81)27-35 36
Large optical nonlinearities and cw degenerate four-wave mixing in HgCdTe Jain R.K., Steel D.G. OC 43(1982) 72-75 37
A fabry-perot etalon with one phase-conjugate mirror Nazarathy M. OC 45(1983) 117-121 38
Adaptive laser resonator Freeman R.H., Freiberg R.J., Garcia H.R. OL 2(78)61-63 39
Wave-front dislocations: topological limitations for adaptive systems with phase conjugation Baranova N.B., Mamaev A.V., Pilipetsky N.F., Shkunov V.V., Zel'dovich B.Y. JOSA 73(83)525-528 40
Real-time holography and wave-front conjugation by stimulated scattering Sokolovskaia A.I., Brekhovskikh G.L., Kudriavtseva A.D. JOSA 73(83)554-557 41
Regenerative amplification in a XeCl excimer laser with a phase-conjugating Brillouin mirror Armandillo E. OC 49(84)198-200 42
Degenerate four-wave mixing in semiconductors and ferroelectrics Klein M.B., Jain R.K., Valley G.C. J. de Phys. C2-149-158 43
Applications of degenerate four-wave mixing to high resolution molecular spectroscopy at 10.µm Boulnois J.L. J. de Phys. 44(83) C2-113-118 44
Optical phase conjugation in laser resonators Giuliano C.R., Lind R.C., O'Meara T.R., Valley G.C. J. de Phys. 44(83)C2-45-59 45
Phase conjugation of KrF laser radiation Gower M.C., Caro R.G. J. de Phys. 44(83)C2-19-25 46
Applications of nonlinear phase conjugation in compensated active imaging O'Meara T.R. OE 21(82)231-236 47
Nonlinear optical phase conjugation Pepper D.M. OE 21(82)156-181 48
Test of fidelity of phase conjugation Falk J. OL 7(82)620-622 49
Wavefront compensation with pseudoconjugation O'Meara T.R. OE 21(82)271-280 50
Phase conjugation and optical resonator Belanger P.A. OE 21(82)266-270 51
Optical beam phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in a waveguide Hellwarth R.W. OE 21(82)263-265 52
Optical beam phase conjugation by stimulated backscattering Hellwarth R.W. OE 21(82)257-261 53
Applications of wavefront reversal by stimulated Brillouin scattering Hon D.T. OE 21(82)252-256 54
Compensation of laser amplifier trains with nonlinear conjugation techniques O'Meara T.R. OE 21(82)243-251 55
Time-domain signal processing via four-wave mixing in nonlinear delay lines O'Meara T.R., Yariv A. OE 21(82)237-242 56
Spatial information processing and distortion correction via four-wave mixing White J.O., Yariv A. OE 21(82)224-230 57
Doppler-free laser spectroscopy via degenerate four-wave mixing Lam J.F. OE 21(82)219-223 58
Transient response of Kerr-like phase conjugator: a review Suydam B.R., Fisher R.A. OE 21(82)184-189 59
Phase conjugation by resonantly enhanced degenerate four-wave mixing Lind R.C., Steel D.G., Dunning G.J. OE 21(82)190-198 60
Degenerate four-wave mixing in semiconductors: application to phase conjugation and to picosecond-resolved studies of transient carrier dynamics Jain R.K. OE 21(82)199-218 61
Ferroelectrics in phase conjugate optics and dynamic holography Günter P. FE 49(83)39-46 62
High-sensitivity read-write volume holographic storage in Bi12SiO20 and Bi12GeO20 crystals ( BSO * BGO ) Huignard J.P., Micheron F. APL 29(76)591-593 63
Real-time double-exposure interferometry with Bi12SiO20 crystal in transverse electrooptic configuration Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P. AO 16(77)1807-1809 64
Selective erasure and processing in volume holograms superimposed in photosensitive ferroelectrics Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P., Micheron F. FE 11(76)393-396 65
Two-wave mixing and energy transfer in Bi12SiO20 crystals: application to image amplification and vibration analysis Huignard J.P., Marrakchi A. OL 6(81)622-624 66
Non destructive testing using real time holographic interferometry in B.S.O. crystals ( BSO ) Herriau J.P., Delboulbe A., Huignard J.P. SPIE 398(83)123-129 67
Speckle-free imaging in four-wave mixing experiments with Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P., Pichon L., Marrakchi A. OL 5(80)436-437 68
Time average holographic interferometry with photoconductive electrooptic Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P., Valentin T. AO 16(77)2796-2798 69
Projection photolithography by wave-front conjugation Levenson M.D., Johnson K.M., Hanchett V.C., Chiang K. JOSA 71(81)737-743 70
Phase conjugation on the surface of semiconductors: theory and experiment Mamaev A.V., Melnikov N.A., Pilipetsky N.F., Sudarkin A.N., Shkunov V.V. JOSA A 1(84)856-859 71
Degenerate four-wave mixing in the resence of nonuniform pump wave fronts Crosignani B., Yariv A. JOSA A 1(84)1034-1039 72
Optical hysteresis and bistability in phase conjugation by degenerate six-photon mixing Borshch A., Brodin M., Volkov V., Kukhtarev N., Starkov V. JOSA A 1(84)40-44 73
Phase conjugation by degenerate forward four-wave mixing Khyzniak A., Kondilenko V., Kucherov Y., Lesnik S., Odoulov S., Soskin M. JOSA A 1(84)169-175 74
Optical Phase Conjugation in Photorefractive Materials Feinberg J. Optical PC (Auszug aus Monographie von Fi 75
Fundamental modes of stimulated scattering phase-conjugate resonators Shaomin W., Weber H. OA 31(84)971-976 76
Transient energy transfer in photorefractive materials; an analytic solution Solymar L., Heaton J.M. OC 51(84)76-78 77
Diffraction efficiency and angular selectivity of volume phase holograms recorded in photorefractive materials Heaton J.M., Mills P.A., Paige E.G.S., Solymar L., Wilson T. OA 31(84)885-901 78
Effect of static electric fields on phase conjugation in silicon Shemwell D.M., Cantrell C.D. JAP 56(84)1309-1313 79
Real-time holography with undeveloped dichromated gelatin films Calixto S., Lessard R.A. AO 23(84)1989-1994 80
Nonlinear theory of self-oscillations in a phase-conjugate resonator Wright E.M., Meystre P., Firth W.J. OC 51(84)428-432 81
Nonlinear theory of near degenerate four-wave mixing in a Kerr medium in the Raman-Nath approximation Wright E.M., Meystre P. OL reprint(85)1-9 82
Two-wave mixing with an applied field and a moving grating Valley G.C. JOSA B 1(84)868-873 83
Observation of optical chaos in a phase-conjugate resonator Valley G.C., Dunning G.J. OL 9(84)513-515 84
Short-Pulses Grating Formation in Photorefractive Materials Valley G.C. IEEE JQE 19(83)1637-1645 85
Optical feedback, wavelength response, and interference effects of self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3 Jahoda F.C., Weber P.G., Feinberg J. OL 9(84)362-364 86
Optical bistability and hysteresis with a photorefractive self-pumped phase conjugate mirror Kwong S.K., Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A. APL 45(84)1016-1018 87
Appliction of optical phase conjugation to plasma diagnostics Jahoda F.C., Anderson B.T., Forman P.R., Weber P.G. 5.Top. Conf., High Temp. Plasma Diag., 16 88
Power and stability of phase-conjugate lasers Karr T.J. JOSA 73(83)600-609 89
Theory of degenerate four-wave mixing in saturable absorbing media with the inclusion of pump propagation effects Gaeta A.L., Gruneisen M.T., Boyd R.W. IEEE JQE 22(1986) 1095-1101 90
Image transmission and interferometry with multimode fibers using self-pumped phase conjugation Fischer B., Sternklar S. APL 46(85)113-114 92
Real-time phase conjugate window for one-way optical field imaging through a distortion Fischer B., Cronin-Golomb M., Whithe J.O., Yariv A. APL 41(82)141-143 93
Stabilization of the BSO phase conjugator using a feedback technique Sato T., Hatsuzawa T., Ikeda O. AO 22(83)1996-1998 94
Laser with dynamic holographic intracavity distortion correction capability Gronin-Golomb M., Fischer B., Nilsen J., White J.O., Yariv A. APL 41(82)219-220 95
Image transmission through a turbulent medium using a point reflector and four-wave mixing in BSO crystal Ikeda O., Suzuki T., Sato T. AO 22(83)2192-2195 96
Nonlinear Optical Phase Conjugation for Laser Systems Wang V. OE 17(78)267-272 97
The significance of trapping centre concentration in photorefractive crystals used for degenerate four-wave mixing Ja Y.H. OQE 16(84)355-358 98
The photorefractive effect Glass A.M. OE 17(78)470-479 99
Optimal properties of photorefractive materials for optical data processing Valley G.C., Klein M.B. OE 22(83)704-711 100
Amplified reflection in degenerate four-wave mixing: a more-accurate theory Grynberg G., Kleinmann B., Pinard M., Verkerk P. OL 8(1983) 614-66 102
Femtosecond-resolution pulse-front distortion measurement by time-of-flight interferomerty Bor Z., Gogolak Z., Szabo G. OL 14(1989) 862-864 107
Phase conjugation with gaussian beams Grynberg G. Kleinmann B., Pinard M. OC 47(1983) 291-296 108
Pulse shortening in degenerate four wave mixing in atomic sodium vapor Grynberg G., Kleinmann B., Pinard M., Trehin F. OC 47(83)355-357 109
Phase-conjugate mirror and time reversal Chew W.C., Habashy T.M. JOSA A 2(85)808-809 110
Photorefractive effects and light-induced charge migration in barium titanate ( BaTiO3 ) Feinberg J., Heiman D., Tanguay Jr. A.R., JAP 51(80)1297-1305 111
Volume hologram recording and charge transfer process in Bi12SiO20 and Bi12GeO20 ( BSO * BGO ) Peltier M., Micheron F. JAP 48(77)3683-3690 112
Real-time metrology with BSO crystals Tiziani H.J. OA 29(82)463-470 113
Winkelabhängigkeit der Effektivität der OPC von Wellenfronten bei der Vierwellenmischung in resonanten Medien Apanasewitsch P.A., Afanasev A.A., Samson B.A. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 45(81)1417-1421 115
OPC durch Vierwellenmischung in Medien mit nichtlokaler Nichtlinearität Kuchtarew N.W., Odoulov S. Pis SCH T F 30(79)6-11 116
Degenerate four-wave mixing in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 Kukhtarev N., Odoulov S. OC 32(80)183-186 117
Photorefractive crystals of the Bi12SiO20 type for interferometry, wavefront conjugation and processing of ... Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P. OA 31(84)1335-1343 118
Continuous reconstruction of holographic interferograms through anisotrop diffraction in photorefractive crystals Kamshilin A.A., Petrov M.P. OC 53(85)23-25 119
Degenerate four-wave mixing via shifted phase holograms in cubic photorefractive crystals Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P. OC 53(85)64-68 120
Grating modification in degenerate four wave mixing Mc Call M.W., Petts C.R. OC 53(85)7-12 121
Degenerate two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals with multiple internal reflections Ja Y.H. OC 53(85)153-158 122
Numerical study of energy transfer between a beam and its internal reflection component in a nonlinear medium Ja Y.H. AP B 33(84)51-56 123
Real-time optical image differentiation by degenerate four-wave mixing Ja Y.H. AP B 6(85)21-24 124
Real-time non-destructive testing of phase objects using four-wave mixing with photorefractive BGO crystals Ja Y.H. OLT (85)36-40 125
Real-time intensity inversion using two-wave and four-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12GeO20 ( BGO ) Ochoa E., Hesselink L., Goodman J.W. AO 24(85)1826-1832 126
Exact solution to the degenerate four-wave mixing in reflection geometry in photorefractive media Belic M.R. PR A 31(85)3169-3173 127
Exact solution to the stationary holographic four-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals Belic M.R., Lax M. Phys. Depart., City Univ. of New York, NY 128
Amplified phase-conjugate beam reflection by four-wave mixing with photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals (BSO) Rajbenbach H., Huignard J.P., Refregier Ph. OL 9(84)558-560 129
Wave mixing in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide crystals and its applications ( BSO ) Huignard J.P., Rajbenbach H., Refregier Ph., Solymar L. OE 24(85)586-592 130
Self-induced coherent oscillations with photorefractive Bi12SiO20 amplifier ( BSO ) Rajbenbach H., Huignard J.P. OL 10(85)137-139 131
Picosecond signal processing with planar, nonlinear integrated optics Normandin R., Stegeman G.I. APL 36(80)253-255 132
High-frequency optically heterodyned saturation spectroscopy via resonant degenerate four-wave mixing Raj R.K., Bloch D., Snyder J.J., Camey G., Ducloy M. PRL 44(80)1251-1254 133
Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a doppler-broadened resonant medium Nilsen J., Yariv A. JOSA 71(81)180-183 134
Measurement of the diffusion coefficient and recombination effects in germanium by diffraction from optically-induced picosecond transient gratings Moss S.C., Lindle J.R., Mackey H.J., Smirl A.L. APL 39(81)227-229 135
Degenerate four-wave mixing in the nematic phase of a liquid crystal Khoo I.C. APL 38(81)123-124 136
Polarization-rotation and thermal-motion studies via resonant degenerate four-wave mixing Steel D.G., Lind R.C., Lam J.F., Giuliano C.R. APL 35(79)376-379 137
Degenerate four-wave mixing in a resonant homogeneously broadened system Steel D.G., Lind R.C., Lam J.F. PR A 23(84)2513-2524 138
Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing enhanced by the ac stark effect Harter D.J., Boyd R.W. IEEE JQE 16(80)1126-1131 139
Laser-induced grating phenomena Eichler H.J. OA 24(77)631-642 140
Origin of phase conjugate waves in self-pumped photorefractive mirrors Lam J.F. APL 46(85)909-911 141
Spectral response of nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in photorefractive materials Lam J.F. APL 42(83)155-157 142
Optical phase conjugation with frequency up-conversion via high-order, nondegenerate multiwave mixing Ducloy M. APL 46(85)1020-1022 143
New optical gyroscope based on the ring passive phase conjugator Fischer B., Sternklar S. APL 47(85)1-3 144
Holographic storage in electrooptic crystals. I. steady state Kukhtarev N.V., Markov V.B., Odulov S.G., Soskin M.S., Vinetskii V.L. FE 22(79)949-960 145
Two-beam coupling in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals with moving grating: Theory and experiments (BSO) Refregier P., Solymar L., Rajbenbach H., Huignard J.P. JAP 58(85)45-57 146
Backward echo in two-level systems Fujita M., Nakanishi H., Matsuoka M. PRL 42(79)974-977 147
Two-photon coherent transient measurements of doppler-free linewidths with broaband excitation Liao P.F., Ecronomou N.P., Freeman R.R. PRL 39(77)1473-1475 148
Two-photon coherent-transient measurement of the nonradiative collisionless dephasing rate in SF6 via doppler-free degenerate four-wave mixing Steel D.G., Lam J.F. PRL 43(79)1588-1591 149
Atomic coherence effects in resonant degenerate four-wave mixing Lam J.F., Steel D.G., Mc Farlane R.A., Lind R.C. APL 38(81)977-979 150
Light diffraction and nonlinear image processing in electrooptic Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Petrov M.P., Miridonov S.V., Stepanov S.I., Kulikov V.V. OC 31(79)301-305 151
Experimental studies of phase conjugation with depleted pumps in photorefractive media Kwong S.K., Chung Y.H., Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A. OL 10(85)359-361 152
Phase-conjugate wavefront generation via four wave mixing in Bi12GeO20 crystals, reflection hologram type Ja Y.H. OC 41(82)159-163 153
Effects of birefringence in phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in a ruby crystal Bernardo L.M., Almeida P. OC 48(84)389-392 154
Photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter Shi Y., Psaltis D., Marrakchi A., Tanguay A.R. AO 22(1983) 3665-3667 156
Dynamic interferometric observation of differential movement Sato T., Hatsuzawa T., Ikeda O. AO 22(83)3895-3897 157
Application of phase conjugation in Bi12SiO20 crystals to mode pattern visualisation of diffuse vibrating structures Marrakchi A., Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P. OC 34(80)15-18 158
Image-degradation mechanisms in photorefractive amplifiers Vachss F., Yeh P. JOSA B 6(1989) 1834-1841 159
Holography and four wave mixing under picosecond and nanosecond excitations in BSO crystals Ferrier J.L., Gazengel J. Rivoire G., Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. OPTO 85, 21./23.5.1985, Paris, 135-138 160
Picosecond holography in BSO crystals Ferrier J.L., Gazengel J., Rivoire G., Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. SPIE 492(84)307-310 161
Self-pulsation and optical chaos in self-pumped photorefractive BaTiO3 Günter P., Voit E., Zha M.Z., Albers J. OC 55(85)210-214 162
Degenerate four-wave mixing of light with arbitary polarizations in isotropic medium Shi-jie G. Ch. Phys. 5(85)30-38 163
Conversion of optical path lenght to frequency by an interferometer using photorefrctive oscillation Kwong S.K., Yariv A., Cronin-Golomb M., Ury I. APL 47(85)460-462 164
Efficient unstationary holographic recording in photorefractive crystals under external alternating electric field Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P. OC 53(85)292-295 165
Resonant degenerate four-wave mixing in a ruby crystals Bernardo L.M. Port. Phys. 16(85)73-98 166
Enhanced four-wave mixing by use of frequency-shifted optical waves in photorefractive BaTiO3 Mac Donald K.R., Feinberg J. PRL 55(85)821-824 167
Distributed feedback in a waveguide by four wave mixing Weinert-Raczka E. OC 53(85)349-352 168
Intracavity nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in a (GaAl)As semiconductor laser Nakajima H., Frey R. APL 47(85)769-771 169
Wechselwirkung einer konjugiert modulierten Wellen mit einer ebenen Welle in einem Medium mit nichtlinearer Reaktion Kuznetsov D.Yu. OiS reprint(85)1-13 170
Bias-free time-integrating optical correlator using a photorefractive crystal Psaltis D., Yu J., Hong J. AO 24(85)3860-3865 171
Simple method for measuring electro-optic coefficients by detecting the interference signal between transmitted and reflected beams Takizawa K., Okada M. JOSA 72(82)809-811 172
Determination of relative signs of electro-optic and piezoelectric coefficients by measuring optical phase shifts caused by an applied electric field Takizawa K., Okada M. JOSA B 2(85)289-293 173
Bedingungen für das Erscheinen eines negativen Bildes in einem optischen Signalverstärker Kuznetsova T.I., Kuznetsov D.Yu. KE 11(84)2185-2190 174
OPC mit Methoden der dynamischen Holographie Ivakin E.W., Odulov S.G., Rubanov A.S., Soskin M.S. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 45(81)1404-1416 175
Verstärkung kohärenter Lichtsignale mit dynamischen Hologrammen in Ferroelektrischen Kristallen Winetski W.L., Kuchtarev N.W., Markov W.B., Odulov S.G., Soskin M.S. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 41(77)811-820 176
Selbstfokussion, Registrierung und Rekonstruktion von Lichtwellenfronten - neue Effekte durch induzierte Stahlung Sokolowskaja A.I. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 45(81)969-975 177
Eine verstärkte Reflektion von Wellen durch Phasenkonjugation in Kristallen mit linearem elektrooptischen Effekt Kondilenko W.P., Odulov S.G., Soskin M.S. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 45(81)958-962 178
Mechanismus des photorefractiven Effektes Levanjuk A.P., Osipov W.W. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 41(77)752-770 179
Hochempfindliche Systeme zur OPC optischer Strahlung Bespalov W.I., Pasmanik G.A. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 45(81)963-968 180
Transient energy transfer during hologram formation in photorefractive crystals Heaton J.M., Solymar L. OA 32(85)397-408 181
Anisotropic scattering in photorefractive crystals Temple D.A., Warde C. JOSA B 3(1986) 337-341 182
Large signal effects in an optical BSO amplifier Refregier R., Solymar L., Rajbenbach H., Huignard J.P. EL 20(84)656-657 183
Selective properties of volume phase holograms in photorefractive crystals Pencheva T.G., Petrov M.P., Stepanov S.I. OC 40(82)175-178 184
Polarization properties of photorefractive diffraction in electrooptic and optically active sillenite crystal Marrakchi A., Johnson R.V., Tanguay Jr. A.R. JOSA B 3(86)321-336 185
Dynamic optical cross-correlator using a liquid crystal light valve and a bismuth silicon oxide crystal in the Fourier plane Loiseaux B., Illiaquer G., Huignard J.P. OE 24(85)144-149 186
Real-time double-exposure holographic interferometry in four-wave mixing with photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystal Ja Y.H. AO 21(82)3230-3231 187
Optical beam equalisation using degenerate two-wave mixing Ja Y.H. EL 20(84)1032-1034 188
Theorie der Leitfähigkeit beim Einschreiben holographischer Gitter in nichtmetallische Kristalle Winezkij W.L., Kuchtarew N.W. SPSS 16(74)3714-3716 189
Anisotropie der Elektroleitfähigkeit von Halbleitern, bedingt durch die periodische Störstellenverteilung Winezkij W.L., Kuchtarew N.W., Semenok A.K. Phys. Tech. HL 6(72)1007-1014 190
Beam coupling and decoupling in degenerate two-wave mixing in a reflection geometry with photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystals Ja Y.H. OQE 16(84)399-404 191
Vector effects in holographic optical elements Syms R.R.A. OA 32(85)1413-1425 192
Photorefractive effect in dielectric crystals and application to real-time holography and phase conjugation Guenter P. CLD AM 12(85)459-471 193
Polarization properties in two wave mixing with moving grating in photorefractive BSO crystals. application to dynamic interferometry Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P., Apostolidis A.G., Mallick S. OC 56(85)141-144 194
Frequency shifters for photorefractive crystals Huignard J.P., Herriau J.P. AO 24(85)4285-4286 195
Polarization properties of phase gratings recording in a Bi12SiO20 crystal ( BSO ) Apostolidis A.G., Mallick S., Rouede D., Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. OC 56(85)73-78 196
Phase-locking laser with phase conjugation Feinberg J., Bacher G.D. APL 48(86)570-572 197
Altering the photorefractive properties of BaTiO3 by reduction and oxidation at 650°C Ducharme S., Feinberg J. JOSA B 3(86)283-292 198
Dynamic beam deflection using photorefractive gratings in Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Pauliat G., Herriau J.P., Delboulbe A., Roosen G., Huignard J.P. JOSA B 3(86)306-314 199
Transient index grating formation in photorefractive crystals: an analytical tratment Goltz J., Laeri F., Tschudi T. Optik 71(85)163-166 200
Phase conjugation in fluorescein film by degenerate four-wave mixing and holographic process Fujiwara H., Nakagawa K. OC 55(85)386-390 201
Light diffraction from the volume hlolgrams in electrooptic birefringent crytals Petrov M.P., Stepanov S.I., Kamshilin A.A. OC 29(79)44-48 202
Analysis and applications of optical diffraction by gratings Gaylord T., Moharam G. IEEE 73(1985) 895-937 203
Influence of the optical activity on hologram formation in photorefractive crystals Kukhtarev N.V., Dovgalenko G.E., Starkov V.N. AP A 33(1984) 227-230 204
Some polarization properties of volume holograms in Bi12SiO20 crystals and applications ( BSO ) Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P., Aubourg P. AO 17(78)1851-1852 205
OPC von Lichtstrahlen in anisotropen Medien Kuchtarew N.W. KE 8(81)1451-1460 206
Beugung ebener TM-Wellen an dreidimensionalen Phasengittern Skotschilow A.F. OiS 60(86)132-136 207
Beugung von Licht aus Phasenholographie in photorefraktiven ferroelektrischen Kristallen Serdyuk V.M., Khapalyuk A.P. KE 13(86)147-158 208
Selective erasing on a hologram in a BSO photorefractive crystal Bernardo L.M., Soares O.D.D. AO 25(86)592-593 209
Reflection of a linearly polarized plane wave from a lossless stratified mirror in the presence of a phase-conjugate mirror Friberg A.T., Drummond P.D. JOSA 73(83)1216-1219 210
Phase-conjugate of a fourier hologram using four-wave mixing in BSO crystal Wang T.J. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 519(85)132 211
Phase conjugation with two objects beams in photoreractive Bi12GeO20 crystals Ja Y.H. OC 57 (1986) 137-142 212
Fields generated by a fabry-perot interferometer with a phase-conjugate mirror Nieto-Vesperinas M. JOSA A 2(85)427-436 213
Theory of resonant degenerate four-wave mixing with broad-bandwidth laser Alber G., Cooper J., Ewart P. PR A 31(85)2344-2352 214
Self-scanning of a continuous-wave dye laser having a phase-conjugating resonator cavity Feinberg J., Bacher G.D. OL 9(84)420-422 215
Regenerative amplifiers with one phase-conjugate mirror Nieto-Vesperinas M. OL 9(84)555-557 216
Phase conjugation of a plane electromagnetic wave at an interface Nieto-Vesperinas M. OA 32(85)881-890 217
Phase conjugation and symmetries with wave fields in free space containing evanescent components Nieto-Vesperinas M., Wolf E. JOSA A 2(85)1429-1434 218
Phase conjugacy and symmetries in spatially bandlimited wavefields containing no evanescent components Wolf E. JOSA 70(80)1311-1319 219
Radiative relaxation-induced extra resonances in multiwave mixing Grynberg G., Pinard M. EUL 1(86)129-134 220
Inelastic and adiabatic contributions to polarizability Grynberg G., Pinard M. PR A 32(85)3772-3774 221
Observation of self-oscillation in ring cavities with sodium vapor phase conjugate mirrors Le Bihan E., Verkerk P., Pinard M., Grynberg G. OC 56(85)202-206 222
Doppler-free spectroscopy of neon atoms dressed by optical photons in nearly-degenerate four-wave mixing Verkerk P., Pinard M., Grynberg G. OC 55(85)215-218 223
Observation and analysis of the fast photorefractive process in BSO Lesaux G., Roosen G., Brun A. OC 56(86)374-378 224
Transient photocurrent induced by nanosecond light pulses in BSO and BGO Lesaux G., Launay J.C., Brun A. OC 57(86)166-170 225
Photorefractive materials and their applications in optical image processing Foote P.D., Hall T.J., Aldridge N.B., Levenston A.G. IEE P 133(86)83-90 226
High speed two input real-time optical correlation using photorefractive BSO Foote P.D., Hall T.J., Connors L.M. Optis and Laser Techn., february 1986, 39 227
Stationäre Charakteristiken eines Lasers der Transmissionsgitter in Kristallen mit einer Diffussionsnichtlinearität Odulov S.G., Suchuverchova L.G. KE 11(84)575-581 228
Selbsterzeugung von Laserbetrieb in LiNbO3 unter Aufnahme von dynamischen Phasengittern durch zirkulare photogalvanische Ströme Odulov S.G. KE 11(84)529-536 229
Ein Laser der dynamische Gitter von freien Ladungsgittern in einem Halbleiter ausnutzt Odulov S.G., Slyusarenko S.S., Soskin M.S. KE 11(84)869-871 230
Coherent oscillation due to degenerate four-wave mixing in LiNbO3 Odoulov S., Soskin M. FE 63(85)315-316 231
Influence of optical activity on two beam coupling constants in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 Foote P.D., Hall T.J. OC 57(1986) 201-206 232
Applications of real-time holography Feinberg J. SPIE 532(85)119-135 233
Propagation of light in an optically active electro-optic crystal of Bi12SiO20: Measurement of the electro-optic coefficient Henry M., Mallick S., Rouede D., Celaya L.E., Weidner A.C. JAP 59(86)2650-2654 234
Über anisotrope holographische Beugungsgitter Ebralidsa T.D. OiS 60(86)1269-1272 236
Phase of phase conjugation and its effect in the double phase-conjugate resonator Kwong S.K., Yariv A., Cronin-Golomb M., Fischer B. JOSA A 3(86)157-160 238
On the multiple-root problem when solving directly the nonlinear coupled-wave equations for two-wave mixing in a reflection geometry Ja Y.H. AP B 35(1984) 141-144 239
Oscillation with photorefractive gain Kwong S.K., Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A. IEEE JQE 22(86)1508-1523 240
Image amplification by two- and four-wave mixing in BaTiO3 photorefractive crystals Tschudi T., Herden A., Goltz J., Klumb H., Laeri F., Albers J. IEEE JQE 22(86)1493-1502 241
Kinetics for optical erasure of sinusoidal holographic gratings in photorefractive materials Carrascosa M., Agulló-Lopez F. IEEE JQE 22(86)1369-1375 242
Some possibilities for improving the holographic recording characteristic in Bi12SiO20 monocrystals (BSO) Miteva M.G. IEEE JQE 22(86)1365-1368 243
Light-induced scattering in photorefractive crystals Marotz J., Ringhofer K.H., Rupp A., Treichel S. IEEE JQE 22(86)1376-1383 244
Basic considerations of four-wave mixing and dynamic gratings Shen Y.R. IEEE JQE 22(86)1196-1203 245
Introduction to the special issue on dynamic gratings and four-wave mixing Eichler H.J. IEEE JQE 22(86)1194-1195 246
Inverse scattering and the three-wave interaction in nonlinear optics: a review Enns R.H., Rangnekar S.S. IEEE JQE 22(86)1204-1214 247
Diagrammatic density matrix theory of transient four-wave mixing and the measurement of transient phenomena Fujimoto J.G., Yee T.K.S. IEEE JQE 22(86)1215-1228 248
The diffraction of light by transient gratings in crystalline, ion-implanted, and amorphous silicon Vaitkus J., Jarasiunas K., Gaubas E., Jonikas L., Pranaitis R., Subacius L IEEE JQE 22(86)1298-1305 249
Degenerate four-wave mixing with guided waves Stegeman G.I., Seaton C.T., Karaguleff C. IEEE JQE 22(86)1344-1348 250
Coherent coupling of diode laser by phase conjugation Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A., Ury I. APL 48(86)1240-1242 251
Real time image subtraction and "exclusive or" operation using a self-pumped phase conjugate mirror Kwong S.K., Rakuljic G.A., Yariv A. APL 48(86)201-203 252
Optical generator of spheroidal wave functions, using a BSO crystal Pellat-Finet P., de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye OC 55(85)305-310 253
Effect of using a Bi12SiO20 light amplifier on the formation and competition of modes in optical resonators de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye J.J., Pellat-Finet P., Huignard J.P. JOSA B 3(86)315-320 254
One-way, real time wave front converters Kwong S.K., Yariv A. APL 48(86)564-566 255
Polychromatic phase conjugation: a study of the nonlinear problem Manneberg G. JOSA B 3(86)853-856 256
Polychromatic phase conjugation with noncollinearly phase-matched difference-frequency generation Manneberg G. JOSA B 3(86)849-851 257
Image formation in polychromatic phase conjugation Manneberg G. JOSA A 3(86)2033-2037 258
Multistability in reflection grating real-time holography Bledowski A., Krolikowski W., Kujawski A. IEEE JQE 22(86)1547-1550 259
Characteristics of solitary waves in four-wave interactions Zhao Y. JOSA B 3(86)1116-1119 260
Optical limiters using photorefractive nonlinearities Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A. JAP 57(85)4906-4910 261
Demonstration of an all-optical associative holographic memory Yariv A., Kwong S.K., Kyuma K. APL 48(86)1114-1116 262
Reflection of the CO2 laser radiation under degenerate four-wave mixing in liquids Betin A.A., Zhukov E.A., Mitropolskii O.V. KE 12(1985) 1890-1894 263
Degenerate four-wave mixing in planar CS2 covered waveguides Karaguleff C., Stegman G.I., Fortenberry R., Zanoni R., Seaton C.T. APL 46(85)621-623 264
Degenerate four-wave mixing in sodium vapor in the rabi regime Kleinmann B., Trehin F., Pinard M., Grynberg G. JOSA B 2(85)704-713 265
Laser-beam cleanup using photorefractive two-wave mixing and optical phase conjugation Chiou A.E., Yeh P. OL 11(86)461-463 266
A spatial light modulator using BSO crystals Höller F., Tiziani H.J. OC 58(86)20-24 267
Nonlinear vectorial two-beam coupling and forward four-wave mixing in phototrefractive materials Fischer B., White J.O., Cronin-Golomb M., Yariv A. OL 11(1986) 239-241 268
Optical beam propagation method for birefringent phase grating diffraction Johnson R.V., Tanguay Jr. A.R. OE 25(86)235-249 269
Quantum theory of electrooptic effect in BaTiO3 Kinase W., Yoshikawa M., Ohnishi N. FE 67(86)159-168 270
Theory of double refraction and Kerr effect in BaTiO3 Kinase W., Ohnishi N., Yoshikawa M., Mori K. FE 56(84)165-178 271
Simultaneous electron/hole transport in photorefractive materials Valley G.C. JAP 59(86)3363-3366 272
Photorefractive effect in BaTiO3: microscopic origins Klein M.B., Schwartz R.N. JOSA B 3(86)293-305 273
Asymetric transmission through a photorefractive crystal of barium titanate ( BaTiO3 ) Mac Donald K.R., Feinberg J., Ming Z.Z., Günter P. OC 50(84)146-150 274
Picosecond holography and four-wave mixing in BSO Ferrier J.L., Gazengel J., Nguyen Phu X., Rivoire G. OC 58(86)343-348 275
Higher-order analysis of the photorefractive effect for large modulation depths Ochoa E., Vachss F., Hesselink L. JOSA A 3(86)181-187 276
Laser mirror by degenerate four-wave mixing in a saturable amplifier Ouhayoun M., Guern Y. IEEE JQE 22(86)2150-2153 277
Selfdiffraction and phase conjugation of laser beams in electrooptic crystals Kukhtarev N., Pavlik B., Semenets T. Phys. stat. sol. (a) 94(86)623-633 278
Spatial filtering and frequency colour coding with photorefractive crystals Bernardo L.M., Salgado H.M., Soares O.D.D. OA 33(86)889-894 279
Transient analysis of optical phase conjugation in absorbing media Lavoine J.P., Villaeys A.A. OC 59(86)160-166 280
Real-time contour holography using BSO crystals Kuchel F.M., Tiziani H.J. OC 38(81)17-20 281
Photoelectret state and peculiarities of holographic recording in Bi12SiO20 monocrystals ( BSO ) Miteva M.G. OC 50(84)79-84 282
High-accuracy surface profile measuring system using a BSO phase conjugating mirror Ikeda O., Suzuki T., Sato T. AO 21(82)4468-4472 283
Starke optische Nichtlinearitäten in photorefraktiven Kristallen Odulov S.G. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 50(86)670-676 284
Real time edge enhancement by active spatial filtering via five wave mixing in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Eason R.W. OC 59(86)167-172 285
Vector-field quantum model of degenerate four-wave mixing Ho S.T., Kumar P., Shapiro J.H. PR A 34(86)293-303 286
Polarization characteristics of phase conjugation at four-wave mixing in uniaxial crystals Juguryan L.A. OA 33(86)811-815 287
Polarization recovery in phase conjugation by modal dispersal Kyuma K., Yariv A., Kwong S.K. APL 49(86)617-619 288
Calculation of diffraction efficiency of volume hologram gratings without using the coupled wave theory Goltz J., Tschudi T. Optik 74(86)38-40 289
Determinations of the photorefractive parameters of Bi12GeO20 crystals using transient grating analysis Pauliat G., Cohen-Jonathan J.M., Allain M., Launay J.C., Roosen G. OC 59(86)266-271 290
Bistable oscillations with a self-pumped phase-mirror Kwong S.K., Yariv A. OL 11(86)377-379 291
Optical phase conjugation in a soluble polymer Dennis W.M., Blau W., Bradley D.J. OE 25(86)538-540 293
Transverse Mode Instability and Chaos in an Optical Cavity with Phase-Conjugate Mirror Bochove E.J. OL 11(86)reprint 294
Theory of a variable aperture phase conjugate mirror with application to an optical cavity Bochove E. JAP 59(86)3360-3362 295
Hologram fixing process at room temperature in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. APL 49(86)1140-1142 296
Highly efficient diffraction in photorefractive BSO-BGO crystals at large applied fields Herriau J.P., Rojas D., Huignard J.P., Bassat J.M., Launay J.C. FE 75(87)271-279 297
Degenerate four-wave mixing in a mercury-argon discharge Richardson W., Maleki L., Garmire E. OL 11(86)572-574 298
Parallel image subtraction using a phase-conjugate Michaelson interferometer Chiou A.E., Yeh P. OL 11(86)306-308 299
Photoinduced voltages and frequency shifts in a self-pumped phase-conjugating BaTiO3 crystal Gower M.C. OL 11(1986) 458-460 300
Direct squeezing in anisotropic forward four-wave mixing Janszky J., Yushin Y.Y. OC 60(86)92-94 301
Hybrid phase conjugator/modulators using self-pumped 0°-cut and 45°-cut BaTiO3 crystals Pepper D.M. APL 49(86)1001-1003 302
Die polarisationsrichtige Phasenkonjugation von Lichtbündeln in Photorefraktiven Kristallen Serdyuk V.M. KE 13(86)852-855 303
SU(2) and SU(1,1) interferometers Yurke B., Mc Call S.L., Klauder J.R. PR A 33(86)4033-4054 306
Investigation of the dynamic recording process of thick refractive index gratings in photorefractive crystals by the microphotometric method Rupp R.A. AP B 42(87)21-29 308
Topological nature of four-wave-mixing polarization bistability Yumoto J., Otsuka K. Phys.Rev. A 34(86)4445-4448 309
Forward phase-conjugate wave in four-wave mixing in photorefractive media Bledowski A., Krolikowski W., Kujawski A. OC 61(87)71-74 310
Bistability and noncommutative behavior of multiple-beam self-pulsing and self-pumping in BaTiO3 Eason R.W., Smout A.M.C. OL 11(1987) 51-53 311
Nonlinear-optical interactions in fluorescein-doped acid glass Kramer M.A., Tompkin W.R., Boyd R.W. PR A 34(86)2026-2031 312
Nonlinear optical interferometer Hopf F.A., Cervantes M. AO 21(82)668-677 313
Symmetry-breaking and intrinsic polarization instability in degenerate four-wave mixing Wabnitz S., Gregori G. OC 59(86)72-76 314
Polarization characteristics of volume holograms in Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) Miteva M., Nikolova L. OC 42(82)307-309 315
Laser interferometer with a multicentimeter sensitivity Suni P., Falk J. OL 11(86)761-763 316
Multi-grating phase conjugation in photorefractive media Krolikowski W. OC 60(86)319-322 317
Finite element method to solve the nonlinear coupled-wave equations for degenerate two-wave and four-wave mixing Ja Y.H. AO 25(86)4306-4310 318
Intensity dependence of stationary energy transfer in degenerate two-wave mixing in a reflection geometry with photorefractive crystals Ja Y.H. OQE 17(1985) 291-295 319
Using the seventh-order numerical method to solve first-order nonlinear coupled-wave equations for degenerate two-wave and four-wave mixing Ja Y.H. AP B 35(84)217-225 320
Picosecond photorefractive beam coupling in GaAs Valley G.C., Smirl A.L., Klein M.B., Bohnert K., Boggess T.F. OL 11(86)647-649 321
Analysis of mutually incoherent beam coupling in BaTiO3 Smout A.M.C., Eason R.W. OL (in press) 322
Analysis of anisotrop dielectric gratings Rokushima K., Yamakita J. JOSA 73(83)901-908 323
Polarisationscharacteristik der Selbstbeugung in photorefraktiven Kristallen Kukhtarev N.W., Murav'ev V.V., Semenetz T.I. IF AN USSR (Kiew) 86/19 324
Phase-conjugate fiber-optic gyre Yeh P., Mc Michael I., Khoshnevian M. AO 25(86)1029-1030 325
Theory of multimode operation of a unidirectional ring oscillator having photorefractive gain: weak-field Anderson D.Z., Saxena R. JOSA B 4(87)164-176 326
Energieaustausch zweier Lichtwellen in optisch aktiven photorefraktiven Kristallen Dowgalenko G.E., Kukhtarev N.V., Maevskij S.M., Murav'ev V.V. Phys. stat. sol. (b) 113(82)157-164 327
Pump-depletion effects in noncollinear degenerate four-wave mixing in Kerr media Lytel R. JOSA B 3(86)1580-1584 328
Diffraction efficiency of the gratings photoinduced in KCl:LiF center crystals May M., Hong J.P., Debrus S., Rzepka E. JAP 61(87)852-858 329
Analysis of diffraction in periodic liquid crystals: the optics of the chiral smectic C phase Rokushima K., Yamakita J. JOSA A 4(87)27-33 330
Competition between forward- and backward-stimulated photorefractive scattering in BaTiO3 Valley G.C. JOSA B 4(87)14-19 331
Time-resolved photorefractive four-wave mixing in semiconductor materials Strait J., Glass A.M. JOSA B 3(86)342-344 332
Holograms in dichrmated gelatin: real-time effects Newell J.C., Solymar L., Ward A.A. AO 24(85)4460-4466 333
Stimulated thermal scattering of light *****(nur 2.Theorie)***** Batra J.P., Enns R.H., Pohl D. Phys. stat. sol. (b) 334
Methoden und Schemata der Phasenkonjugation für Strahlung im mittleren IR-Bereich Betin A.A., Scherstobitov V.E. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)299-306 335
Phasenkonjugation bei der vektoriellen Selbstbeugung an Polarisationshologrammen Borsch A.A., Kukhtarev N.V., Semioschko V.I. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)307-310 336
Entartete Vierwellenmischung (DFWM) in einem Medium mit lichtinduzierter thermischer Ausfällung bei chemischen Reaktion Galuschkin M.G., Semskov E.M., Kluschin V.N., Onoschko P.N., Rubanov A.S., I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)311-317 337
Entartete Vierwellenmischung (DFWM) in einem Medium Mit thermisch-chemischer Nichtlinearität Galuschkin M.G., Sviridov K.A., Seregin A.M., Cheburkin N.V. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)318-322 338
Über leistungsfähige Lasersysteme mit Phasenkonjugation Basov N.G., Efimkov V.F., Subarev I.G., Sobolev V.B. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)323-329 339
Einige Probleme der Anwendung der Phasenkonjugation in Lasersystemen Lyubimov V.V., Mak A.A., Jaschin V.E. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)330-339 340
Die numerische Modulierung der Phasenkonjugation mit der Vierwellenmischung Suchorukov A.P., Trofimov V.A. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)340-346 341
Effektivität und Quantität der Phasenkonjugation bei der coplanaren Vierwellenmischung Arutjunov Yu.A., Scherdinenko V.V., Chischnjak A.N. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)347-357 342
Über die räumliche Struktur der Stookes-Felder die durch SBS in Lichtleitern reflektiert wurden Anikeev I.Yu., Glaskov D.A., Gordeev A.A., Subarev I.G., Mironov A.B., Mic I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)289-298 343
Medien für die Phasenkonjugation der CO2-Laser-Strahlung Basov I.G., Kovalev V.I., Fajsullov F.S. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)280-288 344
Phasenkonjugation bei der parametrischen Mehrwellenmischung in resonanten Medien Apanasewitsch P.A., Afanasev A.A., Samson B.A. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)270-279 345
Forced Rayleigh scattering: thermal and acoustic effects in phase-conjugate wave-front generation Desai R.C., Levenson M.D., Barker J.A. PR A 27(83)1968-1976 347
Nature of the interference pattern produced on reflection at a phase-conjugate mirror Boyd R., Habashy T.M., Jacobs A.A., Mandel L., Nieto-Vesperinas M., Tompki OL 12(87)42-44 349
Degenerate-four-wave mixing as a sturm-lioville problem Belic M.R. OL 12(87)105-107 350
Transient phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in saturable dyes Fujiwara H., Nakagawa K. JOSA B 4(87)121-128 351
The temperature dependence of the polarizing effect Zelenka J. JJ AP 24(85)710-711 352
Preparation, measurement and information capacity of optical quantum states Yamamoto Y., Haus H.A. RMP 58(86)1001-1019 353
An optical technique of pseudo coloring a black and white image Grousson R., Henry M., Lü Y., Mallick S. JO(P) 13(82)189-192 354
Mode selection in a continous-wave dye laser with an intracavity photorefractive element Whitten W.B., Ramsey J.M. OL 12(87)117-119 355
Light difraction from volume phase holograms in electrooptic photorefractive crystals Petrov M.P., Pencheva T.G., Stepanov S.I. JO(P) 12(81)287-292 356
Gleichungen gekoppelter Wellen in einem Medium mit Farraday-Effekt Schepelewitsch V.V. OiS 59(85)603-607 357
Die Anwendung der Methode der holographischen Korrektur von Wellenfronten in der Interferometrie bei der Fo.... Zenzinov A.B., Schetnikov A.A. OiS 56(84)712-714 358
Ein Interferometer mit Phasengitter Erschov I.V. OiS 61(86)1351-1353 359
Imaging threshold detectorusing a phase-conjugate resonator in BaTiO3 Klein M.B., Dunning G.J., Valley G.C., Lind R.C., O'Meara T.R. OL 11(86)575-577 360
Long-term image storage and phase conjugation by a backward-stimmulated echo in Pr3+:LaF3 Kim M.K., Kachru R. JOSA B 4(87)305-308 361
Bistabible behavior of pump, probe, and conjugate signals through collinear intracavity nearly degenerate four-wave mixing Kothari N.C., Frey R. PR A 34(86)2013-2025 363
Theory of phase conjugation by stimulated Brillouin scattering Suni P., Falk J. JOSA B 3(86)1681-1691 364
New exact solutions and bifurcations in the spatial distribution of polarization in third-order nonlinear ootical interactions Gregori G., Wabnitz S. PRL 56(86)600-603 365
Stability analysis of nonlinear coherent coupling Daino B., Gregori G., Wabnitz S. JAP 58(85)4512-4514 366
White-light image processing with LiNbO3 Grousson R., Mallick S. AO 19(80)1762-1767 367
Image contrast reversal with a photorefractive recording medium Grousson R., Mallick S. AO 20(81)1719-1723 368
Erasure kinetics and spectral dependence of the photorefractive effect in Fe:LiNbO3 Baquedano J., Carrascosa M., Arizmendi L., Cabrera J.M. JOSA B 4(87)309-312 369
Dynamics of fabry-perot resonators with a phase-conjugate mirror Friberg A.T., Kauranen M., Salomaa R. JOSA B 3(86)1656-1672 370
Phase conjugation with gain at CO2 laser line =10.6µm from thermally induced gratings in nematic liquid crystals Richard L., Maurin J., Huignard J.P. OC 57(86)365-370 371
Spatial frequency dependence of the energy transfer in two-wave mixing experiments with BSO crystals Rajbenbach H., Huignard J.P., Loiseaux B. OC 48(83)247-251 372
Two-wave mixing and energy transfer in BaTiO3 application to laser beamsteering Rak D., Ledoux I., Huignard J.P. OC 49(84)302-306 373
Wave mixing with moving graings in photorefractive Bi12SiO2: application to phase conjugation with gain and self oscillations Huignard J.P., Rajbenbach H., Refregier P. SPIE 613(86)22-31 374
Microphotometric investigation of thick refractive index gratings in LiNbO3:Fe crystals with incoherent illumination Rupp R.A. OC 61(87)171-174 375
Degenerate four-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystals involving internal reflections ( BGO ) Ja Y.H. AP B 41(86)265-269 376
Observations of interference between a signal and its conjugate in a four-wave mixing experiments using Bi12...... Ja Y.H. OQE 14(82)367-369 377
Continous-wave phase-conjugate self-oscillation induced by Na-vapour degenerate four-wave mixing with gain Leite J.R.R., Simoneau P., Bloch D., Le Boiteux S., Ducloy M. EUL 2(86)747-753 378
Simplified band transport model of the photorefractive effect Jaura R., Hall T.J., Foote P.D. OE 25(86)1068-1074 379
Dancing modes and frequency shifts in a phase conjugator Jiang J.P., Feinberg J. OL 12(87)266-268 380
Photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter: physical and materials considerations Marrakchi A., Tanguay A.R. SPIE 465 (19984) 82-96 381
Hydrogen as origin of thermal fixing in LiNbO3:Fe Vormann H., Weber C., Kapphan S., Krätzig E. SSC 40(81)543-545 382
Thermal fixing of volume phase holograms in LiNbO3:Cu Sommerfeldt R., Rupp R.A., Vormann H., Krätzig E. Phys. stat. sol. (a) 99(87)Kl5-8 383
X-ray analytical studies of the bismuth germanate crystals ( BGO ) Warminski T., Ito Y. J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 48(87)181-183 384
Synthesis and analysis of short pulses with polychromatic phase conjugation Manneberg G. JOSA B (87)313-318 385
Optical phase-conjugate correction for propagating distorting in nonreciprocal media Kwong S.K., Yahalom R., Kyuma K., Yariv A. OL 12(87)337-339 386
Measurement of the electrogyratory and electro-optic effects in BSO and BGO Vachss F., Hesselink L. OC 62(87)159-165 387
Factors affecting the beam quality in nearly degenerate four-wave mixing Scott A.M. OC 61(87)164-170 388
Observating of deterministic chaos in a phase-conjugate mirror Gauthier D.J., Narum P., Boyed R.W. PR A 58(87)1640-1643 389
Non-frequency-shifted, high-fidelity phase conjugation with aberrated waves by Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing Skeldon M.D., Narum P., Boyd R.W. Ol 12(1987) 343-345 390
Optical limitation led by light climbing effect and photoinduced four-wave mixing light scattering in LiNbO3: Fe crystal Guangyin Z., Simin L., Yuanqin W. Depart. of Phys., Nankai Univ., Tianjin, 391
Degenerate stimulated paramic scattering in LiNbO3:Fe Zhang G., Li Q.X., Ho P.P., Alfano R.R., Liu S., Wu Z. JOSA B 4(87)882-885 392
The anisotropy of refraction nonlinearity and vector self-diffraction in the wide-gap semiconductors of CdS type Borshch A.A., Brodin M.S., Semioshko V.N. Phys. stat. sol. (a) 91(85)135-141 393
Die transversale optische Bistabilität bei der Defokussierung sich gegeneinander ausbreitender Lichtbündel Borsch A.A., Brodin M.S., Semioschko V.I. Pis SCH T F 12(86)345-350 394
Electroabsorption spectra of the vanadyl phihalocyanine films Huang T.H. J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 56(87)1213-1222 395
Thermal and collective diffusion in polymer solutions: a small angel light scattering study Jamie I.M., James D.W., Geissler E. OC 56(85)255-259 396
Laser-induced optical effects in a liquid suspension Guha S., Chen W.P. OC 61(87)425-431 397
Probe-beam intensity-dependent reflectivity in degenerate four-wave mixing in a saturable absorber Kwon J.H., Lee S.S. OL 8(83)428-430 398
Acousting wave excitation by degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) of picosecond pulses in a dye solution Bondarenko S.V., Ivakin E.V., Rubanov A.S., Kabelka V.I., Mikhailov A.V. OC 61(87)155-157 399
Nonlinear effects in light scattering of thermal lensing systems Eden G., Schröder W., Staude W. OC 63(87)135-141 400
Theory of phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing spatially varying pump beams Bochove E. JOSA 73(83)1330-1342 401
Phase-conjugate reflection at arbitrary angles using tem00 pump beams Trebino R., Siegman A.E. OC 32(1980) 402
Anharmonic forced Rayleigh scattering: a technique for study of saturated absorption in liquids Mc Graw D.J., Michaelson J., Harris J.M. J. Chem. Phys. 86(87)2536-2547 403
Efficient phase conjugation by Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing Sgott A.M. OC 45(83)127-132 404
Interference detection of ultrasound at rough surfaces using optical phase conjugation Paul M., Bletz B., Arnold W. APL 50(87)1569-1571 405
Laser-Interferometrie mit PC-Spiegeln Pasmanik G.A. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 51(87)1652-1658 406
Active stabilization for real-time holographic recording Frejlich J., Cescato L., Mendes G.F. SPIE 700(86)193-200 407
Electro-optical effects in dielectric crystals Günter P. FE 75(87)5-23 408
Anisotropic self-diffraction in KNbO3 Külich H.C., Rupp R.A., Hesse H., Krätzig E. OQE 19(87)93-107 409
Correction of polarization distortion using phase conjugation via stimulated Brillouin scattering Carr I.D., Hanna D.C. OC 62(87)396-402 410
Optical evidence of a photorefractive effect due to holes in Bi12GeO20 crystals ( BGO ) Pauliat G., Allain M., Launay J.C., Roosen G. OC 61(87)321-324 411
Theoretical and experimental study of diffraction in optically active and linearly birefringent sillenite crystals Pauliat G., Roosen G. FE 75(87)281-294 412
Picosecond photorefractive effect in BaTiO3 Smirl A.L., Valley G.C., Mullen R.A., Bohnert K., Mire C.D., Boggess T.F. OL 12(87)501-503 413
Beam-coupling, four-wave miging and optical oscillation due to spatially-oscillating photovoltaic currents in Lithium niobate crystals Novikov A., Odoulov S., Oleinik O., Sturman B. FE 75(87)295-316 414
Anisotropic four-wave mixing in cubic photorefractive crystals Bledowski A., Krolikowski W. Acceted for publication in IEEE JQE 416
Spatially multiplexed phase conjugate imaging and processing in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Eason R.W. OC 62(87)311-316 417
Photorefractive properties of strontium-barium niobate ( SBN ) Ewbank M.D., Neurgaonkar R.R., Cory W.K., Feinberg J. JAP 62(87)374-380 418
Holographic interferometry using iron-doped lithium niobate ( LiNbO3 ) Magnusson R., Mitchell III J.H., Black T.D., Wilson D.R. APL 51(87)81-83 419
Bi12SiO20 crystal application for voltage sensor in optical fibers ( BSO ) Norimatsu M., Shirasaki M. FE 75(87)189-196 420
Ein Effekt der Winkelselektivität auf die Darstellung der Eigenschaften eines Vierwellen-PC Ben V.N., Bondarenko S.V., Ivakin E.V., Rubanov A.S. KE 14(87)389-392 421
Kontrastumkehr bei der Phasenkonjugation Ben V.N., Ivakin E.V., Rubanov A.S. IF AN BSSR (Minsk) 86/422 422
Die Reflektionsfähigkeit dynamischer phasenkonjugierender Hologramme in Farbstoffen moduliert durch Drei- und Vier-Niveauschemata Tolstik A.L. Autoreferat Diss. Minsk 1987 424
Anisotropic properties of volume holograms in Bi12SiO20 monocrystals (BSO) Miteva M.G., Miridonov S.V. OQE 19(87)37-43 425
Picosecond phase conjugation in polydicacetytene gels Nunzi J.M., Grec D. JAP 62(87)2198-2201 426
Interference pattern produced on reflection at a phase-conjugate mirror. I: Theory Wolf E., Mandel L., Boyd R.W., Habashy T.M., Nieto-Vesperinas JOSA B 4(87)1260-1265 427
Interference pattern produced on reflection at a phase-conjugate mirror. II: Experiment Jacobs A.A., Tompkin W.R., Boyd R.W., Wolf E. JOSA B 4(87)1266-1268 428
Nature of the interference pattern produced on reflection at a phase-conjugate mirror Boyd R.W., Habashy T.M., Jacobs A.A., Mandel L., Nieto-Vesperinas M., Tomp OL 12(87)42-44 429
Pump-probe cross-correlation-induced resonances in four-wave mixing Agarwal G.S., Kunasz C.V., Cooper J. PR A 36(87)143-146 430
Theory of distorting correction by phase conjugation for strongly scattering media Taket N.D., Fiddy M.A. JOSA A 4(87)1869-1872 431
Determination of single and colective particle correlation kinetics using time resolved picosecond phase cojugation Buchert J.M., Dorsinville R., Delfyett P., Alfano R.R. Proc. inter. conf. on lasers, 2.-6.12.85, 432
High reflectivity phase conjugation at 10 µm Gorton E.K. Proc. intern. conf. on lasers, 2.-6.12.85 433
Amplitude squeezing in a semiconductor laser using quantum nondemolition measurement and negative feedback Yamamoto Y., Imoto N., Machida S. PR A 33(86)3243-3261 434
Amplitude squeezing in a pump-noise-suppressed laser oscillator Yamamoto Y., Machida S. PR A 34(86)4025-4042 435
Fidelity of passive conjugators Ewbank M.D., Yeh P. SPIE 613(86)11-17 436
Photorefractive crystals as optical devices, elements, and processors White J.O., Yariv A. SPIE 464(84)7 437
Photorefraction and self-enhancement of holograms in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 crystals Shvarts K., Ozols A., Augustov P., Reinfelde M. FE 75(87)231-249 438
Ein optischer Generator mit bezüglich der Frequenz entartetem Pumpen in SBN:Ce - Kristallen Krumins A.E., Kuzminov Y.S., Odulov S.G., Polozkov N.M., Seglins Y.A. KE 13(86)1037-1039 439
Observation of the emission of light during freqency-degenerate pumping in a cerium-doped barium-strontium niobate crystal Krumin A.E., Seglin'sh Y.A., Odulov S.G., Kuz'minov Y.S., Polozkov N.M. STPL 12(86)2-3 440
Enhanced beam coupling modulation using the polarization properties of photorefractive GaAs Partovi A., Garmire E.M., Cheng L.J. APL 51(87)299-301 442
Spatial light modulation by beam coupling in GaAs crystals Cheng L.J., Gheen G., Chao T.H., Liu H.K., Partovi A., Katz J., Garmire E. OL 12(87)705-707 443
Influence of iron on electrooptic effect and photorefractive properties of BaTiO3. holographic applications Ormancey G., Jullien P., Benomar O., Semanou Y., Godefroy G. Phase Trans. 9(87)135-138 444
Ein Ringgenerator auf der Grundlage des photorefraktiven Kristalls BTO Sochava S.L., Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P. Pis Sch T F 13(87)660-665 445
Four-wave interaction phenomena in holographic scattering Rupp R.A., Marotz J., Ringhofer K.H., Treichel S. Feng S., Krätzig E. SPIE 812(87)24 446
Light-induced scattering in electrooptic crystals Rupp R.A., Ringhofer K.H., Drees F.W., Marotz J., Treichel S., Krätzig E. Proc. ISAF 1986, 72-75 447
Light-induced scattering in photorefractive crystals Rupp R.A., Drees F.W. AP B 39(86)223-229 448
Image polarization characteristics storage in birefringent crystals Petrov M.P., Stepanov S.I., Kamshilin A.A. OC 21(77)297-300 449
Moving gratings durning erasure in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Hamel de Montchenault G., Loiseaux B., Huignard J.P. EL 22(86)1030-1032 450
Nonfrequency-shifted phase conjugation by Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing Narum P., Boyd R.W. IEEE JQE 23(87)1211-1216 451
Laser-induced grating characteristics in doped lithium niobate crystals ( LiNbO3 ) Arizmendi L., Kliewer M.L., Powell R.C. JAP 61(87)1682-1687 452
Four-wave mixing and phase conjugation in semiconductor laser media Agrawal G.P. OL 12(87)260-262 453
Highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing in semiconductor lasers due to spectral hole burning Agrawal G.P. APL 51(87)302-304 454
Anharmonic forced Rayleigh scattering Mc Graw D.J., Harris J.M. PR A 34(86)4829-4842 455
Amplification of high bandwidth signals through two-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals Hamel de Montchenault G., Loiseaux B., Huignard J.P. APL 50(87)1794-1796 456
Contribution of holes to the photorefractive effect in n-type Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) Strohkendl F.P., Hellwarth R.W. JAP 62(87)2450-2455 457
Hole-electron competition in photorefractive gratings Strohkendl F.P., Jonathan J.M.C., Hellwarth R.W. OL 11(86)312-314 458
Efficiency and polarization characteristics of photorefractive diffraction in a Bi12SiO20 crystal ( BSO ) Mallick S., Rouede D., Apostolidis A.G. JOSA B 4(87)1247-1259 459
Influence of the polarization direction on two-beam coupling in photorefractive Bi12SiO20: diffusion regime Mallick S., Rouede D. AP B 43(87)239-245 460
Photorefractive material response to short pulse illuminations Le Saux G., Brun A. IEEE JQE 23(87)1680-1688 461
Rigorous three-dimensional coupled-wave diffraction analysis of single and cascaded anisotropic gratings Glytsis E.N., Gaylord T.K. JOSA A 4(1987) 2062-2080 462
Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals, an analytical treatment Goltz J., Laeri F., Tschudi T. OC 64(87)63-66 463
Phase conjugation meterology Almeida S.P., Bernardo L.M. Proc. NATO adv. study inst., 16.-27.7.84, 464
Räumlich polarisierte Phasenkonjugation bei der Vierwellenmischung in Biochromschichten Korchemskaja E.Y., Soskin M.S., Taranenko V.B. KE 14(87)714-721 465
Coherent light oscillator by self-induced holographic gratings in SBN:Ce crystals Seglins Y., Krumins A., Ozols A., Odoulov S. FE 75(87)317-322 466
Photoinduzierte Prozesse bei der Aufzeichnung elementarer holographischer Gitter in ferroelektrischen SBN:Ce und PLZT-Keramik Seglins Y.A. IF AN LSSR (Riga) 87/52 467
Holographic storage properties of electrooptic crystals Krätzig E., Rupp R.A. Proc. SPIE 673(86) 468
Nonlocal photovoltaic response function for the interpretation of hologram writing in ferroelectric crystal von Baltz R., Lingenfelder C., Rupp R. AP A 32(83)13-18 469
Holographic light scattering in photorefractive materials Marotz J., Ringhofer K.H., Rupp R.A. Top. Meeting, photorefr. mater., L A, 12- 470
Imaging of thick phase gratings Rupp R.A., Wittenbecher G., Krätzig E. SPIE 702(86)363-366 471
The mechanism of holographic recording in PLZT 10/65/35 under an applied electric field Krumins A., Rupp R.A., Kerperin K. FE 80(88)281 472
Microphotometric investigations of thick refractive index gratings in photorefractive crystals Rupp R.A. AP B 41 (1986) 153-168 473
Investigation of refractive index gratings in electro-optic crystals by a microscope technique Rupp R.A., Krätzig E. Phys. stat. sol. (a) 72(82)K5-K9 474
Quasi-steady-state regime in transient stimulated Raman scattering Ackerhalt J.R., Kurnit N.A. PR A 36(87)1720-1730 476
Coherent stokes Raman scattering with incohernt light for vibrational-dephasing-time measurement Hattori T., Terasaki A., Kobayashi T. PR A 35(87)715-724 477
Femtosecond dephasing in a polydiacetylene film measured by degenerate four-wave mixing with an incoherent light Hattori T., Kobayashi T. Chem. PL 133(87)230-234 478
Subpicosecond molecular dynamics studied by degenerate four-wave mixing with incoherent light Kurokawa K., Hattori T., Kobayashi T. PR A 36(87)1298-1304 479
Laser-induced gratings in nematic/cholesteric mixtures Espinet H., Lesiecki M., Ramsburg M. APL 50(87)1924-1926 480
Picosecond Raman-induced phase conjugation in liquids and solids Dorsinville R., Delfyett P., Alfano R.R. AO 26(87)3655-3658 481
Polarization properties of enhanced self-diffraction in sillenite crystals Marrakchi A., Johnson R.V., Tanguay Jr. A.R. IEEE JQE 23(87)2142-2151 482
Strontium barium niobate as a self-pumped phase conjugator ( SBN ) Salamo G., Miller M.J., Clark III W.W., Wood G.L., Sharp E.J. OC 59(86)417-422 483
BSKNN as a self-pumped phase conjugator Rodriguez J., Siahmakoun A., Salamo G., Miller M.J., Clark III W.W., Wood AO 26(87)1732-1736 484
Operator algebra for propagation problems involving phase conjugation and nonreciprocal elements Yariv A. AO 26(87)4538-4540 485
Photorefractive two-beam coupling with applied radio-frequency fields: theory and experiment Kumar J., Albanese G., Steier W.H. JOSA B 4(87)1079-1082 486
Self-starting passive phase conjugate mirror with Ce-doped strontium barium niobate ( SBN ) Rakuljic G.A., Sayano K., Yariv A., Neurgaonkar APL 50(87)10-12 487
Two-wave mixing with time-modulated signal in Bi12SiO20 theory and application to homodyne wave-front detection Hamel de Monchenault G., Huignard J.P. JAP 63(88)624-627 488
Stimulated photorefractive scattering in barium titanate ( BaTiO3 ) Powell A.K., Foote P.D., Hall T.J., Burge R.E. Presented at Cannes 1987 489
Photorefractive amplifiers: their application to iterative processes Stace C., Walsh K., Foote P.D., Hall T.J., Burge R.E. Photoref. amplifiers: applicat. to iterat 490
Influence of polarization state and absorption gratings on photorefractive two-wave mixing in GaAs Walsh K., Hall T.J., Burge R.E. OL 12(87)1026-1028 491
Photorefractive two-wave mixing in GaAs using a diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser at 1:31µm Walsh K., Hall T.J. EL 24(88)477-478 492
Real-time evanescent -wave holograms Sainov S., Tomova N., Dragostinova V., Ivakin E. JOM 35(88)155-157 493
Besonderheiten des Elektronenlochmodels für die Selbsterzeugung in phtorefraktiven Kristallen Semenets T.I. U F SCH 32(87)1511-1514 494
Speckle reduction in four-wave mixing imaging with a Bi12SiO20 crystal ( BSO ) Bernardo L.M., Soares O.D.D. Proc. NATO adv. study inst., 16.-27.7.84, 495
Non-uniformities in thick dichromated gelatin transmission gratings Au L.B., Newell J.C.W., Solymar L. JOM 34(87)1211-1225 497
Theoretical model for modal dispersal of polarization information and its recovery by phase conjugation Yariv A., Tomita Y., Kyuma K. OL 11(86)809-811 498
Theory of polarization and spatial information recovery by modal dispersal and phase conjugation Tomita Y., Yahalom R., Yariv A. JOSA B 5(88)690-700 499
Fidelity of polarization and spatial information recovery using a fiber-coupled phase-conjugate mirror Tomita Y., Yahalom R., Yariv A. OL 12(87)1017-1019 500
Real-time image subtraction with the use of wave polarization and phase conjugation Tomita Y., Yahalom R., Yariv A. APL 52(88)425-427 501
Demonstration of amplitude-distortion correction by modal dispersal and phase conjugation Tomita Y., Kyuma K., Yahalom R., Yariv A. OL 12(87)1020-1022 502
Transient studies of nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a four-level system with saturable absorption and gain Buck J.A., Rodriguez J.R. JOSA B 4(87)1988-1994 503
Intensity dependence of two-wave mixing absorption in a resonant medium He G.S., Mirick J.W., Chang R.S.F., Djeu N. OL 12(87)582-584 504
Nonlinear-optical Bragg scattering in Kerr media Yeh P., Khoshnevisan M. JOSA B 4(87)1954-1957 505
Phase-pulling effects in forward Raman scattering Ackerhalt J.R., Kurnit N.A. JOSA B 3(86)1352-1362 506
Polarimetric determination of the ratio between the constituent phase conjugate signals in degenerate four-wave mixing Kim S.W., Lee S.S. JAP 62(87)2194-2197 507
Cross-coupled phase conjugation through two-frequency four-wave mixing in dyes Buck J.A., Dienes A., Whinnery J.R. IEEE JQE 19(83)1646-1653 508
Transient effects in degenerate four-wave mixing in sturable absorbers Silberberg Y., Bar-Joseph I. IEEE JQE 17(81)1967-1970 509
Continuous method for measuring the electro-optic coefficient in Bi12SiO20 and Bi12GeO20 ( BSO * BGO ) Bayvel P., Mc Call M., Wright R.V. OL 13(88)27-29 511
Simple theory for degenerate four-wave mixing in photorefractive media Peterson P.M., Johansen P.M. OL 13(88)45-46 512
Exact solution of degenerate four-wave mixing in photorefractive media Bledowski A., Krolikowski W. OL 13(88)146-148 513
Multigrating phase conjugation: exact results Krolikowski W., Belic M.R. OL 13(88)149-151 514
Stability analysis and temporal evolution of degenerate four-wave mixing and phase-conjugate lasers Pare C., Piche M., Belanger P.A. JOSA B 5(88)679-689 515
Conversion of phase modulation to amplitude modulation using a phase conjugate mirror Piche M., Pare C., Belanger P.A. OC 65(88)146-150 516
Time-resolved buildup of a photorefractive grating induced in Bi12SiO20 by picosecond light pulses ( BSO ) Jonathan J.M.C., Roosen G., Roussignol P. OL 13(88)224-226 517
43 m photorefractive materials in energy transfer experiments Fabre J.C., Jonathan J.M.C., Roosen G. OC 65(1988) 257-260 518
Correction of polarzation and modal scrambling in multimode fibers by phase conjugation Mc Michael I., Yeh P., Beckwith P. OL 12(87)507-509 519
Double phase-conjugate mirror: analysis, demonstration, and applications M OL 12(87)114-116 521
A simple analytic approach to degenerate four-wave mixing by comparison with real-time holography Petersen P.M. IEEE JQE 23(87)2095-2101 522
Polarization selective optical phase conjugation in a Kerr-like medium Neeves A.E., Birnboim M.H. JOSA B 5(88)701-708 523
Higher diffraction orders in photorefractive materials Au L.B., Solymar L. IEEE JQE 24(88)162-168 524
Amplification in photorefractive materials via a higher order wave Au L.B., Solymar L. AP B 45(88)125-128 525
Determination of parameters of photorefractive crystals Erbschloe D., Jones D., Solymar L., Takacs J., Wilson T. Univ. of Oxford 526
High photorefractive gain in two-beam coupling with moving fringes in GaAs:Cr crystals Imbert B., Rajbenbach H., Mallick S., Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. OL 13(88)327-329 527
Four-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals with depleted pumps: an analytical treatment Goltz J., Tschudi T. OL 14(89)405-407 528
Four-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals with depleted pumps Goltz J., Denz C., Klumb H., Tschudi T., Albers J. OL 13(88)321-323 529
Photoconductive enhancement of degenerate four-wave mixing reflectivity in BSO Eason R.W., Vainos N.A. JMO 35(88)491-503 530
Strictly real-time image differentiation in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Eason R.W. JMO 35(88)505-509 531
Diffraction by difference holograms in electrrootic crystals Rupp R.A., Külich H.C., Schürk U., Krätzig E. FE 8(87)25-30 532
Broadband photorefractive properties and self-pumped phase conjugation in Ce-SBN:60 Wood G.L. , Clark III W.W., Miller M.J., Sharp E.J., Salamo G.J., Neurgaon IEEE JQE 23(87)2126-2134 533
Magnification and third-order aberrations in holography Meier R.W. JOSA 55(65)987-992 535
Propagation of light in a nonlinear absorber Roso-Franco L. JOSA B 4(87)1878-1884 536
Dynamic optical interconnects: volume holograms as optical two-port operators Anderson D.Z., Lininger D.M. AO 26(87)5031-5038 537
Photorefractive phase conjugation with orthogonally polarized pumping beams Kong H., Lin C., Biernacki A.M., Cronin-Golomb M. OL 13(88)324-326 538
Ultraviolet four-wave mixing and phase conjugation with metastable color-center states in diamond Rand S.C. OL 13(88)140-142 539
Two-wave mixing in reflection holograms in photorefractive materials Erbschloe D., Solymar L., Takacs J., Wilson T. IEEE QE 24(1988) 820-826 540
Direct image transmission through a single optical fiber by using optical phase conjugation Yuankun S., Xiachun W., Yimo Z. Ch. PL 14(87)495-498 541
Alternating electric field enhancement of two-wave mixing gain in photorefractive BSO Gan X., Shounian Y., Yinguan S. OC 66(88)155 542
Dynamische Selbstbeugung im photorefraktiven BaTiO3 Afanasev B., Petrov A.A., Petrov M.P., Stepanov S.I., Trofimov G.S. Pis SCH T F 13(87)1161-1163 543
Reflected degenerate four-wave mixing on GaAs single quantum wells Honold A., Schultheis L., Kuhl J., Tu C.W. APL 52(88)2105-2107 544
Phase transfer in optical phase conjugation Krolikowski W., Belic M. R., Bledowski A. PR A 37(88)2224-2226 545
Real-time photorefractive recording and optical processing for speckle velocimetry Collicott S.H., Hesselink L. OL 13(88)348-350 546
Coherent light oscillators with photorefractive KNbO3 crystals Pauliat G., Günter P. OC 66(88)329-332 547
Dynamics of hologram readout in photorefractive crystals for broken Bragg-condition Goltz J., Denz C., Tschudi T. OL reprint(86)1-9 548
Two-beam coupling photorefractive spatial light modulation with reversible contrast Marrakchi A. APL 53(88)634-636 549
Photorefractive spatial light modulation based on enhanced self-diffraction in stillenite crystals Marrakchi A. OL 13(88)654-656 550
Transient effects in four-wave mixing in photorefractive passive phase conjugate mirrors Kalinin V., Solymar L. AP B 45(88)129-135 551
Optimisation of two wave mixing processes in photorefractive materials Walsh K., Foote P.D., Hall T.J. SPIE 812(1987) 46-53 552
Grating evolution and form in a single-crystal self-pumped barium titanat phase conjugator ( BaTiO3) Brody P.S., Goff J.R. SPIE 739(87)50-56 553
Optimization of photorefractive sillenites Powell M.A., Wright R.V. SPIE 812(87)16-23 554
Space-charge field in photorefractive materials at large modulation Au L.B., Solymar L. OL 13(88)660-662 555
Optical bistability in photorefractive four-wave mixing Shaw K.D., Cronin-Golomb M. OC 65(88)301-305 556
Investigation of two-laser-beam coupling and amplification in Ce-doped SBN single crystals Huaifang X., Yuanwang J., Xuemei H., Yuanfen T., Yanxing Z., Ch. PL 14(87)260-265 557
Discovery of existing another mechanism of photorefractive index in crystal Ce-SBN experimently Huaifang X. '88 Int. laser mater. / spectr. meeting, 558
Physical effect of phase shift of phase grating in photorefractive crystal Huaifang X. OL reprint 559
Angular selectivity of volume holograms recorded in photorefractive crystals; an analytical treatment Goltz J., Tschudi T. OC 67(88)164-166 560
Light scattering fluctuations and noise in an artificial Kerr medium Mc Graw R., Rogovin D. SPIE 739(87)100-104 561
Dark rings from photorefractive conical diffraction in a BaTiO3 crystal Chang T.Y., Yeh P. SPIE 739(1987) 109-116 562
Ferroeclectic tungsten bronze BSKNN crystals for photorefractive applications Neurgaonkar R.R., Cory W.K., Oliver J.R. SPIE 739(87)91-96 563
Coherent combining of pulsed dye oscillators using nonlinear phase conjugation White J.O., Valley G.C., Mc Farlane R.A. SPIE 739(87)87-90 564
Measurements of indensity and spatial crosstalk in degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) Fukumoto J., Brock J., Frantz L., Fairchild P. SPIE 739(87)64-70 566
Four wave mixing characteristics of sodium vapor under high reflectivity conditions Brock J., Fukumoto J., Patterson F., Carrion W., Holleman G., Marabella L. SPIE 739(87)33-41 567
Phase conjugation in semiconductor lasers Mc Michael I., Khoshnevisan M., Yeh P. SPIE 739(87)7-10 568
Solid-state laser power scalling using phase conjugation Rockwell D.A., Sumida D.S. SPIE 739(87)2-6 569
Generator of optical fibre modes using a photorefractive crystal Bondiou M., de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye J.L., Pellat-Finet P. SPIE 812(87)60-62 570
On image reconstruction by Raman and Brillouin backscattering in extreme cases Wang T.J., Hsueh C.Y. JMO 35(88)125-134 571
Enhanced of the phase-conjugate stimulated Brillouin scattering process using optical feedback Wong G.K.N., Damzen M.J. JMO 35(88)483-490 572
Exalite 392E: a new laser dye for efficient cw operation between 373 and 408 nm Tully F.P., Durant Jr. J.L. AO 27(88)2096-2097 573
Resonant nearly degenerate backward four-wave mixing in open and closed systems Steel D.G., Remillard J.T. PR A 36(87)4330-4337 574
Phase conjugate mirror with gain based on Brillouin scattering Skeldon M.D., Narum P., Boyd R. SPIE 739(87)57-63 575
Optical generation of ultrasonic waves by the transient grating method: application to acoustic property me Casalegno R., Pierre M. J. de Phys. 48(87)C7-533-535 576
Properties of transient degenerate four-wave mixing involving the relaxation effect: an investigation Lan G., Fan D. AO 26(87)2843-2846 577
Diffraction efficiency and temporal decay of laser-induced graitings in rhodamine 6G Langhans D., Salk J., Wiese N. Physica 144C(87)411-417 578
Response of transient stimulated Raman scattering to a pulse train Herman B.J., Konopnicki M.J. JOSA B 5(88)769-773 579
Ressist heating in excimer laser lithography Abe T., Arikado T., Takigawa T. JAP 63(88)1235-1237 580
Resist heating effectin direct electron beam writing Abe T., Ohta K., Wada H., Takigawa T. JVS Tech. B 6(88)853-857 581
A path-integral theory of laser-controlled reactions with possible application to photolitography Bezak V. Acta Phys. Slov 38(88)87-95 582
Four-wave mixing experiments in cresyl violet thin films: inadequacy of a two-level interpretation Portella M.T., Montelmacher P., Bourdon A., Evesque P., Duran J. J. Phys. Chem. 91(87)3715-3719 583
Reflectivity scaling in four wave stimulated Brillouin scattering Menders J. SPIE 739(87)42-47 584
Optical phase conjugation of broadband laser beam with stimulated brillouin scattering Dlabal M.L., Reintjes J., Lehmberg R.H. SPIE 739(87)22-25 585
Theory of four-wave stimulated Brillouin scattering Shih C.C. SPIE 739(87)26-32 586
Phase conjugation via multiple gratings in photorefractive crystals Belic M.R. PR A 37(88)1809-1812 587
Photorefractive effect due to holes in undoped BGO crystals Pauliat G., Allain M., Launay J.C., Roosen G. SPIE 812(87)30-35 588
Die Lösung der nichtlinearen Gleichungen der Vierwellenmischungen in photorefraktiven Medien Zozulya A.A., Tichonchuk V.T. IF AN SSSR (Moskau) 87/147 589
Diffraction gyration of light beams in photorefractive crystals Bogodaev N.V., Kuz'minov Y.S., Kukhtarev N.V., Polozkov N.M. KSF 5(87)15-16 590
Ein adaptiver Spiegel und die Erzeugung optischer Wellen in photorefraktiven BSN - Kristallen Bogadaev N.V., Kuzminov Y.S., Kukhtarev N.V., Polozkov N.M. Pis SCH T F 13(87)1454-1457 591
Dynamic holographic interferometry in photorefractive crystals Bogodaev N.V., Kuz'minov Y.S., Kuchtarev N.V., Muravev V.V., Polozkov N.M. KSF 3(87)15-16 592
Optical tracking filter using transient energy coupling Kwong S.K., Tamita Y., Yariv A. JOSA B 5(88)1788-1791 593
Observations of internal beam production in barium titanate phase conjugators ( BaTiO3 ) Nowak A.V., Moore T.R., Fisher R.A. JOSA B 5(88)1864-1878 594
The four wave mixing theory in photorefractive crystals for nonlinear in modulation ratio medium response Zozulya A.A. IF AN SSSR (Moskau) 88/65 595
Mechanisms for internally self-pumped phase-conjugate emission from BaTiO3 crystals Gower M.C., Hribek P. JOSA B 5(88)1750-1757 596
Generation of spatial subharmonics by two-wave mixing in a nonlinear photorefractive medium Mallick S., Imbert B., Ducollet H., Herriau J.P., Huignard J.P. JAP 63(88)5660-5663 597
Photoelastic contribution to the photorefractive effect in cubic crystals Stepanov S.I., Shandarov S.M., Khat'kov N.D. SPSS 29(87)1754-1756 598
Dielectric photorefractive crystals as the storage medium in holographic memory systems Agranat A., Yacoby Y. JOSA B 5(88)1792-1799 599
Visualization of electrical domains in semi-insulating GaAs:Cr and potntial use for variable grating mode operation Rajbenbach H., Verdiell J.M., Huignard J.P. APL 53(88)541-543 600
Sigmatic and coma-free imaging with a thick prism: a comparison of third-order theory and ray-tracing results Barth C.J., Oepts D. AO 27(88)3838-3844 601
Relationship between the absorption and emission of light in multilevel systems Band Y.B., Heller D.F. PR A 38(88)1885-1895 602
Aberration correction in one-step lens image plane holography Cohen B.W., Lakes R.S. AO 27(88)3322-3323 603
Resonant four-wave parametric interactions: adiabatic formulation De Temple T.A., Gurnick M.K.; Julien F.H. PR A 37(88)3358-3370 604
Nonlinear phase distortion in phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in Kerr media Trillo S., Wabnitz S. JOSA B 5(88)195-201 605
Intermittent saptial chaos in the polarization of counterpropagating beams in a birefringent optical fiber Trillo S., Wabnitz S. PR A 36(87)3881-3884 606
Optical multistability and phase conjugation fidelity in a high-birefringence optical fiber Trillo S., Wabnitz S. APL 51(87)555-557 607
Nonlinear degenerate four-wave mixing in a birefringent optical fiber: phase conjugation and spatial instabilities Trillo S., Wabnitz S. SPIE 739(87)11-21 608
Excimer laser in microlithography Znotins T.A. Laser & Optronics, May 88, 55-61 609
Laser-induced gratings self-diffraction from a medium with induced absorption Weber C., Becker U., Renner R., Klingshirn C. AP B 45(88)113-120 610
Analysis of laser-induced grating (LIG) self-diffraction in an induced absorbing medium Weber C., Renner R., Klingshirn C. J. de Phys. 49(88)C2-271-274 611
Applications requirements for nonlinear-optical devices and the status of organic materials Boyd G.T. JOSA B 6(89)685-692 612
Rubrene, a saturable absorber for 308 nm Kaschke M., Ernsting N.P., Schäfer F.P. OC 66(88)211-215 613
Photophysical properties and laser performance of rubrene Löhmannsröben H.G. AP B 47(88)195-199 614
Image processing by four-wave mixing in photorefractive GaAs Gheen G., Cheng L.J. APL 51(87)1481-1483 615
Enhancement of VUV generation in resonant four-wave mixing in Kr diluted with Xe Okada T., Tatsufumi A., Maeda M., Muraoka K., Akazaki M. JJ AP 27(88)1550-1551 616
PATENT: " Phase conjugate reflecting media " Connors L.M., Drury M.R. GB 8610027 617
PATENT: " Apparatus incorporating phase conjugate mirrors " Gower M.C., Gibson A.F WO 87/04265 618
Time-intergrating interferometry using photorefractive fanout Ford J.E., Fainman Y., Lee S.H. OL 13(88)856-858 619
Enhanced photorefractive performance from 45°-cut BaTiO3 Ford J.E., Fainman Y., Lee S.H. AO 28(89)4808 620
Photorefractive holographic recording in strontium barium niobate fibers ( SBN ) Hesselink L., Redfield S. OL 13(88)877-879 621
Photorefravtive beam coupling in GaAs and InP generated by nanosecond light pulses Fabre J.C., Jonathan J.M.C., Roosen G. JOSA B (88)1730-1736 622
Dynamics of hologram readout in photorefractive crystals for broken Bragg-condition Goltz J., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 68(88)228-230 623
Adaptive optical networks using photorefractive crystals Psaltis D., Brady D., Wagner K. AO 27(88)1752-1759 624
Generation of a phase-conjugate wave in methylred-doped PMMA and gelatin Fujiwara H., Nakagawa K. OC 66(88)307-310 625
Demonstration of a picosecond optical-phase-conjugation-based residue-arithmetic computation Li Y., Eichmann G., Dorsinville R., Alfano R.R. OL 13(88)178-180 626
Shearing interferometry and the moire method for shear strain determination Patorski K. AO 27(88)3567-3572 627
A review of phase-conjugate solid-state laser Rockwell D.A. IEEE JQO 24(88)1124-1140 628
Low-power optical bistability and phase conjugation in polydiacetylene Blau W. J. de Phys. 49(88)C2-85-86 629
Measurement of bulk photovoltaic and photorefractive characteristics of iron doped LiNbO3 Grousson G., Henry M., Mallick S., Xu S.L. JAP 54(83)3012-3016 631
Transport properties of photoelectrons in Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) Grousson R., Henry M., Mallick S. JAP 56(84)224-229 632
Measurement of thenonlinear index n2 of BSO crystals Le Saux G., Salin F., Georges P., Roger G., Brun A. AO 27(88)2812-2813 633
Numerical study of phase conjugation in stimulated Brillouin scattering from an optical waveguide Lehmberg R.H. JOSA 73(83)558-566 634
Particle image velocimetry: rapid transparency analysis using optical correlation Coupland J.M., Halliwell N.A. AO 27(88)1919-1921 635
Critical coupling strength for enhanced four-wave mixing by use moving interference gratings in photorefractive crystals Goltz J., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 68(88)453-456 636
Die Transversalstruktur der an einem phasenkonjugierenden photorefraktiven ringförmigen Spiegel reflektierten Welle Zozulya A.A., Silin V.P., Tichonchuk V.T. IF AN SSSR (Moskau) 87/74 637
Stimulated photorefractive scattering and optical phase conjugation Feinberg J. Laser Optics of Condensed Matter, 1988, 3 638
Bistable spatial light modulator using liquid crystal and Bi12SiO20 crystal layers ( BSO ) Takizawa K., Okada M., Kikuchi H., Aida T. APL 53(88)2359-2361 639
Optimization of the photorefractive properties of KNbO3 crystals Medrano C., Voit E., Amrhein P., Günter P. JAP 64(88)4668-4673 640
Theory of mode hopping and phase conjugation characteristics four-wave mixing Tajima K., Hsu H. IEEE JQE 24(88)1893-1907 641
Short Communication Tajima K., Hsu H. OQE 17(85)149-152 642
Bandpass filtering in barium titanat ( BaTiO3 ) Pugliese L., Morris G.M. AO 27(88)4535-4539 643
Nichtlineare Theorie eines phasenkonjugierenden ringförmigen SBS-Spiegels Schanuzakov M.G., Zozulya A.A., Tichonchuk V.T. IF AN SSSR (Moskau) 87/275 644
Birefringence interference patterns and their relation to refraction indices Bernardo L.M., Soares O.D.D. JMO 35(88)1857-1863 645
Four-wave polarization interaction in photorefractive crystals Odulov S.G., Sturman B.I. SP JETP 65(87)1134-1144 646
Optical surface inspection using real-time Fourier transform holography in photorefractives Uhrich C., Hesselink L. AO 27(88)4497-4503 647
Optical image processing in GaAs and BSO Aldridge N.B. SPIE 812(87)36-45 648
An updateable image correlator employing synthetik discriminant functions Nicholson M.G., Gibbons G.G., Cooper I.R., Petts C.R. SPIE 812(87)54-59 649
Le photocourant dans BSO excite par des impulsions laser picosecondes Ferrier J.L., Gazangel J., Rivoire G. J. de Phys. 48(87)C7-525-527 650
Picosecond holography and four-wave mixing in LiNbO3 Gazengel J., Ferrier J.L., Rivoire G. EUL 2(86)593-596 651
Wavefront comjugation and amplification for optical communication through distorting media Shamir J., Caulfield J., Hendrickson B.M. AO 27(88)2912-2914 652
Thermally induced phase-conjugation and beam-quality studies Garrett M.H., Hoffman H.J. JOSA 73(83)617-623 653
Real-time optical Wiener-Kolmogorov and novelty filtering with phase conjugation Vainos N.A. OL 14(89)128-130 654
Real-time parallel optical logic in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide ( BSO ) Vainos N.A., Khoury J.A., Eason R.W. OL 13(88)503-505 655
Photo-induced light scattering in PLZT-10/65/35 ceramics Krumins A., Ringhofer K.H., Rupp R.A., Shi F. FE ?(88)00-00 656
Holographic recording in PLZT 10/65/35 ceramics with charge fields limited by trap or donor density Rupp R.A., Kerperin K. FE ?(89)00-00 657
Holographic investigation of Pb0.9La0.1(Zr0.65Ti0.35)0.975O3 ceramics close to the diffuse phase transition Rupp R.A., Krumins A.E., Kerperin K., Matull R. PR B 39(89) 658
The influence of light scattering on energy transfer in hologram recording in PLZT ceramics Knyazkov A.V., Lobanov M.N., Krumins A., Seglins J. FE 69(86)81-87 659
Einfluß der Amplitudenbestandteile auf die Eigenschaften dynamischer Hologramme in ferroelektrischen Kristallen Knyazkov A.V., Lobanov M.N. Pis SCH T F 11(85)882-887 660
Photorefraktive Eigenschaften der BSN - Kristalle und ihre Anwendung in der dynamischen Holographie Knyazkov A.V., Kusminov J.S. Avtometria 5(88)19-26 661
Besonderheiten der Wechselwirkung von Lichtbündeln in elektrooptische Medien bei der Aufzeichnung von dynamischen Hologrammen Knyazkov A.V., Lobanov M.N. OiS 59(85)1286-1289 662
Besonderheiten der Lichtbeugung an holographischen Gittern in Medien mit photoinduzierter Streuung Knyazkov A.V., Lobanov M.N., Serguschenko S.A. Pis SCH T F 12(86)264-268 663
Vektorielle Selbstbeugung von Lichtwellen in photorefraktiven Kristallen Kukhtarev N.V., Knyazkov A.V. Lobanov M.N., Semenetz T.I., Bobuil A.I. OiS 63(87)160-163 664
Holographische Aufzeichnung mit zur Aktivierung nichtausreichender Beleuchtung in PLZT-Keramiken mittels einer photoaktiven Beleuchtung Knyazkov A.V., Lobanov M.N. Pis SCH T F 13(87)753-756 665
Photorefractive crystals for the stabilization of the holographic setup Kamshilin A.A., Frejlich J., Cescato L. AO 25(86)2375-2380 666
Photorefractive crystals for real-time holographic interferometry Kamshilin A.A., Mokrushina E.V. SPIE 437(84)83-86 667
Possible use of photorefractive crystals in holographic vibrometry Kamshilin A.A., Mokrushina E.V. STPL 12(86)149-151 668
Self-diffraction electrgyration and electroellipticity in centrosymmetric crystals Kukhtarev N.V., Dovgalenko G.E. KE 13(86)175-177 669
Hologramminterferometrie in photorefraktiven Kristallen Kukhtarev N.V., Dovgalenko G.E. IF AN USSR (Kiew) 86/5 670
Selbstinduzierte Drehung der Polarisationsebene bei der Beugung von Lichtwellen in punktsymmetrischen Kristristallen Kukhtarev N.V., Dovgalenko G.E. IF AN USSR (Kiew) 84/24 671
Drehung der Polarisationsebene bei der Beugung von Lichtwellen in optisch aktiven Kristallen Kukhtarev N.V., Dovgalenko G.E. IF AN USSR (Kiew) 83/10 672
Linear resonator in photorefractive BSO with two pump beams Erbschloe D.R., Splymar L. EL 24(88)683-684 673
Unidirectional ring in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide with two pump beams ( BSO ) Erbschloe D.R., Solymar L. APL 53(88)1135-1137 674
Lichtstationäre elektrooptische Response in Bi12SiO20 Einkristallen ( BSO ) Bykadorov A.V., Kazovez N.I., Leonov E.I. SCH T F 58(88)2250-2252 675
Lichtgenerator basierend auf photorefractive Bi12TiO20 Kristall ( BTO ) Sochava S.L., Stepanov S.I. SCH T F 58(88)1780-1783 676
Der effektive Energieaustausch bei der Zweiwellenmischung in BTO Stepanov C.I., Sochava S.L. SCH T F 57(87)1763-1766 677
Optical oscillators and phase conjugators using photorefractive Bi12TiO20 ( BTO ) Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P., Sochava S.L. FE ?(89)1-6 678
Polarization dependence of reflectivity of phase-conjugate wave generated by degenerate four-wave mixing in Bi12 SiO20 Sakai J. JJ AP 27(88)1899-1905 679
Observation of optical wave phase and wave-front-correction in photorefractive two-wave mixing Xu K., Xu H., Hong J. OC 69(88)1-4 680
Solution to non-linear optical mixing equations with depletion and diffraction: difference-frequency generation Nieto-Vesperinas M., Lera G. OC 69(89)329-333 681
Near-infrared four-wave mixing with gain and self-starting oscillators with photorefractive GaAs Rajbenbach H., Imbert B., Huignard J.P, Mallick S. OL 14(89)78-80 682
Ultraviolet continuous-wave phase conjugation at 285 nm Klein A., Le Boiteux S., Ducloy M. OL 14(89)60-62 683
Phase-conjugate interferometry using degenerate four-wave mixing and holography Nakagawa K., Fujiwara H. SPIE 954(88)11-15 684
Real-time and double-exposure phase-conjugate interferometries using eosin-doped gelatin film Nakagawa K., Fujiwara H. OC 70(89)73-76 685
Thermal holograms in doped ferroelectric SBN crystals Krumins A., Anspoks A., Odoulov S.G., Seglins J., Vaivods P. FE 80(88)277-280 686
Theory of photorefractive phase conjugators with mutually incoherent beams He Q.C. IEEE JQE 24(88)2507-2513 687
Light scattering by a phase conjugator in the four-wave mixing configuration Arnoldus H.F., George T.F. JMO 36(89)31-51 688
Fresnel coefficients for a phase conjugator Arnoldus H.F., George T.F. JOSA B 6(89)30-35 689
Phase conjugation in an amorphous As2S3 thin film Kwon J.H., Kwak C.H., Lee S.S. OL 10(85)568-570 690
Self diffraction and phase conjugation in a dyed nematic liquid crystal Venables M.A., Tunnicliffe D.L. J. Phys. D: AP 22(89)225-228 691
Angular dependence of phase conjugation in SF6 Cesar C.L., Tabosa J.W.R., de Oliveira P.C., Ducloy M., Leite J.R.R. OL 13(88)1108-1110 692
Degenerate multiwave mixing in SF6 Tabosa J.W.R., Cesar C.L., Ducloy M., Leite J.R.R. OC 67(88)240-244 693
Analysis of transient phase conjugation in photorefractive media Papen G.C., Saleh B.E.A., Tataronis J.A. JOSA B 5(88)1763-1774 694
Light-induced dark decays of photorefractive gratings and their observation in Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) Strohkendl F.P. JAP 65(89)3773-3780 695
Optical novelty filters Anderson D.Z., Feinberg J. IEEE JQE 25(89)635-647 696
Vectorial solution to the photorefractive band transport model in the spatial and temporal fourier transformed domain Johansen P.M. IEEE JQE 25(89)530-539 697
Formation, decay, and erasure of photorefractive gratings written in barium titanate by picosecond pulses Smirl A.L., Bohnert K., Valley G.C., Mullen R.A., Boggess T.F. JOSA B 6(89)606-615 698
Phase-conjugate Fizeau interferometer Gauthier D.J., Boyd R.W., Jungquist R.K., Lisson J.B., Voci L.L. OL 14(89)323-325 699
Procedure for recording multiple-exposure holograms with equal diffraction efficiency in photorefractive media Strasser A.C., Maniloff E.S., Johnson K.M., Goggin S.D.D. OL 14(89)6-8 700
Improvement of Young's Fringes' visibility in speckle photography by use of BSO-prom device Nakagawa K., Minemoto T. OC 70(89)288-292 701
Countinuous coherent erasure of dynamic holographic interconnects in photorefractive crystals Marrakchi A. OL 14(89)326-328 702
New nonphotorefractive mechanism for two-beam coupling in a crystallographic-cut photorefractive crystal Khitrova G., Rouede D., Kukhtarev N.V., Gibbs H.M. PRL 62(89)1110-1113 703
Polarization properties of two-wave mixing under an alternating electric field in BSO crystals Pauliat G., Besson C., Roosen G. IEEE JQE 25(89)1736-1740 704
Multigrating optical phase conjugation: numerical results Belic M.R., Krolikowski W. JOSA B 6(89)901-909 705
Model of the phase-conjugate mirror Bledowski A., Krolikowski W., Kujawski A. SPIE 859(87)177-182 706
Visualization of aerodynamic flow fields using photorefractive crystals Hafiz A., Magnusson R., Bagby J.S., Wilson D.R., Black T.D. AO 28(89)1521-1524 707
Adaptive holographic interferometry using photorefractive crystals Frejlich J., Kamshilin A.A., Kulikov V.V., Mokrushina E.V. OC 70(89)82-86 708
Sensitive detection of phase and absorption gratings: phase-modulated, homodyne detected holography Gehrtz M., Pinsl J., Bäuchle C. AP B 43(1987) 61-77 709
Photorefractive dark conductivity in Cr-doped strontium barium niobate ( SBN ) Sayano K., Rakuljic G.A., Agranat A., Yariv A., Neurgaonkar R.R. OL 14/89)459-461 710
Erasure rate and coasting in photorefractive barium titanate at high optical power ( BaTiO3 ) Mahgerefteh D., Feinberg J. OL 13(88)1111-1113 711
Photochromic gratings in photorefractive materials Bylsma R.B., Olson D.H., Glass A.M. OL 13(1988) 853-855 712
High two wave mixing gain (11.4 cm-1) in photorefractive InP:Fe by using dc field Gravey P., Picoli G., Ozkul C., Wolffer N. ECO 2 MEETING; PARIS 1989 713
Stabilization of photorefractive two-beam coupling in InP:Fe under high dc fields by temperature control Gravey P., Picoli G., Labandibar J.Y. OC 70(89)190-194 714
Polarization and spatial information recovery by modal disersal and phase conjugation: properties and application Tomita Y., Yahalom R., Kyuma K., Yariv A., Kwong N.S.K. IEEE JQE 25(89)315-337 715
Nonlinear holographic associative memories Owechko Y. IEEE JQE 25(89)619-634 716
Generalized phase-conjugation system using partially-coherent light Cunha A., Leith E.N. IEEE JQE 25(89)351-359 717
Anwendungen der optischen Phasenkonjugation Pepper D.M. Spektr. Wiss. ; Heidelberg 1988, S.88-99 718
Gain exeeding absorptive in photorefractive GaAs Walsh K., Hall T.J. AO 28(89)16 719
Coupling modulation in photorefractive materials by applying ac electric fields Stace C., Powell A.K., Walsh K., Hall T.J. OC 70(89)509-514 720
Interference-term real-time measurement for self-stabilized two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals dos Santos P.A.M., Cescato L., Frejlich J. OL 13(88)1014-1016 721
Two-dimensional optical spectral analyzer of oscillating object field using voltage-controlled BSO crystal Sato T., Takehara M., Ikeda O. AO 23(84)4051-4053 722
Polarization-preserving wavefront reversal by four-wave mixing in photoanisotropic materials Nikolova L., Todorov T., Tomova N., Dragostinova V. AO 27(1988) 1598-1602 723
Dynamic interferometry using two phase conjugate waves Chang S., Isono M., Sato T. AO 27(88)4735-4738 724
Photoinduced charge dynamics in photorefractive semiconductors Astratov V.N., Ilinskii A.V., Furman A.S. Phys. stat. sol. (b) 150(88)611-615 725
Analysis of the build up of oscillations in self-induced photorefractive light resonators Pauliat G., Ingold M., Günter P. IEEE JQE 25(89)201-207 726
Photorefraktives adaptives holographisches Interferometer Kamschilin A.A. Prospekt IOFFE INST. 1-18 727
Enhanced four-wave mixing in photorefractive BSO produced by temporal phase shifts Johansen P.M. J. Phys. D: AP 22(89)247-253 728
Transient phase conjugation in kerr media, photorefractive media, and plasma: a comparison Papen G.C., Tataronis J.A., Saleh B.E.A. IEEE QE 25(1989) 540-549 729
Multilevel theory of time-delay four-wave mixing with incoherent light in absorption bands Mi X., Zhou H., Zhang R., Ye P. JOSA B 6(89)184-190 730
Measurement of dephasing time using incoherent light in the Kerr shutter configuration Misawa K., Hattori T., Kobayashi T. OL 14(89)453-455 731
Active coherent optical feedback system with phase-conjugating image amplifier Klumb H., Herden A., Kobialka T., Laeri F., Tschudi T., Albers J. JOSA B 5(88)2379-2385 732
Gain, lasing, and nonlinear optical properties of giant dipole molecules and polydiacetylene Kobayashi T. SPIE 682(86)12-19 733
The application of incoherent light for the study of femtosecond-picosecond relaxation in condensed phase Kobayashi T., Terasaki A., Hattori T., Kurokawa K. AP B 47(88)107-125 734
Time-delayed three-wave mixing of nanosecond incoherent laser beams for measuring short relaxation times Apanasevich P.A., Kozich V.P., Vodschitz A.I. JMO 35(88)1933-1938 736
Ultrfast pump-prope measurement using intensity correlation of incoherent light Tomita M., Matsuoka M. JOSA B 3(86)560-563 737
Ultrahigh-time-resolution coherent transient spectroscopy with incoherent light Morita N., Yajima T. Phys. Rev. A 30(84)2525-2536 738
Comparison of the amplification coefficients of conjugate and non-conjugate waves in stimulated light scattering Pilipetskiy N.F., Popovichev V.I., Ragulskiy V.V. OL 40(81)73-76 739
Numerical study of phase conjugation in stimulated backscatter with pump depletion Lehmberg R.H. OL 43(82)369-374 740
A review of stimulated Brillouin scattering excited with a broad-band pump laser Valley G.C. IEEE JQE QE-22(86)704-712 741
Large signal characteristics of stimulated Brillouin scattering and Gaussian beam phase conjugation Hsu H., Bor S.S. IEEE JQE 25(89)430-437 742
The structure of the stokes fields reflected in SBS in a light guide Anikeev I.Y., Glazkov D.A., Gordeev A.A., Zubarev I.G., Mironov A.B., Mikh IEEE JQE 25(89)414-419 743
Constant radial shearing interferometry with two spiral phase gratings Ru Q.S., Ohyama N., Honda T. OL 70(89)445-449 744
Nonlinear optical properties of highly oriented polydiacetylene evaported films Kanetake T., Ishikawa K., Hasegawa T., Koda T., Takeda K., Hasegawa M., Ku APL 54(89)2287-2289 745
An experimental study of saturable absorbers for ruby laser Hercher M., Chu W., Stockman D.L. IEEE JQE QE-4(68)954-968 746
Passive one-way aberration correction using four-wave mixing Mac Donald K.R., Tompkin W.R.,Boyd R.W. OL 13(88)485-487 747
Image projection with nonlinear optics Levenson M.D., Chiang K. IBM JRD 26(82) 160-169 748
Resolving power of time-reversed wave-front imaging devices Hubbard J. JOSA L 71(81)1029-1032 749
Transient coherent degenerate four-wave mixing Chen J.T., Yu Z.X. IEEE JQE 25(89)373-381 750
One-way phase conjucation with partially coherent light and superresolution Cunha A., Leith E.N. OL 13(88)1105-1107 751
Nonlinear optical interactions in low-melting-temperature glasses containing organic dyes Tompkin W.R., Boyd R.W. SPIE 824(88) 752
Polarization properties of phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in a medium of rigidly held dye Tompkin W.R., Malcuit M.S., Boyd W., Sipe J.E. JOSA B 6(89)757-760 753
Polarization properties of phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in saturable absorbers Boyd R.W., Gauthier D.J., Kauranen M., Malcuit M.S., Tompkin W.R. Inst. of Opt., Univ. of Rochester, New Yo 753
Propagation and stability characteristics of nonlinear guided waves in saturable nonlinear media Etrich C.M., Mitchell C.S. , Moloney J.V. J. de Phys. 49(88)C2-315-317 754
Optical phase conjugation reflectivity and fdelity in CS2 by picosecond pulse four wave mixing Van Wonterghem B., Dutton T.E., Saltiel S.M., Rentzepis P.M. JAP 64(88)4329-4333 755
Saturable absorbers for low power optical conjugation Moosad K.P.B., Nampoori V.P.N. P.-J. Phys. 31(88)281-287 756
Lateral and radial shearing interferometers: a comparison Hariharan P. AO 27(88)3594-3596 757
Interferometric fringe analysis using a single phase step technique Santoyo F.M., Kerr D., Tyrer J.R. AO 27(88)4362-4364 758
Backscatter corrections to the parabolic wave equation de Wolf D.A. JOSA A 6(89)174-179 759
Wavefront conjugation and amplification for optical communication through distorting media: experiment He Q.C., Shamir J., Duthie J.G. AO 28(89)306-310 760
Femtosecond reflaxation processes in nonlinear materials studied with incoherent light Kobayashi T., Hattori T., Terasaki A., Kurokawa K. RPA 22(87)1773-1785 761
Saturation splitting in the spectrum of resonant degenerate four-wave mixing Agrawal G.P., Van Lerberghe A., Aubourg P., Boulnois J.L. OL 7(82)540542 762
Effects of populations on backward, nearly degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy and optical phase conjugation Steel D.G., Remillard J., Liu J., Rand S.C. JOSA A 5(88)171-179 763
Phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in inverted dye solutions Routledge P.A., King T.A. JMO 35(88)799-805 764
Michelson interferometer with a holographic memory for measuring fidelity of aberrated phase conjugated beam Munch J., Wuerker R.F., Le Febvre M.J. AO 28(89)1731-1733 766
Mechanism for photorefractive phase conjugation using incoherent beams Ewbank M.D. OL 13(88)47-49 767
Highly sensitive polarisation-contolled optical switching with a photorefractive double phase conjugator He Q.C., Duthie J.G., Gregory D.A. OL 14(89)575-577 768
Oscillating behaviour of diffracted light on uniform illumination of holograms in photo-refractive Bi12TiO20 crystals Miteva M., Nikolova L. OC 67(1988) 192-195 769
Double phase-conjugate mirror using a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal ( BTO ) Petrov M.P., Sochava S.L., Stepanov S.I. OL 14(89)284-287 770
Enhanced nondestructive holographic readout in strontium barium niobate ( SBN ) Redfield S., Hesselink L. OL 13(88)880-883 771
Time response of cerium-doped Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror Miller M.J., Sharp E.J., Wood G.L., Clark W.W., Salamo G.J., Neurgaonkar R OL 12(87)340-343 772
Grating formation in photorefractive materials at large illumination Au L.B., Solymar L. OC 72(89)261-264 774
Effect of compensation on the amplification of photorefractive two beam coupling by alternating electric field Besson C., Jonathan J.M.C., Villing A., Roosen G. SPIE 1017(88)183-189 775
Influence of alternating field frequency on enhanced photorefractive gain in two beam coupling Besson C., Jonathan J.M.C., Villing A., Pauliat G., Roosen G. OL 14(89)reprint 776
A spatial light modulator using a Bi12SiO20 crystal and an electrooptic insulator ( BSO ) Chen J., Minemoto T. OC 71(89)29-34 777
Optical tracking novelty filter Anderson D.Z., Lininger D.M., Feinberg J. OL 12(87)123-125 778
Linear- and nonlinear-optical properties of 2-cyclooctylamino-5-nitropyridine Bosshard C., Sutter K., Günter P., Chapuis G. JOSA B 6(89)721-725 779
Two-wave mixing by phase and absorption gratings in saturable absorbers Boothroyd S.A., Chrostowski J., O'Sullivan M.S. JOSA B 6(89)766-771 780
Reverse saturable absorbers: indanthrone and its derivatives Hoffmann R.C., Stetyick K.A., Potember R.S., Mc Lean D.G. JOSA B 6(89)772-777 781
Polarization-preserving phase conjugation and temporal reversal of an arbitrarily-polarized pulsed optical Saari P.M., Kaarli R.K., Sarapuu R.V., Sonajalg H.R. IEEE JQE 25(89)339-345 782
Nanosecond laser amplification via degenerate multiwave mixing in silicon Khoo I.C., Normandin R. APL 52(88)525-527 783
Low-power (10.6-µm) laser-beam amplification by thermal-grating-mediated degenerate four-wave mixing in a n Khoo I.C., Yan P.Y., Finn G.M., Liu T.H., Michael R.R. JOSA B 5(88)202-206 784
Theory and experiments on multiwave-mixing-mediated probe-beam amplification Khoo I.C., Liu T.H. PR A 39(89)4036-4044 785
Probe beam amplification and phase conjugation self-oscillation in a thin Kerr medium Khoo I.C., Zhao Y. IEEE JQE 25(89)368-372 786
Thermal grating-mediated wave mixing and beam amplification in nematic liquid crystal thin films Yan P.Y., Khoo I.C. IEEE JQE 25(89)520-529 787
Dynamics of the diffraction efficiency of light-induced gratings Danileiko Yu.K., Gorshkov V.G., Lebedeva T.P., Nesterov D.A. JOSA B 6(89)364-372 788
Quasi-nondestructive readout of holographically stored information in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals Delboulbe A., Fromont C., Herriau J.P., Mallick S., Huignard J.P. APL 55(89)713-715 789
Two-dimensional phase-conjugate imaging of atomic distributions in flames by degenerate four-wave mixing Ewart P., Snowdon P., Magnusson I. OL 14(89)563-565 790
Lateral and focal shifts of phase-conjugated beams in photorefractive materials Papen G.C., Saleh B.E.A. OL 14(89)745-747 791
Optical switching by a dielectric-cladded nematic film Khoo I.C., Zhou P., Michael R.R., Lindquist R.G., Mansfield R. IEEE JQE 25(89)1755-1759 792
Dynamics of switching total internal reflection to transmission in a dielectric-cladded nonlinear film Khoo I.C.,Zhou P. JOSA B 6(89)884-888 793
Nonlinear liquid-crystal fiber coupler for optical switching and gating operations Khoo I.C., Normandin R. JAP 65(89)2566-2568 794
Nonlocal radial dependence of laser-induced molecular reorientation in a nematic liquid crystal: theory and experiment Khoo I.C., Liu T.H., Yan P.Y. JOSA B 4(87)115-120 795
Analytical solutions from the non-truncated Kukhtarev expansion for two wave mixing in photorefractive materials Jariego F., Agulló-Lopez F. JMO 36(89)1321-1327 796
Influence of optical activity on properties of a phase conjugated in a photorefractive BSO crystal Sawada T., Ujihara K. IEEE QE 25(1989) 1937-1946 797
Wave front reversal in acoustic phase conjugation by nonlinear electroacoustic interaction in LiNbO3 Ohno M. APL 55(89)832-833 798
Generation of acoustic phase conjugate waves using nonlinear electroacoustic interaction in LiNbO3 Ohno M. APL 54(89)1979-1980 799
Photorefractive energy exchange requiring optical activity and electric field Rouede D., Kukhtarev N., Khitrova G., Wang L., Gibbs H.M. OL 14(89)740-742 800
Competition between subharmonic and resonating beams for photorefractive gain in bismuth silicon oxide Jones D.C., Solymar L. OL 14(89)743-744 801
Three-beam amplification in BSO crystals Jones D.C., Solymar L. EL 25(89)844-845 802
Frequency-difference holograms in lithium niobate ( LiNbO3 ) Fries S., Otten J., Ringhofer K.H., Rupp R.A. OC 72(89)169-174 803
Enhance four-wave mixing in photorefractive BaTiO3 by use of tilted pump waves Denz C., Goltz J., Tschudi T. OC 72(89)129-134 804
Conjugate wave holographic interferometry for the measurement of in-plane deformations Pirodda L. AO 28(89)1842-1844 805
Phase-shift measurement in photorefractive holographic recording Garcia P.M., Cescato L., Frejlich J. JAP 66(89)47-49 806
Transport length, quantum efficiency, and trap density measurement in Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) dos Santos P.A.M., Garcia P.M., Frejlich J. JAP 66(89)247-251 807
Adaptive fringe-locked running hologram in photorefractive crystals Frejlich J., Garcia M.P., Cescato L. OL 14(89)1210-1212 808
All-optical power-controlled switching in four-wave mixing Zhao Y. OL 14(89)1085-1087 809
Applications of multiplexed real time and permanent holographic recording in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Clapham S.L., Eason R.W. AO 28(89)4386-4392 810
Correction of thermal blooming by optical phase conjugation Wetterer C.J., Schelonka L.P., Kramer M.A. OL 14(89)874-876 811
Two-wave mixing gain in Bi12SiO20 with applied alternating electric fields: self-diffraction and optical activity effects Krainak M.A., Davidson F.M. JOSA B 6(89)634-638 812
Ring self-pumped phase conjugator using total internal reflection in photorefractive strontium barium niobate Cronin-Golomb M., Brandle C.D. OL 14(89)462-464 813
Spectral dependence of photorefractive erasure in Bi12GeO20 and Bi12SiO20 ( BGO * BSO ) Baquedano J.A., Contreras L., Dieguez E., Cabrera J.M. JAP 66(89)5146-5150 814
Noise suppression in photorefractive image amplifiers Rajbenbach H., Delboulbe A., Huignard J.P. OL 14(89)1275-1277 815
Phase measurement of a Fourier spectrum by a fringe-scanning phase-conjugate interferometer Yu F.T.S., Wu S., Mayers A.W., Ludman J.E. OL 14(89)1171-1173 816
Four-wave mixing in optical fibers: exact solution Chen Y. JOSA B 6(89)1986-1993 817
Response of a phase-conjugate mirror to an incident photon Ou Z.Y., Bali S., Mandel L. PR A 39(89)2509-2513 818
Hochwirksamer PCM mit einer großen Zahl streuender Elemente und Möglichkeiten seiner Verwendung in der Projektionsoptik Kulagii O.W., Pasmanik G.A., Schilow A.A. KE 16(89)1398-1404 819
Ringgenerator mit holographischem Verstärker Baschenow W.J., Ljuksjutow S.F., Odulow S.G., Soskii M.S. KE 16(89)1412-1415 820
Phasenbeziehungen bei der Vierwellenwechselwirkung in photorefraktiven Medien mit Reflexionsgittern Wolkowa O.N., Sosulja A.A. KE 16(89)1416-1421 821
Über die Genauigkeit der Korrektur sphärischer Aberrationen mittels OPC durch SBS Krainow W.W., Mak A.A., Jaschin W.E. KE 16(89)1405-1411 822
Nichtlineare dynamische Effekte bei der Vierwellenmischung Oajewskij A.I., Pestow E.G. KE 16(89)1422-1424 823
Reaktionen photorefraktiver Kristalle auf Lichtbündel mit veränderlicher Wellenfront Winokurow W.I., Schkunow W.W KE 16(89)1424-1426 824
Vector four-wave mixing in cubic, optically active photorefractive media Hall T.J., Powell A.K., Stace C. OC 75(90)159-164 825
Photorefractive time differentiation of coherent optical images Cronin-Golomb M., Biernacki A.M., Lin C., Kong H. OL 12(87)1029-1031 826
Photorefractive gain in GaAs under a dc electric field Liu D.T.H., Cheng L.J., Rau M.F., Wang F.C. APL 53(88)1369-1371 827
Two-beam coupling gain in undoped GaAs with applied dc electric field and moving grating Liu D.T.H., Cheng L.J., Chiou A.E., Yeh P. OC 72(89)384-386 828
Polarization properties of degenerate four-wave mixing in GaAs Liu D.T.H., Cheng L.J. JOSA B 6(89)1554-1558 829
The nature of photoinduced light scattering in ferroelectric crystals Obukhovsky V.V. FE 89(89)231-234 830
Vierwellenstreuung des Lichtes in LiNbO3 Lemeschko W.W., Obuchowskii W.W. UFSCH 32(87)1663-1668 831
Domänen bei der Photoanregung in LiNbO3:Fe Lemeschko W.W., Obuchowskii W.W. Fis TT 30(88)1614-1618 832
Temperature dependence of photorefractive properties of strontium-barium niobate (Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6) ( SBN ) Rytz D., Wechsler B.A., Schwartz R.N., Nelson C.C., Brandle C.D., Valentin JAP 66(89)1920-1924 833
Phase shift and gross talk of a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror Tomita Y., Yahalom R., Yariv A. OC 73(89)413-418 834
Two-wavelength photorefractive dynamic optical interconnect Mc Ruer R., Wilde J., Hesselink L., Goodman J. OL 14(89)1174-1176 835
Real time moire interferometry using a Fabry-Perot cavity with a phase conjugate mirror Indebetouw G., Lo K.P. AO 28(89)3893-3896 836
Stability analysis and temporal behavior of four-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals Krolikowski W., Shaw K.D., Cronin-Golomb M., Bledowski A. JOSA B 6(89)1828-1833 837
Observation of diminished specular reflectivity from phase-conjugate mirrors Pepper D.M. PRL 62(89)2945-2948 838
Self-pumped phase conjugation with nanosecond pulses in strontium barium niobate ( SBN ) Monson B., Salamo G.J., Mott A.G., Miller M.J., Sharp E.J., Clark III W.W. OL 15(90)12-14 839
Order-of-magnitude reduction of the photorefractive response time in rhodium-doped Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 with a dc electric field Sayano K., Yariv A., Neurgaonkar R.R. OL 15(90)9-11 840
Enhanced photorefractive gain in Cr-doped strontium barium niobate with an external dc electric field Sayano K., Yariv A., Neurgaonkar R.R. JAP 67(90)1594-1596 841
Coherent signal beam amplification in two-wave mixing experiments with photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals Huignard J.P., Marrakchi A. OC 38(81)249-254 842
Aberration correction of acousto-optically modulated laser beams by phase conjugation Honda T., Matsumoto H. OL 15(90)308-310 843
Hole-electron competition with fast and slow gratings in Bi12SiO20 crystals ( BSO ) Bernardo L.M., Lopes J.C., Soares O.D. AO 29(90)12-14 844
Electro-optic and ferroelectric effect in La-doped strontium barium niobate single crystals ( SBN ) Liu S.T., Maciolek R.B., Zook J.D., Rajagopalan B. FE 87(88)265-269 845
Study of polarization switching in barium strontium niobate ferrolectric crystals ( SBN ) Morozov N.A., Rukovishnikov A.I. SPSS 24(82)1190-1192 846
Tungsten bronze crystals for photorefractive self-pumped phase conjugation Sharp E.J., Miller M.J., Salamo G.J., Clark III W.W., Wood G.L., Neurgaonk FE 87(88)335-346 847
A thermodynamic phenomenology for ferroelectric tungsten bronze Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6(SBN:60) Oliver J.R., Neurgaonkar R.R., Cross L.E. JAP 64(88)37-47 848
The production of large bismuth germanate crystals at shanghai institut of ceramics ( BGO ) Zhilin X. The Bulletin of the Bismuth Institute 51( 849
Measuring photorefractive trap density without the electro-optic effect Pierce R.M., Cudney R.S., Bacher G.D., Feinberg J. OL 15(90)414-416 850
Photorefractive spatial light modulation by electrocontrolled beam coupling in SBN:Ce crystals Ma J., Liu L., Wu S., Wang Z., Mormile P., Pierattinin G., de Nicola S. OC 70(89)181-184 851
Self-pumped phase conjugation in potassium niobate (KNbO3) Rytz D., Zhong S.D. APL 54(89)2625-2627 852
Photorefractive gain and response time of Cr-doped strontium barium niobate ( SBN ) Sayano K., Yariv A., Neurgaonkar R.R. APL 55(89)328-330 853
Two-wave mixing by phase and absorption gratings in saturable absorbers Boothroyd S.A., Chrostowski J., O'Sullivan M.S. JOSA B 6(89)766-771 854
Determination of the phase of the complex nonlinear refractive index by transient two-wave mixing in saturable absorbers Boothroyd S.A., Chrostowski J., O'Sullivan M.S. OL 14(89)946-948 855
Voltage-controlled photorefractive effect in paraelectric KTa1-xNbxO3:Cu,V Agranat A., Leyva V., Yariv A. OL 14(89)1017-1019 856
Higher-order optical activity in bismuth germanium oxide single crystals ( BGO ) de las Heras C., Contreras L. JOSA B 6(89)1418-1421 857
Optical phase conjugation in rhodamine-6G doped boric acid glass Kumar G.R., Singh B.P., Sharma K.K. OC 73(89)81-84 858
Thermal gratings written in glycerol with CO2 laser radiation Prevost D., Thibault G., Galarneau P., Denriez-Roberge M.M., Tarrats-Saugn AO 28(89)3751-3753 859
On the measurement of electrooptic coefficients by the static polarimetric technique Gorski P., Kucharczyk W. Optik 83(89)7-10 860
Four-wave mixing with different coupling coefficients for readout and writing beams; an analytical treatment Goltz J., Tschudi T. OC 73(89)195-198 861
Holographic beam coupling in anisotropic photorefractive media Vachss F., Hesselink L. JOSA A 4(87)325-338 862
Techniques for the enhancement of space-charge fields in photorefractive materials Walsh K., Powell A.K., Stace C., Hall T.J. JOSA B 7(90)288-303 863
Analysis of double phase conjugate mirror interaction in absorbing photorefractive crystals: application to BGO: Cu Wolffer N., Gravey P., Moisan J.Y., Laulan C., Launay J.C. OC 73(89)351-356 864
Enhanced photorefractive beam fanning due to internal and external electric fields Clark III W.W., Wood G.L., Miller M.J., Sharp E.J., Salamo G.J., Monson B. AO 29(90)1249-1257 865
Semilinear double phase conjugate mirror He Q.C., Duthie J.G. OC 75(90)311-314 866
Characterization of cooper doped BGO application to double phase conjugate mirror Wolffer N., Gravey P., Moisan J.Y., Laulan C., Launay J.C. Top. Meeting; Photorefr. Materials; Ausso 867
Efficient phase conjugation in the photorefractive crystal Bi12TiO20 ( BTO ) Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P. STPL 10(84)572-573 868
Efficient degenerate four-wave mixing in a photorefractive cubic Bi12TiO20 crystal ( BTO ) Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P., Krasin'kova M.V. SPT P 29(84)703-705 869
Optical oscillators and phase conjugators using photorefractive Bi12TiO20 ( BTO ) Stepanov S.I., Petrov M.P., Sochava S.L. FE 8(89)00-06 870
A simple analytic solution for transient two-wave mixing in photorefractive materials Erbschloe D.R., Wilson T. OC 72(89)135-138 871
Multiplexed permanent and real time holographic recording in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Clapham S.L., Eason R.W. AO 28(89)4381-4385 872
Enhanced two-beam mixing gain in photorefractive GaAs using alternating electric fields Kumar J., Albanese G., Steier W.H., Ziari M. OL 12(87)120-122 873
Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der optischen Aktivität auf die wechselseitige Transformation elektromagnetischer Wellen in kubischen photorefraktiven Kristallen Schepelewitsch W.W. DOKL AN BSSR 33(89)883-888 874
Zur Steuerung des Beugungswirkungsgrades von Reflexionshologrammen nach Denisjuk durch Einbeziehung der girodropie beim Aufzeichnen Schepelewitsch W.W. Pis SCH T F 8(82)713-716 875
Über die wechselseitige Transformation elektromagnetischer Wellen in Volumenhologrammen unter Berücksichtigung der Gyrostropie des registrierenden Mediums während der Aufzeichnung Schepelewitsch W.W. SCH T F 54(84)2177-2184 876
Einfluß der optischen Aktivität auf die Beugungsaktivität und die Polorisation in photorefraktiven kubischen Kristallen Schepelewitsch W.W. SCH T F 56(86)618-620 877
Gleichungen gekoppelter Wellen in optisch aktiven Medien Suchorakow W.L., Petrov I.D., Demechin W.F. OiS 58(85)1365-1368 878
Beugung an Volumenhologrammen unter Berücksichtigung optischer Aktivität Schepelewitsch W.W. SCH T F 55(85)1201-1204 879
Zur wechselseitigen Transformation elektromagnetischer Wellen in Volumenhologrammen unter Berücksichtigung des Faraday Effektes Schepelewitsch W.W. Pis SCH T F 9(83)773-778 880
Optical phase conjugation for postgraduates Moosad K.P.B. EJP 10(89)133-135 881
Beugung elektromagnetischer Wellen bei ihrer Ausbreitung in Reflexionshologrammen aufgezeichnet in photorefraktiven optisch aktiven Kristallen Chramowitsch E.M. Akad. BSSR 2(87)105-112 882
Einfluß der optischen Aktivität und des elektrischen Feldes auf die Berechnung holographischer Gitter in photorefraktiven Kristallen Chramowitsch E.M., Schepelewitsch W.W. Pis SCH T F 13(87)1313-1318 883
Energy efficiency of optical interconnection using photorefractive holograms Chiou A., Yeh P. AO 29(90)1111-1117 884
Modulated index structures Stegeman G.I., Hall D.G. JOSA A 7(90)1387-1398 885
Multiwave analysis of grating diffraction at Bragg incidence Kenan R.P. JOSA A 7(90)1475-1463 886
Guided-mode resonances in planar dielectric-layer diffraction gratings Wang S.S., Magnusson R., Bagby J.S., Moharam M.G. JOSA A 7(90)1470-1474 887
Aztec surface-relief volume diffractive structure Cowan J.J. JOSA A 7(90)1529-1544 888
Higher harmonic gratings in photorefractive materials at large modulation with moving fringes Au L.B., Solymar L. JOSA A 7(90)1554-1561 889
Chaos in photorefractive four-wave mixing with a single grating and a single interaction region Krolikowski W., Belic M.R., Cronin-Golomb M., Bledowski A. JOSA B 7(90)1204-1209 890
Single-mode resonator incorporating an internal multimode optical fiber and a phase-conjugate reflector Luther-Davies B., Liebman A., Maddever A. JOSA B 7(90)1216-1220 891
Electrochromic and optical waveguide studies of corona-poled electro-optic polymer films Page R.H., Reck J.B., Sen A., Twieg R.J., Swalen J.D., Bjorklund G.C., Wil JOSA B 7(90)1239-1250 892
Electro-optical and magneto-optical effects in bismuth silicate crystals and optical polarization sensors using such crystals Gorchakov V.K., Kutsaenko V.V., Potapov V.T. IJOE 5(1990) 235-250 893
Holographic memories; a critical review Pappu S.V. IJOE 5(1990) 251-292 894
Nonlinear complex susceptibility of cresyl violet solution measured with a dynamic grating method Wiese N., Eichler H.J., Salk J. IEEE JQE 25(89)403-407 895
Diffraction efficiency of a thin amplitude-phase holographic grating: a convolution approach Song L., Lessard R.A. JMO 37(90)1319-1328 896
Double phase conjugation in tungsten bronze crystals Sharp E.J., Clark III W.W., Miller M.J., Wood G.L., Monson B., Salamo G.J. AO 29(90)743-749 897
Computer-generated holography in photorefractive materials Pugliese L., Morris G.M. OL 15(90)338-340 898
Einfluß des piezoelektrischen Effektes und der optischen Aktivität auf das Lesen von Hologrammen in photorefraktiven Kristallen Mandel A.E., Schandarov S.M., Schepelewitsch V.V. Pis SCH T F 14(88)2147-2151 899
Coupling modualtion in BSO with applied ac fields Stace C., powell A.K., Hall T.J. FE 92(1989) 307 900
Phase conjugation by degenerate forward four-wave mixing Khyzniak A., Kondilenko V., Kucherov Y., Lesnik S., Odoulov S., Soskin M. JOSA A 1(84)169-175 901
Opto-optical light deflection Sincerbox G.T., Roosen G. AO 22(83)690-697 902
Performance of real time associative memory using a photorefractive crystal and liquid crystal and liquid crystal and liquid crystal electrooptic switches Xu H., Yuan Y., Yu Y., Xu K., Xu Y. AO 29(90)3375-3379 903
Real-time defect inspection of periodic patterns using self-pumped barium titanate crystals ( BaTiO3 ) Ghosh A.P., Dube R.R. OC 77(90)135-138 904
Photochromic and photorefractive gratings induced by pulsed excitation in BSO crystals Khromov A.L., Kamshilin A.A., Petrov M.P. OC 77(90)139-143 905
Correction of optical phase aberration by phase conjugation and type II frequency doubling Johnson R.P. OC 77(90)231-234 906
Nonlinear multi two-wave mixing, the fanning process and its bleaching in photorefractive media Segev M., Ophir Y., Fischer B. OC 77(90)265-274 907
Build-up and dark decay of transient photorefractive gratings in reduced KNbO3 Biaggio I., Zgonik M., Günter P. OC 77(90)312-317 908
Ti:Al2O3 laser with phase conjugate feedback of the residual pump Kong H., Chen B.S., Cronin-Golomb M. OC 77(90)325-328 909
Real-time edge enhancement using the photorefractive effect Feinberg J. OL 5(80)330-332 910
The quantum theory of optical coherence Glauber R.J. PR 130(63)2529-2539 911
Coherent beam and image amplification by Brillouin two-beam coupling in CS2 Sternklar S., Jackel S., Chomsky D., Zigler A. OL 15(90)616-618 912
Real-time holographic associative memory using doped LiNbO3 in a phase-conjugating resonator Kang H., Yang C.X., Mu G.G., Wu Z.K. OL 15(90)637-639 913
Amplitude-modulated interferometry Brunfeld A., Singher L., Shamir J. OL 15(1990) 774-776 914
High-reflectivity phase conjugation using Brillouin preamplification Ridley K.D., Scott A.M. OL 15(90)777-779 915
Periodically refreshed multiply exposed photorefractive holograms Brady D., Hsu K., Psaltis D. OL 15(90)817-819 916
Optical aberration correction by real-time holography in liquid crystals Karaguleff C., Clark Sr. G.L. OL 15(90)820-822 917
Submicrometer lithography using lensless high-efficiency holographic systems Chen R.T., Sadovnik L., Aye T.M., Jannson T. OL 15(90)869-871 918
Saturation effect in nondegenerate two-wave mixing Zhou H., Mi X., Jiang Q., Zhang R., Ye P. OC 78(90)382-386 919
Real-time image subtraction and addition using two cross-polarized phase-conjugate waves Fujiware H., Nakagawa K., Suzuki T. OC 79(90)6-10 920
Real-time edge-enhancement using self-pumped conjugation in BaTiO3 Yu Y., Xu H., Yuan Y., Xu K. OC 79(90)19-23 921
Dynamics of refractive-index changes and two-beam coupling in resonant media Saxena R., Mc Michael I., Yeh P. AP B 51(90)243-253 922
Wellenfronten hoch nichtkohärenter Strahlung in photorefraktiven Medien Zozulya A.A., Mamaev A.V. SCH E T F 97(90)101-113 923
A simple explicit form of finite difference to compute the effective gain in degenerate two-wave mixing; comparison with the shooting method Das T.K., Singh K. JMO 37(90)1573-1591 924
Hocheffektive Projektion mit PCM durch Vierwellenmischung und optischen Verstärker Kulagin O.V., Pasmanik G.A., Shilov A.A. KE 17(90)355-358 925
Generation and detection of two-photon coherent states in degenerate four-wave mixing Yuen H.P., Shapiro J.H. OL 4(79)334-336 926
Cross-polarization two-beam coupling in optically active photorefractive media Vachss F., Chang T.Y. JOSA B 6(89)1683-1692 927
Effect ac field on the phase conjugate signal in BSO Ghosh A.P., Just D., Staples J.L., Dube R.R. OC 72(89)109-112 928
Detection of moving object by phase conjugation in photo-induced anisotropic dye-doped film Suzuki T., Fujiwara H. SPIE 1319(90)87 929
Laser microscope using phase-conjugate reconstruction from a photorefractive hologram Brody P.S., Garvin C. SPIE 1319(90)468-469 930
Coherence and intensity statistics in phase-conjugate resonators Lazaruk A.M., Friberg A.T., Salomaa R.R.E. IEEE JQE 26(90)378-389 931
Coherent and incoherent states of the radiation field Glauber R.J. PR 131(63)2766-2788 932
Observation of sub-Poisson Franck-Hertz light at 253.7nm Teich M.C., Saleh B.E.A. JOSA B 2(85)275-282 933
Contribution of resonance medium amplitude and phase modulation to the effectiveness of phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing Kabanov V.V., Rubanov A.S., Tolstik A.L., Chaley A.V. OQE 19(87)351-359 934
Real-time image processing via four-wave mixing in a photorefractive medium White J.O., Yariv A. APL 37(80)5-7 935
Passive (self-pumped) phase conjugate mirror: theoretical and experimental investigation Cronin-Golomb M., Fischer B., White J.O., Yariv A. APL 41(82)689-691 936
Asymmetric self-defocusing of an optical beam from the photorefractive effect Feinberg J. JOSA 72(82)46-51 937
Three-dimensional phase-conjugate-resonator performance Valley G.C. JOSA 73(83)572-575 938
Low-cost LCD video display for optical processing Young M. AO 25(86)1024-1026 939
Construction of a Wiener filter using a phase-conjugate filter Ikeda O., Sato T., Kojima H. JOSA A 3(86)645-650 940
Phase conjugation in the gain saturation of a flashlamp pumped dye laser Routledge P.A., King T.A. OC 62(87)357-359 941
Adaptive optics for optimization of image resolution Gaffard J.P., Boyer C. AO 26(87)3772-3777 942
Spectral dependence of light-induced change in dye solution refractive index Kabanov V.V., Rubanov A.S. Acta Phys. Hung 61(87)99-102 943
Intensity-dependent absorption coefficient in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystals Motes A., Kim J.J. JOSA B 4(87)1379-1381 944
Photorefractive rainbows Salamo G.J., Miller M.J., Clark III W.W., Wood G.L., Sharp E.J., Neurgaonk AO 27(88)4356-4357 945
Theory of intracavity-pumped photorefractive phase-conjugate mirror Yahalom R., Yariv A. JOSA B 5(88)1783-1787 946
Dielectric photorefractive crystals as the storage medium in holographic memory systems Agranat A., Yacoby Y. JOSA B 5(88)1792-1799 947
Higher-order anisotropic diffraction in photorefractive crystals Temple D.A., Warde C. JOSA B 5(88)1800-1805 948
Observations on centrosymmetric and asymmetric scattering in barium titanat ( BaTiO3 ) Moore T.R., Walters D.L. JOSA B 5(88)1806-1810 949
Mutually coherent beam induced self-pumped phase conjugate reflection in BaTiO3 Ye P., Wang D., Zhang Z., Wu X. APL 55(89)830-831 950
Observation of bifurcation to chaos in an all-optical bistable system Nakatsuka H.,Asaka S., Itoh H., Ikeda K., Matsuoka M. PRL 50(1983) 109-112 951
Fiber-optic sensor using a tandem combination of a multimode fiber and a self-pumped phase conjugator Kwong N.S.K. OL 14(89) 590-592 952
Optical measurement accuracy in the case of non-classical light Schubert M., Fleischhauer M. JMO 37(90) 1075-1085 953
Spatial light modulation via enhanced diffraction efficiency of photochromic gratings in photorefractive BSO Clapham S.L., Eason R.W. OC 74(90) 290-294 954
Phenolbetainfarbstoffe Hünig S., Rosenthal O. Justus Liebligs Annalen der Chemie 592(54) 955
Collimation method using fourier imaging and moire techniques Yokozeki S., Patorski K., Ohnishi K. OC 14(75) 401-405 956
Coherent oscillation by self-induced gratings in the photorefractive crystal BaTiO3 White J.O., Cronin-Golomb M., Fischer B., Yariv A. APL 40(82) 450-452 957
Phase conjugation by four wave mixing in an ArF excimer amplifier Cefalas A.C., King T.A. OC 51(84) 105-110 958
Resonator memories and optical novelty filters Anderson D.Z., Erie M.C. OE 26(87) 434-444 959
Low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass spatial-filtering characteristics of a BaTiO3 phase conjugator Ikeda O. JOSA B 4(87) 1387-1391 960
Polarization-based technique for separating copropagating waves of different wavelengths Azzam R.M.A. OC 68(88) 396-398 961
Selective enhancement of spatial harmonics of a photorefractive grating Vachss F., Hesselink L. JOSA B 5(88) 1814-1821 962
Single-mode fibre grating written into sagnac loop using photosensitive fibre: transmission filters Hand D.P., Russell P.S.J. IOOC '89, Kobe Japan 963
White light phase-conjugate lensless image projection Hribek P., Gower M.C. JMO 36(89) 1011-1018 964
Efficient phase conjugation of a cw low-power laser diode in a short Cs vapor cell at 852 nm Oria M., Bloch D., Fichet M., Ducloy M. OL 14(89) 1082-1084 965
Liquid crystal TV-based white light optical tracking novelty filter Li Y., Kostrzewski A., Kim D.H., Eichmann G. AO 28(89) 4861-4864 966
Fidelity of optical phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in semiconductor glasses and ruby Saltiel S.M., Van Wonterghem B., Parthenopoulos D.A., Dutton T.E., Rentzep APL 54(89) 1842-1844 967
One-way image transmission through a distorting medium using two holograms Lee H.S., Fenichel H. APL 55(89) 543-544 968
Off-resonant third-order optical nonlinearities of metal-substituted phthalocyanines Shirk J.S., Lindle J.R., Bartoli F.J., Hoffman C.A., Kafafi Z.H., Snow A.W APL 55(89) 1287-1288 969
Enhanced photorefractivity in germanosilicate fibres: effects of bleaching with 488 nm light Hand D.P., Poyntz-Wright L.J., Russell P.S.J. Top. Meet. on Integr. Photon. Research, 1 970
UV-induced refractive index changes in germanosilicate fibres Hand D.P., Russell P.S.J., Wells P.J. Top. Meet. on Photorefr. Materials, Jan. 971
Optical technique for the measurement of turbulent spectra using the photorefractive properties of BaTiO3 Albrecht G.F., Robey H.F., Moore T.R. APL 57(90) 864-866 972
Lensless imaging through phase-conjugated backscattering in SF6 Pfau A.K., Proch D., Bachmann F. OL 15(90) 6-8 973
Photoinduced refractive-index changes in germanosilicate fibres Hand D.P., Russell P.S.J. OL 15(90) 102-104 974
Combined processes of stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave mixing in optical fibres Chen Y. JOSA B 7(90) 43-52 975
A sensitive modified Mach-Zehnder interferometer for studying electrooptic properties Pan W.Y., Jang S.J. RSI 61(90) 2109-2112 976
Optical array imaging system using digital phase conjugation: proposal of an optimum data selecting method Ikeda O. SPIE 1319(90) 368-369 977
Optical implementation of an iterative algorithm for matrix inversion Rajbenbach H., Fainman Y., Lee S.H. AO 26(87) 1024-1031 978
Subtracting incoherent optical neuron model: analysis, experiment, and applications Wang C.H., Jenkins B.K. AO 29(90) 2171-2186 979
Epitaxial growth of thin films of BaTiO3 using excimer laser ablation Davis G.M., Gower M.C. APL 55(89) 112-114 980
Phasenkonjugierende Abbildung durch stimulierte Brillouinstreuung in flüssigen und gasförmigen Medien bei 2 ..... Pfau A. MPQ 152; März 1990 (Max-Planck-Inst. Qua 981
Interferometry using conjugate-wave generation Hopf F.A. JOSA 70(80) 1320-1323 982
Interferometer with a self-pumped phase conjugating mirror Feinberg J. OL 8(83) 569-571 983
Measurements of density, surface recombination coefficient, and diffusion coefficient of hydrogen atoms by La laser fluorescence spectroscopy Kajiwara T., Inoue M., Okada T., Muraoka K., Akazaki M., Maeda M. RSI 56(85) 2213-2216 984
Foam structures with a negative Poisson's ratio Lakes R. Science 235(87) 1038-1040 985
Wavefront reversal in convergent four-wave interaction Arutyunov Y.A., Zherdienko V.V., Khizhnyak A.I. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis 51(87) 347-357 986
High-transmission 20-channel polychromator for observing non-Maxwellian electron velocity distributions in plasmas by Thomson scattering Barth C.J. AO 27(88) 2981-2986 987
Nonstationary multiple-beam interactions in a slow nonlinear medium Arutyunov Y.A., Zherdienko V.V., Khizhnyak A.I. I A N SSSR; Ser. Fis. 52(88) 389-392 988
Survey of photorefractive nonlinear crystals and their applications Huignard J.P. SPIE 1127(89) 205-212 989
Analysis of the energy dependence of the photorefractive gain in nanosecond wave mixing in semiconductor crystals Fabre J.C., Brotons E., Halter P.U., Jonathan J.M.C., Roosen G. SPIE 1127(89) 213-218 990
Multibeam coupling in photorefractive BaTiO3 Denz C., Klees L., Tschudi T. SPIE 1127(89) 253-256 991
Simultaneous binarisation and amplification of optical signals through the photorefractive effect Hornung-Lequeux V., Lalanne P., Chavel P., Roosen G. SPIE 1127(89) 257-263 992
Characterization of insulating photorefractive materials Zielinger J.P., Tapiero M., Gies J.G., Launay J.C. SPIE 1127(89) 188-194 993
The photorefractive effect in doped bismuth silicon oxide crystals ( BSO ) Dube R.R., Just D., Bashaw M.C., Mroczkowski S., Ma T.P., Barker R.C. SPIE 1127(89) 195-204 994
Polarization properties of two wave mixing under an alternating electric field in BGO crystals Pauliat G., Roosen G. SPIE 1127(89 )229-236 995
Resonant gas media for optical phase conjugation Ducloy M., Oria M., Klein A., Le Boiteux S., Gorceix O., Leite J.R.R., Fic "Laser Spectroscopy IX" (Academic Press, 996
Theory of complementary holograms arising from electron-hole transport in photorefractive media Bashaw M.C., Ma T.P., Barker R.C., Mroczkowski S. JOSA B 7(90) 2329-2338 997
Diffraction properties of fixed gratings in photorefractive media Gu C., Yeh P. JOSA B 7(90) 2339-2346 998
Development of space interferometer with a LiNbO3:Fe crystal as holographic support Mary J., Bernard Y., Lefaucheux F. JOSA B 7(90) 2356-2361 999
Simultaneous diffraction of two finite waves at non-uniform dynamic volume reflection gratings Notni G., Kowarschik R. OQE 22(90) 433-442 1000
Phase noise elimination in interferometric experiments by sawtooth phase modulation De Maziere M., Sierens C. AO 29(90) 1901-1904 1001
Holographic 1:1 imaging of 1µm resolution by using phase conjugate optics Je C.H., Choe O.S. 27(87) 583-587 1002
PATENT: " Efficient phase conjugate laser " Bruesselbach H.W. WO 87/05751 1003
Multiple image correlation by binary phase-only code division multiplexing Javidi B., Farrokhnia F. Michigan State Univ., Electr. Eng. Dep., 1004
Fidelity of two-beam phase locking in a phase-conjugate mirror Pasmanik G.A., Khazanov E.A. Inst. of Appl. Phys., USSR Acad. of Scien 1005
Time dependence of degenerate four-wave mixing with broad bandwidth pulsed lasers Kaczmarek M., Meacher D.R., Ewart P. JMO 37(90) 1561-1571 1006
Third-order nonlinear optical properties of thin films of poly(p-phenylene benzobisthiazole) and its molecular composites with polyamides Vanherzeele H., Meth J.S., Jenekhe S.A., Roberts M.F. APL 58(91) 663-665 1007
Holographic interferometry using anisotropic self-diffraction in Bi12SiO20 ( BSO ) Troth R.C., Dainty J.C. OL 16(91) 53-55 1008
Picosecond time-resolved four-wave mixing experiments in sodium-seeded flames Fourkas J.T., Brewer T.R., Kim H., Fayer M.D. OL 16(91) 177-179 1009
Diffraction efficiency of volume holograms written by coupled beams Hong J.H., Saxena R. OL 16(91) 180-182 1010
Nonlinear response of the photorefractive phase conjucator: a perturbation analysis Li G., Saleh B.E.A. IEEE JQE 26(90) 793-801 1011
Processing microscope using phase-conjugate illumination generated by self-pumping in barium titanate Brody P.S., Garvin C.G. FE 107(90) 9-14 1012
Application of the BaTiO3 beam-fanning optical limiter as an adaptive spatial filter for signal enhancement in pulsed infrared laser-excited photothermal spectroscopy Bialkowski S.E. OL 14(89) 1020-1022 1013
Double phase-conjugate mirror is not an oscillator Zozulya A.A. OL 16(91) 545-547 1014
Exact solution of a nonlinear model of four-wave mixing and phase conjugation Cronin-Golomb M., White J.O., Fischer B., Yariv A. OL 7(82) 313-315 1015
Photorefractive two-beam coupling in cubic crystals Yeh P. JOSA B 4(87) 1382-1386 1016
Photorefractive two beam coupling in cubic crystals. II. General case (F=p/2 ) Yeh P. JOSA B 5(88) 1811-1813 1017
Phase conjugation by nondegenerate four-wave mixing in sodium vapor de Araujo M.T., Vianna S.S., Grynberg G. OC 80(90) 79-83 1018
A novel way of noise reduction in image amplification by two-beam coupling in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystal Joseph J., Pillai P.K.C., Singh K. OC 80(90) 84-88 1019
Optical phase conjugation in cooled organic dye film Nakatsuka H., Masuoka D., Yamamoto T. OC 80(91) 215-218 1020
Photo refractive intrinsic parameters measured in BiTiO20 crystal at l =0.6332µm dos Santos P.A.M. OC 80(91) 225-228 1021
Phase shift in nondegenerate coupling of waves in the photorefractive crystal Ilinykh P.N., Nestiorkin O.P., Zel'dovich B.Y. OC 80(91) 249-252 1022
Angular selectivity of holographic gratings in BSO Tao S. Selviah D.R., Mobasher B., Poon P., Midwinter J.E. 1991 technical digest series volume 14, B 1023
Determination of the effective trap density of Ta:KNbO3 at 823 nm Clement A.E., Gilbreath G.C., Fuguera S.N. 1991 technical digest series volume 14, B 1024
Theory of hologram fixing and amplification in LiNbO3:Cu Hertel P., Ringhofer K.H., Sommerfeldt R.   1025
New gain mechanism for wave amplification in photorefractive materials Ringhofer K.H., Solymar L. APL 53(88) 1039-1040 1026
Reading volume gratings under bragg angle Marotz J., Ringhofer K.H. OC 64(87) 245-247 1027
Selfenhancement in Lithium niobate ( LiNbO3 ) Otten J., Ozols A., Reinfelde M., Ringhofer K.H. OC 72(89) 175-179 1028
Analysis of irregular and chaotic fluctuations in a self pumped BaTiO3 phase-conjugate mirror Denz C., Rauch T., Tschudi T. ECO3, Den Haag, März 1990, 1-9 1029
Intensity crosstalk and angular selectivity of multibeam coupling in photorefractive BaTiO3 Klees L., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 77(90) 65-70 1030
Effects of laser coherence on coupling efficiency for the double phase-conjugate mirror Gruneinsen M.-T., Seeberger D., Mileski J.F., Koch K. OL 16(91) 596-598 1031
Extraordinary-polarized light does not always yield the highest reflectivity in self-pumped BaTiO3 James S.W., Eason R.W. OL 16(91) 633-635 1032
Photorefractive two-beam coupling with white light Rabinovich W.S., Feldman B.J. OL 16(91) 708-710 1033
Noise reduction using adaptive spatial filtering in photorefractive two-beam coupling Khoury J., Woods C.L., Cronin-Golomb M. OL 16(91) 747-749 1034
Suppression of photorefractive beam fanning using achromatic gratings Rabinovich W.S., Feldman B.J. OL 16(91) 1147-1149 1035
Photorefractive two-beam coupling with reduced spatiotemporal coherence Kong H., Wu C., Cronin-Golomb M. OL 16(91) 1183-1185 1036
Optical switching with photorefractive polarization holograms Song Q.W., Lee M.C., Talbot P.J., Tam E. OL 16 (91) 1228-1230 1037
Phase-conjugate Nd:YAG laser with internal acousto-optic beam steering Ayral J.L., Montel J., Verny T., Huignard J.P. OL 16(91) 1225-1227 1038
High-performance self-pumped phase conjugator with a multichannel in KNSBN:Cu crystal Xu J., Wu Y., Liu S., Zhang G., Sun D., Song Y., Chen H. OL 16(91) 1255-1257 1039
Photorefractive hologram writing with modulation 1 Bledowski A., Otten J., Ringhofer K.H. OL 16(1991) 672-674 1040
Optical interconnection method for neural networks using self-pumped phase-conjugate mirrors Owechko Y., Soffer B.H. OL 16(1991) 675-677 1041
Detection of multipath effect using a self-pumped optical phase-conjugate filter Li Y., Ha B., Eichmann G. OL 16(1991) 741-743 1042
Image subtraction using fixed holograms in photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystals Zhivkova S., Miteva M. OL 16(1991) 750-751 1043
Theory of origins of the photorefractive and photoconductive effects in Bi12SiO20 Attard A.E. JAP 69(1991) 44-55 1044
Fringe-locked running hologram and multiple photoactive species in Bi12TiO20 Frejlich J. JAP 68(1990) 3104-3109 1045
Photorefractive properties of BaTiO3:Co Rytz D., Wechsler B.A., Garrett M.H., Nelson C.C., Schwartz R.N. JOSA B 7(1990) 2245-2254 1046
Photorefractive effect generated in sillenite crystals by picosecond pulses and comparison with the quasi-comparison with the quasi-continuous regime Pauliat G., Roosen G. JOSA B 7(1990) 2259-2267 1047
Properties of photorefractive gratings with complex coupling constants Saxena R., Gu C., Yeh P. JOSA B 8(1991) 1048-1052 1048
Space-charge field in photorefractive media with a constant applied magnetic field Johansen P.M., Jensen A.S. JOSA B 8(1991) 2342-2354 1049
Large photorefractive coupling coefficient in a thin cerium-doped strontium barium niobate crystal Vazquez R.A., Vachss F.R., Neurgaonkar R.R., Ewbank M.D. JOSA B 8(1991) 1932-1941 1050
Influence of piezoelectricity on the photorefractive effect Pauliat G., Mathey P., Roosen G. JOSA B 8(1991) 1942-1946 1051
High-fidelity phase conjugation and real-time orthoscopic three-dimensional image projection in BaTiO3 Vainos N.A., Gower M.C. JOSA B 8(1991) 2355-2362 1052
Direct measurement of the amplitude and the phase of photorefractive fields in KNbO3:Ta and BaTiO3 Lawler W.B., Sherman C.J., Moharam M.G. JOSA B 8(1991) 2190-2195 1053
Photorefractive effect in crystal with a nonlinear recombination of charge carriers: theory and observation Fluck D., Amrhein P., Günter P. JOSA B 8(1991) 2196-2203 1054
Time-dependent behavior of photorefractive two- and four-wave mixing Horowitz M., Kligler D., Fischer B. JOSA B 8(1991) 2204-2217 1055
Intensity stabilization in photorefractive two-wave mixing by controlling the phase shift of the fringe Shimura T., Miao H.Y., Itoh M., Kuroda K. OC 87(1992) 171-174 1056
Mutually pumped phase conjugation in Kerr media and the effects of external seeding Saxena R., Yeh P. JOSA B 7(1990) 326-334 1057
Phase conjugation in long pulse CO2 lasers Gorton E.K., Richmond A.M. OC 86(1991) 341-350 1058
Photorefractive holographic interference novelty filter Khoury J., Woods C.L., Cronin-Golomb M. OC 82(1991) 533-538 1059
Velocity filtering using complementary gratings in photorefractive BSO Hussain G., Eason R.W. OC 86(1991) 106-112 1060
Holographic microscope for phase imaging Brody P.S., Garvin C.G., Gillman A., Shentu L. (1991) 1066
On line interferometric mirror deforming measurement with an high power argon ion laser Schmitt R., Schuchert C., Scheuer V., Vietze P., Tschudi T. SPIE 1013(1990) 102-104 1100
Response of a BaTiO3 phase conjugate mirror to broadband and narrowband radiation White J.O. AP (1992) 1101
Interferometer with photorefractive BGO crystals Rodriguez-Zurita G., Kowarschik R., Erdmann A. JMO 38(1991) 2203-2219 1102
Investigations of the characteristics of fixed holograms in Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystals Zhivkova S., Miteva M. OC 86(1991) 449-453 1103
Multiple forward phase conjugate waves by degenerate four-wave-mixing in Langmuir-Blodgett films with BOXCAR Du W., Zhang X., Chen K., Lu Z., Zheng Y. Wu J. OC 86(1991) 428-430 1104
Photorefractive optical holographic correlation using a Bi12TiO20 crystal at l = 0.633 µm Faria S.G., Tagliaferri A.A., dos Santos P.A.M. OC 86(1991) 29-33 1105
Conoscopic holography. I. Basic principles and physikal basis Sirat G.Y. JOSA A 9(1992) 70-90 1106
Self-organizing photorefractive frequency demultiplexer Saffman M., Benkert C., Anderson D.Z. OL 16(1991) 1993-1995 1107
High-resolution degenerate four-wave mixing spectral profiles of OH Brown M.S., Rahn L.A., Dreier T. OL 17(1992) 76-78 1108
Measurement of the photorefractive phase shift Cudney R.S., Bacher G.D., Pierce R.M., Feinberg J. OL 17(1991) 67-69 1109
A new method for measuring the electro-optic coefficients with higher sensitivity and higher accuracy Zhang H.Y., He X.H., Shih Y.H., Tang S.H. OC 86(1991) 509-512 1110
Image formation of dilute arrays for optical information processing Lohamnn A.W. OC 86(1991) 365-370 1111
Tracking novlty filter using transient enhancement of gratings in photorefractive BSO Soutar C., Cartwright C.M., Gillespie W.A., Wang Z.Q. OC 86(1991) 255-259 1112
Linear adaptive interferometers via diffusion recording in cubic photorefractive crystals Rossomakhin L., Stepanov S. OC 86(1991) 199-204 1113
Velocity filtering using complementary gratings in photorefractive BSO Hussain G., Eason R.W. OC 86(1991) 106-112 1114
Nearly degenerata two-wave mixing in saturable absorbers Zilio S.C., Penaforte J.C., Gouveia E.A., Bell M.J.V. OC 86(1991) 81-87 1115
Nondegenerate photorefractive four-wave mixing without feedback in Bi12TiO20 Ilinykh P.N., Nestiorkin O.P., Zel`dovich B.Y. OC 86(1991) 75-80 1116
Parallel subtraction of Fourier power spectrum using holographic interferometry Yeh P., Zhang D., Gu C. OL 17(1992) 70-73 1117
Threshold of self-enhancement in lithium niobate Otten J., Ozols A., Reinfelde M., Bledowski A., Ringhofer K.H. OC 87(1992) 157-160 1118
Real-time double-exposre interferometry using self-pumped conjugator with Cu: KNSBN Zhang J., Xu H., Pu H., Yuan Y., Xu K. OC 87(1992) 263-266 1119
Real-time edge enhancement with hybrid amorphous silicon/ferroelectric liquid crystal devices Mao C.C., Johnson K.M. OC 87(1992) 150-156 1120
Gain dependence on external electric field in two-wave coupling with a BSO crystal Kawata Y., Kawata S. Optik 90(1992) 27-31 1121
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Coupled wave theory for thick hologram gratings Kogelnik H. BSTJ 1125
Extraordinary-polarized light does not always yield the highest reflectivity in self-pumped BaTiO3 James S.W., Eason R.W. OL 16(1991)633-635 1126
Photorefractive coupling between orthogonally polarized light beams in barium titanate Pierce R.M., Cudney R.S. OL 17(1992)784-786 1127
The transfer function and impulse response of photorefractive two-beam coupling Hermanns A., Benkert C., Lininger D.M., Anderson D.Z. IEEE JQE 28(1992)750-756 1128
Coherent beam combination in barium titanate Fairchild P., Davis K., Valley M. JOSA B 5(1988)1758-1762 1129
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Dynamics of an optical ring circuit having photorefractive gain and loss and history-dependent feedback Crouch D.D., Anderson D.Z. JOSA B 8(1991)1315-1325 1131
Absorption gratings in photorefractive crystals with multiple levels Cudney R.S., Pierce R.M., Bacher G.D., Feinberg J. JOSA B 8(1991)1326-1332 1132
Self-bending of light beams in photorefractive phase conjugators Eliseev V.V., Zozulya A.A., Bacher G.D., Feinberg J. JOSA B 9(1992)398-404 1133
Model for mutually pumped phase conjugation Yeh P., Chang T.Y., Ewbank M.D. JOSA B 5(1988)1743-1749 1134
Observations on centrosymmetric and asymmetric scattering in barium titanate Moore T.R., Walters D.L. JOSA B 5(1988)1806-1810 1135
An updateable image correlaor employing synthtic discriminant functions Nicholson M.G., Gibbons G.G., Cooper I.R., Petts C.R. SPIE 812(1987)54-59 1136
Absorption gratings in photorefractive crystals with multiple levels Cudney R.S., Pierce R.M., Bacher G.D., Feinberg J. JOSA B 8(1991)1326-1332 1137
Analysis of irregular fluctuations in a self-pumped BaTiO3 phase-conjugate mirror Rauch T., Denz C., Tschudi OC 88(1992)160-166 1138
Tracking novelty filter using transient enhancement of gratings in photorefractive BSO Soutar C., Cartwright C.M., Gillespie W.A., Wang Z.Q. OC 86(1991)255-259 1139
Double phase-conjugate mirror: two-dimensional analysis Eliseev V.V., Tikhonchuk V.T., Zozulya A.A. JOSA B 8(1991)2497-2504 1140
Phase transfer in optical phase conjugation Krolikowski W., Belic M.R., Bledowski A. PR A 37(1988)2224-2227 1141
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Beam coupling in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystals Motes A., Kim J.J. OL 12(1987)199-201 1143
Photorefractive two-beam coupling with white light Rabinovich W.S., Feldman B.J. OL 16(1991)708-710 1144
Spatial light modulation by beam coupling in GaAs crystals Cheng L., Gheen G., Chao T., Liu H., Partovi A., Katz J., Garmire E.M. OL 12(1987)705-707 1145
Resolution limit for anisotropic Bragg diffraction from finite holographic gratings Amrhein P., Günter P. OL 15(1990)1173-1175 1146
Image amplification with local addressing by two-wave coupling in a Bi12SiO20 crystal by application of direct-current voltage Kawata Y., Kawata S., Minami S. JOSA B 7(1990)2362-2368 1147
Bandpass filtering in barium titanate Pugliese L., Morris G.M. AO 27(1988)4535-4539 1148
Non-plane wave two-wave mixing interaction in diffusion-driven photorefractive media Gilbreath G.C., Davidson F.M.   1149
Two-wave mixing photorefractive diffraction efficiency Gilbreath G.C., Davidson F.M. SPIE 968(1988)54-63 1150
Phase conjugation by reflection gratings in electrooptic crystals Kukhtarev N.V., Semenets T.I. AP B 41(1986)259-263 1151
Equivalent circuit representation of spatial frequency dependence for wave interactions in photorefractive Solymar L., Ringhofer K.H. OC 66(1988)31-34 1152
Self-diffraction by two-wave mixing in organic-dye-doped film Fujiwara H., Shio K., Miyanaga S., Nakagawa K. JJ AP 29(1990)1235-1237 1153
Energy transfer between injection-locked single-mode diode lasers by two-beam coupling in BaTiO3 Christian W.R., Beckwith P.H., McMichael I. OL 14(1989)81-83 1154
Measuring photorefractive trap density without the electro-optic effect Pierce R.M., Cudney R.S., Bacher G.D., Feinberg J. OL 15(1990)414-416 1155
Self-induced photorefractive spatial frequency filter Möbius G., Schmidt B., Tiziani H.J. JOSA B7(1990)2374-2379 1156
Amplification of temporally modulated signal beams by two-wave mixing in Bi12SiO20 Webb D.J., Solymar L. JOSA B 7(1990)2369-2373 1157
Diffraction properties of multiple-beam photorefractive gratings Saxena R., Vachss F., McMichael I., Yeh P. JOSA B 7(1990)1210-1214 1158
Spatial-mode cleanup of a pulsed laser beam throgh mutually pumped phase conjugation with a cw reference Chang T.Y. OL 15(1990)1342-1344 1159
Resolution limit for isotropic and anisotropic Bragg diffraction from finite holographic gratings Amrhein P., Günter P. JOSA B 7(1990)2387-2392 1160
Improvement of phase-conjugate beam fidelity in degenerate four-wave mixing by focused probe fields Bochove E. OL 8(1983)202-204 1161
Phase-conjugated distortion by degenerate four-wave mixing Chen N. OC 59(1986)69-71 1162
Improved soldering alloys with bismuth Ramon J.J., Dirnfeld S.F.   1163
Industrial use of a real-time optical inspection system Casasent D., Richards J. AO 27(1988)4653-4659 1164
Costruction of a holographic deblurring filter using a thermoplastic film Minemoto T., Takahashi T. OC 38(1981)243-248 1165
Modes of resonators with internal apertures Piche M., Lavigne P., Martin F., Belanger P.A. AO 22(1983)1999-2005 1166
Real and achromatic imaging with two planar holographic optical elements Weingärtner I. OC 58(1986)385-388 1167
Input states for enhancement of fermion interferometer sensitivity Yurke B. PRL 56(1986)1515-1517 1168
Passive versus active interferometers: Why cavity losses make them equivalent Gea-Banacloche J. PR A 35(1987)2518-2522 1169
Straified volume holographic optical elements Johnson R.V., Tanguay A.R. OL 13(1988)189-191 1170
A holographic photomask defect inspection system Lin L.H., Cavan D.L., Howe R.B., Graves R.E. SPIE 538(1985)110-116 1171
Holographic optical processing for submicrometer defect detection Fusek R.L., Lin L.H., Harding K., Gustafson S. OE 24(1985)731-734 1172
Optical imaging applied to microelectronic chip-to-chip interconnctions Kostuk R.K., Goodman J.W., Hesselink L. OA 24(1985)2851-2857 1173
Deblurring filter of phase hologram type Minemoto T., Goto T., Suemoto Y., Fujita S. JJ AP 15(1976)1605-1606 1174
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On the quantum theory of parametric frequency converter Janszky J., Yushin Y.Y. Acta Phys. Hung. 53(1982)51-57 1176
Squeezing via frequency jump Janszky J., Yushin Y.Y. OC 59(1986)151-154 1177
Amplification of noise in the quantum theory of parametric processes Janszky J., Yushin Y.Y. OC 41(1982)299-303 1178
Anwendungen volumenholografischer Effekte in der Optik Hesse G., Kowarschik R. BT 1179
Holography and four wave mixing under picosecond and nanosecond excitations Ferrier J.-L., Rivoire G., Herriau J.-P., Huignard J.-P.   1180
Vibration measurement using phase-shifting speckle-pattern interferometry Nakadate S. AO 25(1986)4162-4167 1181
Vibration measurement using phase-shifting time-average holographic interferometry Nakadate S. AO 25(1986)4155-4161 1182
Domain walls formation during nucleation in garnet films Kleparski V.G., Pinter I., Bodis L. IEEE MAG20 (1984)1156-1158 1183
Domain wall wildening in high drive fields Kleparski V.G., Pinter I., Zimmer G.J. IEEE MAG17 (1981)2775-2777 1184
Two kinds of instability during domain nucleation Pinter I., Kleparski V.G.   1185
Direct observation of domain nucleation in garnet films Kleparski V.G., Pinter I. Phys. stat. sol.(a) 76(1983) 1186
Domain wall widening in high drive fields Kleparski V.G., Pinter I. Phys. stat. sol.(a) 67(1981) 1187
Measurement of 3-D displacement: sandwich holography and regulated path length interferometry Füzessy Z., Abramson N. AO 21(1982)260-264 1188
Measurement of 3D-displacement by regulated path length interferometry Füzessy Z.   1189
Hologram interferometric measuring system for industry Füzessy Z., Adam A., Bogar I., Gyimesi F., Szarvas G.   1190
Spectra of luminescense from metal-barrier-metal structures Varga P., Vertosh G., Dyulai I., Kiss D., Kroo N., et al. KE 12(1985)2161-2162 1191
Calculation of an optical channel of the archival holographic memory Varga P., Kiss G. KE 6(1979)1048-1056 1192
Difference holographic interferometry (DHI): Two-refractive-index contouring Gyimesi F., Füzessy Z. OC 53(1985)17-22 1193
Evalution of holographic interferograms by parametric representation of the displacement vector field Szarvas G., Adam A., Bogar I., Füzessy Z., Gyimesi F. SPIE 473(1984)48-51 1194
Crosstalk and loss of information in holography Varga P., Kiss G. KE 10(1983)111-120 1196
Aneffect of optical system imperfections on probability of holographic memory failure Kiss G. KE 11(1984)1947-1956 1195
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Observation of a phase object using a multipinhole camera Apostolidis A.G., Vanidhis E.D. AO 25(1986)4321-4324 1197
New all-optical devices based on third-order nonlinearity of birefringent fibers Daino B., gregori G., Wabnitz S. OL 11(1986)42-44 1198
Spatial chaos in the polarization for a birefringent optical fiber with periodic coupling Wabnitz S. PRL 58(1987)1415-1418 1199
Nonlinear nonreciprocity in a coherent mismatched directional coupler Trillo S., Wabnitz S. APL 49(1986)752-754 1200
All-optical switching and intensity discrimination by polarization instability in periodically twisted fiber filters Mecozzi A., Trillo S., Wabnitz S., Daino B. OL 12(1987)275-277 1201
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Experimental observation of polarization instability in a birefringent optical fiber Trillo S., Wabnitz S., Stolen R.H., Assanto G., Seaton C.T., Stegeman G.I. APL 49(1986)1224-1226 1203
Dual-frequency Nd: YAG laser for the study and application of nonlinear optical crystals Morgan R.A., Hopf F.A., Peyghambarian N. OE 26(1987)1240-1244 1204
Measurement of the temperature tuning coefficient of lithium niobate using nonlinear optical interferometry Morgan R.A., Hopf F.A. AO 25(1986)3011-3013 1205
Fringe order calibration in hologram interferometry Adam A.   1206
Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of nonlinear anisotropic crystals using optical interferometry Morgan R.A., Kang K.I., Hsu C.C., Koliopoulos C.L., Peyghambarian N. AO 26(1987)5266-5271 1207
Refractive index measurement Bhattacharya J.C. OLT 19(1987)29-32 1208
Strain measurement by digital speckle interferometry Maas A.A.M., Vrooman H.A.   1209
Accuracy of phase determination with unequal reference phase shift Ohyama N., Kinoshita S., Cornejo-Rodriguez A., Honda T., Tsujiuchi J. JOSA A 5(1988)2019-2025 1210
Rapid electromechanical phase shifting in differential holography Brehm L.P. RSI 59(1988)1920-1923 1211
Fringe-shifting technique for numerical analysis of time-average holograms of vibrating objects Stetson K.A., Brohinsky W.R. JOSA A 5(1988)1472-1476 1212
Self-diffraction for intrinsic optical modulation evolution measurement in photoresists Cescato L., Frejlich J. AO 27(1984)1984-1987 1213
Phase difference amplification of double-exposure holograms Fu S., Chen J. OC 67(1988)417-420 1214
Fast measurements of phase using a PC-based frame grabber and phase stepping technique Rosvold G.O. AO 29(1990)237-241 1215
A scanning diferential optical system for simultaneous phase and amplitude measurement Appel R.K., See C.W., Somekh M.G. SPIE 1988) 1216
Scanning differential optical profilometer for simultaneous measurement of amplitude and phase variation See C.W., Appel R.K., Somekh M.G. APL 53(1988)10-12 1217
Differential ampliude scanning optical microscope: theory and applications See C.W., Vaez-Iravani M. AO 27(1988)2786-2792 1218
Common path scanning hetetodyne optical profilometer for absolute phase measurement Offside M.J., Somekh M.G., See C.W. APL 55(1989)2051-2053 1219
Application of electron-beam lithography at CSEM for fabricating computer-generated holograms Buczek H., Teijido J.M. SPIE 884(1988)46-51 1220
Stabilized holographic recording using the residual real-time effect in a positive photoresist Cescato L., Mendes G.F., Frejlich J. OL 12(1987)1986-1991 1221
Fourier synthesis for fabricating blazed gratings using real-time recording effects in a positive photoresist Cescato L., Mendes G.F., Frejlich J. AO 27 (1988)1988- 1991 1222
Measurement of x(3) and phase shift of nonlinear media by means of a phase-conjugate interferometer Saltiel S.M., Van Wonterghem B., Rentzepis P.M. OL 14(1989)183-185 1223
Effet photorefractif dans les cristaux d'oxyde de bismuth et de silicium (Bi12SiO20) ou de germanium (Bi12GO20) Roosen G., Le Saux G., Pauliat G., Allain M., Jonathan J.M.C., Brun A. RPA 22(1987)1253-1267 1224
Dual-frequency Nd: YAG laser for the study and application of nonlinear optical crystals Morgan R.A., Hopf F.A., Peyghambarian N. OE 26(1987)1240-1244 1225
Modeling of adaptive image processing strategies in fly vision Schulding F.H., Mastebroek H.A.K.   1226
Le point sur les modulateurs spatiaux de lumiere Lebreton G. RPA 22(1987)1309-1320 1227
Spatially multiplexed phase conjugate imaging and processing in photorefractive BSO Vainos N.A., Eason R.W. OC 62(1987)311-316 1228
Effects of birefringence in phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in a ruby crystal Bernardo L.M., Almeida S.P. OC 48(1984)389-392 1229
Dynamic optical cross-correlator using a liquid crystal in the fourier plane Loiseaux B., Illiaquer G., Huignard J.P. OE 24(1985)144-149 1230
Characterization of improved binary phase-only filters in a real-time coherent optical correlation system Flannery D., Keller P., Cartwright S., Loomis J.   1231
Calcul optique bidimensionnel Lebreton G.   1232
Multiple image correlation by binat phase-only code division multiplexing Javidi B., Farrokhnia F.   1233
On the use of the litton magneto-optic device in optical processors Psaltis D., Mok F., Paek E.G.   1234
Optical parallel logic based on magneto-optic spatial light modulator Yu F.T.S., Jutamulia S., Lu T.   1235
Color image correlation using a magneto-optic spatial light modulator Javidi B., Kuo C.J., Chen Y.F., Ludman J.E.   1236
2D magneto-optic spatial light modulator for signal processing Ross W.E., Psaltis D., Anderson R.H.   1237
Generation of the phase-conjugate wavefront from a fourier hologram via wave-mixing in the Bi12SiO20 crystal Tianji W.   1238
Crosstalk in the one-dimensional controlled transparency on the basis of a transverse effect in electrooptic ceramics Berezin P.D., Varga P., Zakar Ch., Kish G. KE 8(1981)2050-2053 1239
Investigation of photorefractive self-pumped phase-conjugate mirrors in the presence of loss and high modulation depth Millerd J.E., Garmire E.M., Klein M.B. JOSA B 9(1992)1499-1506 1240
Periodic and chaotic spatiotemporal states in a phase-conjugate resonator using a photorefractive BaTiO3 phase-conjugate mirror Liu S.R., Indebetouw G. JOSA B 9(1992)1507-1520 1241
Holograhic interferometry using -1-order diffraction in photorefraction Bi12SiO20 and Bi12TiO20 crystals Sochava S.L., Troth R.C., Stepanov S.I. JOSA B 9(1991)1521-1527 1242
Doublephase-conjugate mirror: experimental investigation and comparison with theory Bogodaev N.V., Eliseev V.V., Ivleva L.I., Korshunov A.S., Orlov S.S., Polo JOSA B 9(1992)1493-1498 1243
High beam-coupling gain and deep- and shallow-trap effects in cobalt-doped barium titanate, BaTiO3:Co Garrett M.H., Chang J.Y., Jenssen H.P., Warde C. JOSA B 9(1992)1407-1415 1244
Photorefractive properties of SBN:60 systematically doped with rhodium Vazquez R.A., Neurgaonkar R.R., Ewbank M.D. JOSA B 9(1992)1416-1427 1245
Temperature dependence of the electron mobility in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 Nouchi P., Partanen J.P., Hellwarth R.W. JOSA B 9(1992)1428-1431 1246
Holographic image storage in LiNbO3 fibers with compensation for intrasignal photorefractive coupling Ito F., Kitayama K., Oguri H. JOSA 9(1992)1432-1439 1247
Evolution of phase-conjugate waves in stimulated photorefractive backscattering Valley G.C. JOSA B 9(1992)1440-1448 1248
Photorefractive grating formations at large modulation with alternating electric fields Brost G.A. JOSA B 9(1992)1454-1460 1249
Enhancement of the photorefractive gain at 1.3-1.5 mum in CdTe using alternating electric fields Ziari M., Steier W.H., Ranon P.M., Klein M.B., Trivedi S. JOSA B 9(1992)1461-1466 1250
Perturbative analysis of higher-order photorefractive gratings Saxena R., Chang T.Y. JOSA B 9(1992)1467-1472 1251
Diffraction properties of momentum-mismatched gratings in photorefractive media Gu C., Hong J., Yeh P. JOSA B 9(1992)1473-1479 1252
Photorefractive effects induced by picosecond light pulses in reduced KNbO3 Biaggio I., Zgonik M., Günter P. JOSA B 9(1992)1480-1487 1253
Two-beam coupling and resonse-time measurements in barium titanate using high-intensity laser pulses Barry N., Damzen M.J. JOSA B 9(1992)1488-1492 1254
Dynamic energy transfer and transient fringe dislocations in photorefractive lithium niobate Maniloff E.S., Johnson K.M., Wagner K. JOSA B 9(1992)1673-1684 1255
A fast method to measure the voltage characteristics of liquid crystals using Edser-Butler fringes Love G.D., Major J.V.   1256
Photorefractive effects of BaTiO3 single crystals grown in inert atmospheres Ajimura S., Tomomatsu K., Nakao O., Kurosaka A., Tominaga H., Fukuda O. JOSA B 9(1992)1609-1613 1257
Temperature dependence of the photorefractive effect in InP:Fe: role of multiple defects Rana R.S., Nolte D.D., Steldt R., Monberg E.M. JOSA B 9(1992)1614-1625 1258
Photorefractive quantum wells: transverse Franz-Keldysh geometry Wang Q., Brubaker R.M., Nolte D.D., Melloch M.R. JOSA B 9(1992)1626-1641 1259
Two-beam coupling measurements of grating phase in a photorefractive polymer Walsh C.A., Moerner W.E. JOSA B 9(1992)1642-1647 1260
Parametric conical scattering of two orthgonally polarized waves in BaTiO3 Odoulov S., Sturman B., Holtmann L., Krätzig E. JOSA B 9(1992)1648-1653 1261
Spatial subharmonic generation in BaTiO3 Novikov A., Odoulov S., Jungen R., Tschudi T. JOSA B 9(1992)1654-1660 1262
Generation of spatial subharmonic gratings through mode mixing in planar waveguides Popov V., Shandarov E. JOSA B 9(1992)1661-1665 1263
Comparison of single- and two-species models of electron-hole transport in photorefractive media Bashaw M.C., Ma T.-P., Barker R.C. JOSA B 9(1992)1666-1672 1264
Signal-to-pump ratio dependence of buildup and decay rates in photorefractive nonlineat two-beam coupling Horowitz M., Fischer B. JOSA B 9(1992)1685-1688 1265
Optical bistability by two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals Baraban E.D., Zhang H.-Z., Boyd R.W. JOSA B 9(1992)1689-1692 1266
Effect of position-dependent time constant on photorefractive two-wave mixing Dai L.-K., Gu C., Yeh P. JOSA B 9(1992)1693-1697 1267
Photorefractive two-beam coupling with light og partial spatiotemporal coherence Cronin-Golomb M., Kong H., Krolikowski W. JOSA B 9(1992)1698-1703 1268
Intensity dependence of the photogalvanic effect in barium titanate Cudney R.S., Pierce R.M., Bacher G.D., Mahgerefteh D., Feinberg J. JOSA B 9(1992)1704-1713 1269
Beam diameter threshold for polarization conversion photoinduced by spatially oscillating bulk photovoltaic currents in LiNbO3: Fe Wilson D.W., Glytsis E.N., Hartman N.F., Gaylord T.K. JOSA B 9(1992)1714-1725 1270
Phase conjugation by stimulated photorefractive scattering using a retroreflected seeding beam Mullen R.A., Vickers D.J., West L., Pepper D.M. JOSA B 9(1992)1726-1734 1271
Frequency locking in the photorefractive phase-conjugate ring oscillator Saxena R., Rosker M.J., McMichael I. JOSA B 9(1992)1735-1743 1272
Studies of the dynamic range of photorefractive gratings in ferroelectric crystals Chang T.Y., Hong J.H., Vachss F., McGraw R. JOSA B 9(1992)1744-1751 1273
Cross-Talk and Cross-Coupling in Multiplexed Holographic Gratings Moharam M.G. SPIE 1051(1989)143-147 1274
Rotational invariant pattern recognition using photorefractive correlator Chang Chi-Ching, Tong Yuh-Ping, Yau Hon-Fai JJ AP 31(1992)43-45 1275
Self-amplified optical pattern-recognition Liu Hua-Kuang AO 31(1992)2568-2575 1276
A high-sensitivity PRIZ/image intensifier spatial light modulator Khomenko A.V., Petrov V.M., Shlyagin M.G., Shalaevskii N.O. SPIE 1183(1989)309-315 1277
Amplification by beam coupling of the diffraction efficiency of a grating photoinduced in a FA(II)KCl: Li crystal May M., Debrus S. SPIE 1183(1989)297-308 1278
Large viewing angle rainbow hologram by holographic phase conjugation Cheng F., Chaochuan J., Lurong G. SPIE 1461(1991)265-269 1279
Space-invariant optical correlator using a photorefractive medium Kim R.S., Ihm J.T., Son H., Park H.K. OLT 21(1989)315-318 1280
The transient detection microscope Cudney R.S., Pierce R.M., Feinberg J. NAT 332 (1988)424-426 1281
Self-pumped phase conjugation in the red in photorefractive Ba0.5 Sr1.5K0.25Na0.75Nb5O15 and Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 with cerium in 9-fold coordinated sites Montgomery S.R., Yarrison-Rice J., Pederson D.O., Salamo G.J., Miller M.J. JOSA B 5(1988)1775-1782 1282
Measurement of light scattering at 0 by micrometer-size quartz fibers Padmabandu G.G., Oh Ch., Fry E.S. OL 17(1992)169-171 1283
Narrow optical bandpass filter via nearly degenerate four-wave mixing Pepper D. M., Abrams R.L. OL 3(1978)212-214 1284
High photorefractive sensitivity in an n-type 45-cut BaTiO3 crystal Garrett M.H., Chang J.Y., Jenssen H.P., Warde C. OL 17(1992)103-105 1285
Photorefractive intermode space-charge fields in volume holographic interconnections Beak W.S., Lee H. JAP 67(1990)1194-1202 1286
Photorefractive properties of BaTiO3:Cr Hathcock R.S., Temple D.A., Warde C. IEEE JQE QE23(1987)2122-2125 1287
Electrooptic and piezoelectric measurements in photorefractive Barium Titanate and Strontium Barium Niobate Ducharme S., Feinberg J., Neurgaonkar R.R. IEEE JQE QE23(1987)2116-2121 1288
Dynamically programmable self-aligning optical interconnect with fan-out and fan-in using self-pumped phase conjugation Cronin-Golomb M. APL 54(1989)2198-2191 1289
Infared photorefractive passive phase conjugation with BaTiO3: Demonstration with GaAlAs and 1.09-µm Ar+ lasers Cronin-Golomb M., Lau K.Y., Yariv A. APL 47(1985)567-569 1290
Hybrid optoelectronic neutral networks using a mutually pumped phase-conjugate mirror Dunning G.J., Owechko Y., Soffer B.H. OL 16(1991)928-930 1291
Mode multiplexing and holographic demultiplexing communication channels on a multimode fiber Saffman M., Anderson D.Z. OL 16(1991)300-302 1292
High-gain, low-noise signal beam amplification in photorefractive BaTiO3 Joseph J., Pillai P.K.C., Singh K. AO 30(1991)3315-3318 1293
Photorefractive time-integrating correlator Hong J.H., Chang T.Y. OL 16(1991)333-335 1294
Optical novelty filter with phase carrier Yu F.T.S., Wu S., Rajan S., Mayers A., Gregory D.A. OC 92(1992)205-208 1295
Vibration analysis using photorefractive two-wave mixing Xie Ch., Itod M., Kuroda K., Ogura I. OC 82(1991)544-548 1296
Holographic recording in Cerium doped Strontium Barium niobate a-axis single crystal fiber Sugiyama Y., Yagi S., Yokohama I., Hatakeyama I. JAP 31(1992)708-712 1297
Double exposure planar transmission holograms recorded in nonlinear dichromated gelatin Blair L.T., Solymar L. AO 30(1991)775-779 1298
Dynamic gratings and four-wave phase conjugation in dye solutions Kabanov V.V., Rubanov A.S. IEEE JQE 26(1990)1990-1998 1299
Transient phase conjugation in a two-level system Nakano H., Sakai J. IEEE JQE 27(1991)2495-2504 1300
Two-dimensional mapping of temperature in a flame by degenerate four-wave mixing in OH Ewart P., Kaczmarek M. AO 30(1991)3996-3999 1301
Phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in inverted dye solutions Rouledge P.A., King T.A. JMO 35(1988)799-805 1302
Instability of spatial subharmonics under hologram recording in a photorefractive crystal Nestiorkin O.P. OC 81(1991)315-320 1303
Phase-cojugation and self-oscillation with copropagating cross-polarized beams Vallet M., Pinard M., Grynberg G. OC 81(1991)403-407 1304
Theory of amplitude and phase effects in 2-d-two-wave mixing Notni G., Kowarschik R. IEEE JQE 27(1991)2193-2200 1305
Nearly degenerate two-wave mixing in saturable absorbers Zilio S.C., Penaforte J.C., Gouveia E.A., Bell M.J.V. OC 86(1991)81-87 1306
An electronic Cranz-Schardin camera Bretthauer B., Meier G.E.A., Stasicki B. RSI 62(1991)364-368 1307
Two-wave coupling and self-pumped phase conjugation atnear infrared wavelengths in BaTiO3 Zhang H.Y., He X.H., Shih Y.H. OC 88(1992)424-430 1308
Optical correlator production system neutral net Casasent C., Botha E. AO 31(1992)1030-1040 1309
Processing microscope using phase-conjugate illumination generated by self-pumping in Barium Titanate Brody P.S., Garvin C.G. FE 107(1990)9-14 1310
Photorefractive optical holographic correlation using a Bi12TiO20 crystal at l =0.633 µm Faria S.G., Tagliaferri A.A., dos Santos P.A.M. OC 86(1991)29-33 1311
Analysis of irregular fluctuations in a self-pumped BaTiO3 phase-conjugate mirror Rauch T., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 88(1992)160-166 1312
Nondegenerate photorefractive four-wave mixing without feedback in Bi12TiO20 Ilinykh P.N., Nestiorkin O.P., Zel'dolvich B.Y. OC 86(1991)75-80 1313
Image formation of dilute arrays for optical information processing Lohmann A.W. OC 86(1991)365-370 1314
Real-time spatial selective filtering with BSO crystals Pinzon J.S., Grosz S.I., Zerbino L.M., Bolognini N., Garavaglia M. Optik 87(1991)83-86 1315
Optical technique for the measurement of turbulent spectra using the photorefractive properties of BaTiO3 Albrecht G.F., Robey H.F., Moore T.R. APL 57(1990)864-866 1316
Effect of shallow traps on electron-hole competition in semi-insulating photorefractive materials Tayebati P. JOSA B 9(1992)415-419 1317
Noise limitations of Brillouin two-beam coupling: theory and experiment Sternklar S., Glick Y., Jackel S. JOSA B 9(1992)391-396 1318
High reflectivity broadband self-pumped phase conjugator in near-infrared wavelengths Shih Y.H., He X.H., Zhang H.Y. APL 61(1992)1910-1911 1319
Optical transfer function and longitudinal image spread of phase conjugation owing to finite frequency bandwidth and finite medium thickness Okamoto A., Mishima T., Sakuraba I. JOSA A 9(1992)1285-1288 1320
Anisotropic cross talk in an optical interconnection by using a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror at the Fourier plane Chiou A. OL 17(1992)1018-1020 1321
Coherent-beam amplification nd polarization switching in a birefringent medium-photorefractive crystal Khoo I.-Ch., Liang Y., Li H. IEEE JQE 28(1992)1816-1824 1322
Bi12SiO20 thin-film spatial light modulator Nagao Y., Sakata H., Mimura Y. AO 31(1992)3966-3970 1323
Numerical calculations of two-beam energy coupling gains in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystal Lee Y.H. IEEE JQE 27(1991)2488-2494 1324
Distortion of phase-conjugation in degenerate four-wave mixing with phase fluctuation of pump and signal Wilhelmi B. OC 82(1991)89-93 1325
Preparation and photorefractive properties of barium strontium titanate (Ba1-xSrxTiO3) Zhuang J., Li G.-S., Gao X.-C., Guo X.-B., Huang Y.-H., Shi Z.-Z., Weng Y. OC 82(1991)69-72 1326
Investigations of the characteristics of fixed holograms in Bi12TiO20 photofractive crystals Zhivkova S., Miteva M. OC 86(1991)449-453 1327
Holographic grating formation in poly(spiropyran l-glutamate) Cooper T.M., Tondiglia V., Natarajan L.V., Shapiro M., Obermeier K., Crane AO 32(1993)674-677 1328
A method of analyzing holographic interferograms of ballistic models in hypersonic free-flight Kieffer D.L., Griffith W.C., Tam T.C., Cavolowsky J.A. (1992)1-10 1329
Phase-conjugate Fizeau-Interferometer for testing optical surfaces Notni G., Wenke L., Kowarschik R. (1991)1-4 1330
Optical phase-conjugate studies of organic dyes doped in a boric acid host Reddy B.R., Venkateswarlu P. JOSA B 10(1993)438-445 1331
Two-wave mixing in thin nonlinear local-response media: a simple theoretical model Sanchez F. JOSA B 9(1992)2196-2205 1332
Holographic interferometry applied to rib-roughness heat transfer in turbulent flow Lockett J.F., Collins M.W. IJ HMT 33(1990)2439-2449 1333
Holographic methods for imaging through an inhomogeneity Leith E.N., Cunha A. OE 28(1989)574-579 1334
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Diffraction properties of a reflection photorefractive hologram Zhou H., Zhao F., Yu F.T.S. AO 33(1994) 4345-4352 1517
Extension of the velocity detection range of a tracking novelty filter that uses LiNbO3 and strontium barium niobate Chen A., Fan S., Ding H., Wu C. AO 33(1994) 2998-3002 1518
Analysis of a ring-laser gyroscope with intracavity phase-conjugate coupling Dennis M.L., Diels J.-C.M. AO 33(1994) 1659-1672 1519
Effects of recording-erasure dynamics of storage capacity of a wavelength-multiplexed reflection-type photorefractive hologram Zhou H., Zhao F., Yu F.T.S. AO 33(1994) 4339-4344 1520
Transmission of 6 ps linear pulses over 50 km of standart fiber using midpoint spectral inversion to eliminate dispersion Laming R.I., Richardson D.J., Taverner D., Payne D.N. IEEE QE 3(1994) 2114-2119 1521
Spectral hole burning and carrier-heating effect on the transient optical nonlinearity of highly carrier-injected semiconductors Nambu Y., Tomita A. IEEE QE 30(1994) 1981-1994 1522
Parallel optical image processing with image-logic algebra and a polynomial approach Bhattachatya P. AO 33(1994) 6142-6145 1523
Image classification with a chirp-encoded joint transform correlator Javidi B., Tang Q., Zhang G., Parchekani F. AO 33(1994) 6219-6227 1524
Spatial phase coding for incoherent optical processors Tigin D.V., Lavrentev A.A., Gary C.K. OLT 26(1994) 313-317 1525
An optoelectronic smart detector array for the classification of fingerprints Ohta J., Sharpe J., Johnson K. OC 111(1994) 451-458 1526
Pulse-coupled neural nets: translation, rotation, scale, distortion, and intensity signal invariance for images Johnson J.L. AO 33(1994) 6239-6253 1527
Generalized perceptron learning rule and its implications for photorefractive neural networks Cheng C.-J., Yeh P., Hsu K.Y. JOSA B 11(1994) 1619-1624 1528
Optical angular mapping for pattern recognition using self-pumped phase conjugation Lee Y.-K. AO 33(1994) 6228-6234 1529
Submillisecond photorefractive response time of KNbO3: Rb+ Zhang Y., Campell S., Yeh P., Shen D., Ma X., Chen J. OL 19(1994) 1397-1399 1530
Observation of angularly tilted subharmonic grating in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. OL 19(1994) 1418-1420 1531
Comparison between continuous-wave and pulsed photorefraction in barium titanate Barry N., Duffault L., Troth R., Ramos-Garcia R., Damzen M.J. JOSA B 11(1994) 1758-1763 1532
Trapping the grating envelpoe in bulk photorefractive media Jeganathan M., Bashaw M.C., Hesselink L. OL 19(1994) 1415-1417 1533
Analytical model for grating dynamics in surface-charge-dominated pockels readout optical modulator devices Smith S.L.,Hesselink L. JOSA B (1994) 1878-1884 1534
Nonlinear dynamics of single-mode oscillations in photorefractive ring resonators Jost B.M., Saleh B.E.A. JOSA B 11(1994) 1864-1871 1535
Cross-talk considerations for angular and phase -encoded multiplexing in volume holography Bashaw M.C., Heanue J.F., Aharoni A., Walkup J.F., Hesselink L. JOSA B 11(1994) 1820-1836 1536
Analysis of photorefractive stratified volume holographic optical elements De Vre R., Hesselink L. JOSA B 11(1994) 1800-1808 1537
Diffraction from thermally fixed gratings in a photorefractive medium: steady-state and transient analysis Jeganathan M., Hesselink L. JOSA B 11(1994) 1791-1799 1538
Photorefractive phase shift induced by hot-electron transport: multiple-quantum-well structures Wang Q.N., Brubaker R.M., Nolte D.D. JOSA B 11(1994) 1773-1779 1539
Photorefractive effect in InP: Fe dominated by holes at room temperature: influence of the indirect transitions Özkul C., Jamet S., Gravey P., Turki K., Bremond G. JOSA B 11(1994) 1668-1673 1540
Characterization of photorefractive CdTe: V: high two-wave mixing gain with an optimum low-frequency periodic external electric field Moisan J.-Y., Wolffer N., Moine O., Gravey P., Martel G., Aoudia A., Repka E., Marfaing Y., Triboulet R. JOSA B 11(1994) 1655-1667 1541
Angular bandwidth for brillouin amplification Glick Y., Sternklar S. JOSA B 11(1994) 1539-1543 1542
Optical hyperfine pumping as nonlinear mechanism in degenerate four-wave mixing Schiffer M., Cruse E., Lange W. OC 111(1994) 521-525 1543
Contouring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry emplouing divergent dual beam illumination Zou Y., Pedrini G., Tiziani H. JMO 41(1994) 1637-1652 1544
Phase recovery in an optical imaging system with diffraction loss Dong B., Zhuang J., Ersoy O.K. JMO 41(1994) 1575-1590 1545
Phase conjugation in degenerate four-wave mixing with finite apertures Bouchal Z., Perina J. JMO 39(1992) 1365-1380 1546
Theory of degenerate four-wave mixing in anisotropic, optically active photorefractive crystals Erdmann A., Kowarschik R. IEEE QE 24(1988) 155-161 1547
Digital logic operations and half-adder in photorefractive material Shakil-ur-Rehman, Zuairy M.S. OC 106(1994) 25-28 1548
Cross talk for angle- and wavelength-multiplexed image plane holograms Curtis K., psaltis D. OL 19(1994) 1774-1776 1549
Correction of phase and depolarization distortions in a multimode fiber at 1.064 µm with stimulated-Brillouin-scattering phase conjugation Matthews S.C., Rockwell D.A. OL 19(1994) 1729-1731 1550
Recovery of the soliton self-frequency shift by optical phase conjugation Chi S., Wen S. OL 19(1994) 1705-1707 1551
Fractional Talbot four-level phase-only holograms using ferroelectric liquid-crystal spatial light modulators Hamam H., de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye J.L., OL 19(1994) 1654-1656 1552
Phase conjugation of an optical near field Bozhevolnyi S.I., Keller O., Smolyaninov I.I. OL 19(1994) 1601-1603 1553
Highly efficient ultrafast optical Kerr shutters with the use of organic nonlinear materials Kanbara H., Kobayashi H., Kaino T., Kurihara T., Ooba T., Kubodera K. JOSA B 11(1994) 2216-2223 1554
Degenerate four-wave mixing in picosecond pulses: study of the temporal shape of the diffracted signal as a function of the material response time Coic H., Roblin M.L., Gires F., Grousson R. JOSA B 11(1994) 2232-2239 1555
Real-time measurement of diffraction efficiency in holographic materials with nonlinear responses Fima A., Fuentes R., Mateos F., Sastre R., Pineda J., Amat-Guerri F. JMO 41 (1994) 1867-1873 1556
Fabrication and characterization of a third-order nonlinear organic-polymer cpmposite glass waveguide: a self-phase modulator Chon J.C., Mickelson A.R. AO 33(1994) 6935-6941 1557
Phase-conjugate holographic system for high-resolution particle-image velocimetry Barnhart D.H., Adrian R.J., Papen G.C. AO 33(1994) 7159-7170 1558
Dynamic self-pumped phase-conjugating mirror based on the bacteriorhodopsin variant D96N Zeisel D., Hampp N. OL 19(1994) 1412-1414 1559
Mutually pumped phase-conujgate mirror in a bidirectional ring resonator geometry Yu W., Krolikowski W., Luther-Davies B. JOSA B 11(1994) 1872-1877 1560
Holographic double-exposure interferometry in near real time with photorefractive crystals Dirksen D., von Bally G. JOSA B 11(1994) 1858-1863 1561
Photorefractive recording in BTO in the near infrared Odoulov S.G., Shcherbin K.V., Shumeljuk A.N. JOSA B 11 (1994) 1780-1785 1562
Physical origin of mirrorless parametric in BaTiO3 Sturman B.I., Odoulov S.G., van Olfen U., Jäkel G., Schulz R.K., Krätzig E. JOSA B 11(1994) 1700-1707 1563
Phase sensitivity of parametric gain for a seeded subharmonic in BaTiO3 Odoulov S.G., Jungen R., Tschudi T. JOSA B 11(1994) 1786-1790 1564
Double phase conjugation Engin D., Segev M., Orlov S., Yariv A., Valley G.C. JOSA B 11(1994) 1708-1717 1565
Modulation dependence of the photorefractive response with moving gratings: numerical analysis and experiment Brost G.A., Magde K.M., Larkin J.J., Harris M.T. JOSA B 11(1994) 1764-1772 1566
Spatial and temporal fidelity of photorefractive image correlators Meigs A., Saleh B.E.A. JOSA B 11(1994) 1848-1857 1568
Noise analysis of two-beam coupling in a photorefractive material Banerjee P.P., Yu H.-L. JOSA B 11(1994) 1809-1812 1569
Cooperative photorefractive beam fanning in BaSrKNaNb5O15 Montgomery S.R., Gallagher M.P., Salamo G.J., Sharp E.J., Wood G.L., Neurgaonkar R.R. JOSA B 11(1994) 1694-1699 1570
Velocimetry of gas flows using degenerate four-wave mixing Williams R.B., Ewart P., Dreizler A. OC 19(1994) 1486-1488 1571
Simple autocorrelator for ultraviolet pulse-width measurements based on the nonlinear photoelectric effect Takagi Y. AO 33(1994) 6328-6332 1572
Graded-index fibers, Wigner-distribution functions, and the fractional Fourier transform Mendlovic D., Ozaktas H.M., Lohmann A.W. AO 33(1994) 6188-6193 1573
Transient analysis of degenerate four-wave mixing with orthogonally polarized pump beams in a saturable Nd: YAG amplifier Brignon A., Huignard J.-P. IEEE QE 30(1994) 2203-2210 1574
Nonlinear propagation of high-power, sub-100-fs pulses near the zero-dispersion wavelength of an optical fiber Yanovsky V.P., Wise F.W. OL 19(1994) 1547-1549 1575
Fringe-orientation maps and fringe skeleton extraction by the two-dimensional derivative-sign binary method Yu Q., Andresen K. AO 33(1994) 6873-6878 1576
High-engergy SBS pulse compression Dane C.B., Neuman W.A., Hackel L.A. IEEE QE 30(1994) 1907-1915 1577
Anisotropic alignment og a nematic liquid crystal controlled by a polarization sensitive Langmuir-Blodgett command layer Sekkat Z., Büchel M., Orendi H., Knobloch H., Seki T., Ito S., Koberstein J., Knoll W. OC 111(1994) 324-330 1578
Holographic contouring by using tunable lasers George N., Li W. OL 19(1994) 1879-1881 1579
Upconverting time gate for imaging through highly scattering media Faris G.W., Banks M. OL 19(1994) 1813-1815 1580
Optimization of morphological filters by learning Asano A., Matsumura K., Itoh K., Ichioka Y., Yokozeki S. OC 112(1994) 265-270 1581
Focusing fan-out elements based on phase-matched Fresnel lenses Rossi M., Kunz R.E. OC 112(1994) 258-264 1582
Response measurements of a Fabry-Perot to short pulses Offrein B.J., Hoekstra H.J.W.M., van Loenen J.P., Driessen A., Popma Th.J.A. OC 112(1994) 253-257 1583
Multiwavelength, multilevel optical storage using dielectric mirrors Wullert II J.R., Delfyett P.J. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 1133-1135 1584
All-optical pulse width and wavelength conversion at 10 Gb/s using a nonlinear optical loop mirror Rauschenbach K.A., Hall K.L., Livas J.C., Raybon G. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 1130-1132 1585
An optical scanning technique in a white light interferometric system Wang D.N., Ning Y.N., Palmer A.W., Grattan K.T.V., Weir K. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 855-857 1586
Tuning bragg wavelength by writing gratings on prestrained fibers Zhang Q., Brown D.A., Reinhart L., Morse T.F., Wang J.Q., Xiao G. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 839-841 1587
Formation dynamics of bragg phase grating in photosensitive optical fibers Kwak Ch. H., Kim K.H., Jeong J.S., Suh H.H., Lee El-H. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 836-838 1588
Dynamic phase-encoding storage of 64 images in a BaTiO3 photorefractive crystal Alves C., Pauliat G., Roosen G. OL 19(1994) 1894-1896 1589
Linear image differentiation by use of analog differential self-electro-optic effect devices De Souza E.A., Carraresi L., Miller D.A.B. OL 19(1994) 1882-1884 1590
Fourier-transform method of frine-pattern analysis for computer-based topography and interferometry Takeda M., Ina H., Kobayashi S. JOSA 72(1982) 156-160 1591
Pancharatnam`s phase for polarized ligh De Vito E., Levrero A. JMO 41(1994) 2233-2238 1592
White-light phase-stepping interferometry for surface profiling Hariharan P., Roy M. JMO 41(1994) 2197-2201 1593
Dynamic four-wave mixing induced by self-pump phase conjugation in Cu: KNSBN crystal Zhao M., Yamaguchi I. OC 112(1994) 163-168 1594
Photorefractive two-beam-coupling nonlinear joint-transform correlator Khoury J., Cronin-Golomb M., Gianino P., Woods Ch. JOSA B 11(1994) 2167-2174 1595
Transient modeling of pulsed phase conjugation experiments in a saturable Nd: YAG amplifier Syed K.S., Green R.P.M., Crofts G.J., Damzen M.J. OC 112(1994) 175-180 1596
Observation of orientational photorefractive effects in nematic liquid crystals Khoo I.C., Li H., Liang Y. OL 19(9194) 1723-1725 1597
Order-selective Raman conversion by dual-wavelength-pumped four-wave mixing Nakata T., Yamada T., Kannari F. JOSA B 11(1994) 2182-2192 1598
Compression, self-bending, and collapse of Gaussian beams in photorefractive crystals Christodoulides D.N., Carvalho M.I. OL 19(1994) 1714-1716 1599
Photorefractive response time measuement in GaAs crystal by phase modulation in two-wave mixing Bian S., Frejlich J. OL 19(1994) 1702-1704 1600
Imaging of coherent fields through lenslike systems Yariv A. OL 19(1994) 1607-1608 1601
Phase-coding technique for one-way image transmission through aberrating media Khoury J., Fu J., Woods Ch.L. OL 19(1994) 1645-1647 1602
Synthetic-array heterodyne detection: a single-element detector acts as an arry Strauss Ch.E.M. OL 19(1994) 1609-1611 1603
Diffusion model of hologram formation in dry photopolymer materials Zhao G., Mouroulis P. JMO 41(1994) 1929-1939 1604
The birth of a phase-cat Schaufler S., Freyberger M., Schleich W.P. JMO 41(1994) 1765-1779 1605
Design of highly efficient four-wave mixing devices using optical fibers Kikuchi K., Lorattanasane Ch. IEEE PTL 6(1994) 992-994 1606
Determination of the phase change on reflection from two-beam interference Biegen J.F. OL 19(1994) 1690-1692 1607
Antiresonant ring interferometric nonlinear spectroscopy for nonlinear-optical measurements Lee H.W.H., Hughes R.S. OL 19(1994) 1708-1710 1608
Optical switching in Lambda/4-shifted nonlinear periodic structures Radic S., George N., Agrawal G.P. OL 19(1994) 1789-1790 1609
Signal switching by a control beam in a nonlinear coupler Samir W., Pask C., Garth S.J. JOSA B 11(1994) 2193-2205 1610
Integrated polarization-optical logic processor Peng H., Liu L., Yin Y., Wang Z. OC 112(1994) 131-135 1611
Transient behavior in absorptive optical bistability by the Hamilton-Jacobi method Sarkar S., Satchell J.S. PR A 33(1986) 2517-2524 1612
Observation of beating between cw lasers by time-delayed laser-induced double gratings mediated by photorefractive effect Ding X., Zhang Z., Jiang Q., Mi X., Yu Z., Fu P., Shen D., Ma X. OC 112(1994) 55-58 1613
Highly efficient self-pumped phase cojugation in barium titanate crystals Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Yang C., Kang J., Zheng S., Zhu Y., Chen Y., Wu X., Fu P. JOSA B 11(1994) 1992-1995 1614
Exact solution of the Bragg-difffration problem in sillenites Sturmann B.I., Webb D.J., Kowarschik R., Shamonina E., Ringhofer K.H. JOSA B 11(1994) 1813-1819 1615
Two-wave mixing with externally applied magnetic field and faraday effect on photorefractive medium Johanson P.M.B. IEEE JQE 30(1994) 1916-1923 1616
Blue-light-infrared absorption in KNbO3 Mabuchi H., Polzik E S., Kimble H.J. JOSA B 11(1994) 2023-2029 1617
Phase conjugate Twyman-Green interferometer for testing spherical surfaces and lenses and for measuring refractive indices of liquids or solid transparent materials Shukla R.P., Dokhanian M., Venkateswarlu P., George M.C. OC 78(1990) 407-415 1618
Holographic recording of complex images by douple phase conjugarion in Bi12TiO20 fiberlike crystal Kamshilin A.A., Liu S., Tuovinen H., Prokofiev V.V., Jaaskelainen T. OL 19(1994) 907-909 1619
Laser microscope using phase-conjugate reconstruction from a photorefractive hologram Brody P.S., Garvin C., Gillman A.W., Shentu L. SPIE 1319(1990) 468-469 1620
The optics of ferroelectric liquid crystals Elston S.J. JMO 42(1995) 19-56 1621
Subfeature speckle interferometry Burckel D., Zaidi S.H., Frauenglass A., Lang M., Brueck S.R.J. OL 20(1995) 315-317 1622
Light-induced dark decay and sublinear intensity dependence of the response time in cobalt-doped barium titanate Chang J.Y., Garrett M.H., Tayebati P., Jenssen H.P., Warde C. JOSA B 12(1995) 248-254 1623
Spatial frequency filtering in holographic image reconstruction Bolognini N., Arizmendi L., Solymar L. AO 34(1995) 243-248 1624
Real-time image processing with a cat conjugator Sreedhar P.R., Sirohi R.S. AO 34(1995) 333-337 1625
Photorefractive two-beam coupling optimal thresholding filter for additive signal-dependent noise reduction Fu J., Khoury J., Cronin-Golomb M., Woods Ch.L. AO 34(1995) 346-351 1626
General classes of double phase conjugation Sternklar S. OL 20(1995) 249-251 1627
Excited-state enhancement of the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility of nonether polyphenylquinoxaline Yan J., Wu J., Zhu H., Zhang X., Sun D., Hu Y., Li F., Sun M. OL 20(1995) 255-257 1628
Origin and elimination of dynamic instability in a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror Zheng Y., Sasaki A., Gao X., Aoyama H. Ol 20(1995) 267-269 1629
Optical restoration of photorefractive holograms through self-enhanced diffraction Campbell S., Yeh P., Gu C., Lin S.H., Cheng Ch.-J., Hsu K.Y. OL 20(1995) 330-332 1630
Continuous-wave laser beam fanning in organic solutions: a novel phenomenon Abdeldayem H., Witherow W.K., Shields A., Penn B., Frazier D.O., Moghbel M., Venkateswarlu P., Sekhar P.Ch., George M.C. OL 19(1994) 2068-2070 1631
Real-time pattern recognition system based on a bipolar winner-take-all model with a threshold Shen J.-Y., Ding T.-Y., Zhang Y.-X., Mu G.-G. OL 19(1994) 2158-2160 1632
A simple method for the determination of the intensity and phase of ultrashort optical pulses Prade B.S., Schins J.M., Nibbering E.T.J., Franco M.A., Mysyrowicz A. OC 113(1994) 79-84 1633
Mesurement of the spatio-temporal response of photorefractive conjugation meigs A.D., Saleh B.E.A. OC 115(1995) 121-128 1634
Nitroprussides, a new group of materials for holographic information storage on the basis of metastable electronic states Haussühl S., Schetter G., Woike Th. OC 114(1995) 219-222 1635
Nonlinear optical responses of strontium barium niobate Holmstrom S.A., Taheri B., Reeves R.J., Powell R.C., Sharp E.J., Neurgoankar R.R. OC 114(1995) 413-420 1636
Characteristics of crystallographic gratings Sarathy J., Diaz D.C.,Hartin O.L., Campbell J.C. OL 20(1995) 228-230 1637
Experimental demonstration of swept-carrier time-domain optical memory Lin H., Wang T., Wilson G.A., Mossberg T.W. OL 20(1995) 91-93 1638
Simple coherence measurement with a modified Lau interferometer Lohmann A.W., Ojeda-Castaneda J., Ibarra J. OL 20(1995) 321-323 1639
Imaging in diffuse media with ultrafast degenerate optical parametric amplification Watson J., Georges P., Lepine Th., Alonzi B., Brun A. OL 20(1995) 231-233 1640
Heterodyne nondegenerate pump-probe measurement technique for guided-wave devices Sun C.-K., Golubovic B., Fujimoto J.G., Choi H.K., Wang C.A. OL 20(1995) 210-212 1641
Transient photocurrents in photoconductive semiconductors generated by step-phase modulations Davidson F., Wang C.C., Trivedi S. OL 20(1995) 175-177 1642
Four-wavelenght Bragg mirror using GaAs/AlAs Anselm K.A., Murtaza S.S., Campbell J.C., Streetman B.G. OL 20(1995) 178-179 1643
Single-shot measurement of the amplitude and phase of ultrashort laser pulses in the violet Clement T.S., taylor A.J., Kane D.J. OL 20(1995) 70-72 1644
Frequency-domain interferometer for measuring the phase and amplitude of a femtosecond pulse probing a laser-produced plasma Geindre J.P., Audebert P., Rousse A., Fallies F., Gauthier J.C., Mysyrowicz A., DosSantos A., Hamoniaux G., Antonetti A. OL 19(1994) 1997-1999 1645
Attometer resolution of wavelength shifts by use of fiber modal interferometers Bhatia V., Murphy K.A., Wang A., Claus R.O., Greene J.A. OL 20(1995) 97-99 1646
Multiobject reconnition in a multichannel joint-transform correlator Feng J.H., Chin G.F., Wu M.X., Yan S.H., Yan Y.B. OL 20(1995) 82-84 1647
Two-mode fiber-optic time-delay scanner for white-light interferometry Sinha P.G., Kolltveit E., Bløtekjær K. OL 20(1995) 94-96 1648
Optimization of the field of view of a Brillouin-enhanced four-wave-mixing phase conjugator Ackermann J.R., Lebow P.S. OL 19(1994) 2015-2017 1649
Low-intensity degenerate four-wave mixing at the cesium D1 resonance in thin cells Glassner D.S., Ai B., Knize R.J. OL 19(1994) 2071-2073 1650
Two-wave mixing of focused Gaussian beams in photorefractive waveguides Fluck D., Weiss J.A., Brülisauer S., Günter P. OL 19(1994) 2080-2082 1651
Method for the measurement of the modulation transfer function of sampled imaging systems from bar-target patterns Sitter D.N., Goddard J.S., Ferrell R.K. AO 34(1995) 746-751 1652
Double phase-conjugate mirror: convection and diffraction Zozulya A.A., Saffman M., Anderson D.Z. JOSA B 12(1995) 255-264 1653
Wave-front sensing by pseudo-phase-conjugate interferometry Baharav Y., Spektor B., Shamir J., Crowe D.G., Rhodes W. AO 34(1995) 108-113 1654
Incoherent optical image processing with acousto-optical pupil-plane filtering Athale R.A., van der Gracht J., Prather D.W., Mait J.N. AO 34(1995) 276-280 1655
Rank-order and morphological enhancement of image details with an optoelectronic processor Szoplik T., Garcia J., Ferreira C. AO 34(1995) 267-275 1656
Composite harmonic filters for scale-, projection-, and shift-invariant pattern recognition Mendlovic D., Zalevsky Z., Kiryuschev I., Lebreton G. AO 34(1995) 310-316 1657
Fractional correlation Mendlovic D., Ozaktas H.M., Lohmann A.W. AO 34(1995) 303-309 1658
Contradirectional two-beam coupling in absorptive photorefractive materials: application to Rh-doped strontium barium niobate (SBN:60) Ewbank M.D., Vazquez R.A., Neurgaonkar R.R., Vachss F. JOSA B 12(1995) 87-98 1659
Infrared degenerate four-wave spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: CH4 and C2H2 Germann G.J., Farrow R.L., Rakestraw D.J. JOSA B 12(1995) 25-32 1660
Resonant optical phase conjugation in laser plasmas Lahiri J., Sinha B.K. OC 113(1995) 407-412 1661
Pump-probe propagation in a passive Kerr nonlinear optical medium Spencer P.S., Shore K.A. JOSA B 12(1995) 67-71 1662
Stimulated Rayleigh-wing scattering with two-beam coupling in CS2 Dorkenoo K.D., Wang D., Xuan N.P., Lecoq J.P., Chevalier R., Rivoire G. JOSA B 12(1995) 37-42 1663
Phase conjugation by cascaded second-order nonlinear-optical processes Unsbo P. JOSA B 12(1995) 43-48 1664
Phase distortions in sum- and difference-frequency mixing in crystals Smith A.V., Bowers M.S. JOSA B 12(1995) 49-57 1665
Phase-matched gratings for enhanced forward degenerate four-wave mixing Giorgetti E., Lambkin P., Li Q., Palchetti L., Sottini S., Grando D., Blau W. JOSA B 12(1995) 58-66 1666
Photorefractive properties of Ce: BaTiO3 crystals Yang C., Zhang Y., Yeh P., Zhu Y., Wu X. OC 113(1995) 416-420 1667
Anomalous photorefractive response in two-beam coupling with focussed beams in photorefractive crystals and waveguides Kaczmarek M., Eason R.W. OC 113(1995) 550-558 1668
Pulsed and cw confocal microscopy: a comparison of resolution and contrast Hell S.W., Hänninen P.E., Salo J., Kuusisto A., Soini E., Wilson T., Tan J.B. OC 113(1995) 144-152 1669
Error propagation in a closed-loop adaptive optics system: a comparison between Shack-Hartmann and curvature wave-front sensors Roddier F. OC 113(1995) 357-359 1670
Optical optimization of binary phase fan-out elements Weible K.J., Herzig H.P. OC 113(1995) 9-14 1671
Digital associative memory neural network with optical learning capability Watanabe M., Ohtsubo J. OC 113(1995) 31-38 1672
Neural learning algorithm for halftoning Tuttaß T., Bryngdahl O. OC 113(1995) 360-364 1673
Dynamic white light holography using an optically addressed multiple quantum well spatial light modulator Adler C.L., Rabinovich W.S., Bowman S.R., Feldman B.J., Katzer D.S., Kyono C.S. OC 114(1995) 375-380 1674
Fidelity of image restoration by partial phase conjugation through multimode fibers Campbell S., Yeh P., Gu C., He Q.B. OC 114(1995) 50-56 1675
Three-dimensional degenerate multiwave mixing and optical storage effects in C60 Langmuir-Blodgett films Zhang X., Ye X., Chen K. OC 113(1995) 519-522 1676
Amplification and shaping of short optical pulses in multilevel resonant medium Christov I.P. OC 113(1995) 530-534 1677
Whole-beam method analysis of photorefractive effect in correlators Daniel O., Stelmach A., Jonathan J.-M. C., Roosen G. OC 113(1995) 559-567 1678
Bi-imaginary number system for optical complex calculation Li G., Liu L. OC 113(1995) 25-30 1679
Negabinary encoding for optical complex matrix operation Li G., Liu L. OC 113(1995) 15-19 1680
An alternative to computing grey-scale mathematical morphological operations and its optical implementation Liang F., Liu L., Wang B., Wang Z. OC 113(1995) 20-24 1681
Scattered light enhancement near a phase conjugating mirror Bozhevolnyi S.I., Keller O., Smolyaninov I.I. OC 115(1995) 115-120 1682
Chirp in forward stimulated Brillouin quasi-solitons Teichmann J., Brabant D. OC 114(1995) 309-314 1683
Pulse self-switching in optical fiber Bragg gratings Wabnitz S. OC 114(1995) 170-180 1684
Spatial light modulator based on the control of the wavefront curvature Vdovin G. OC 115(1995) 170-178 1685
A novel approach to solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation by the coupled amplitude-phase formulation Du M., Chan A.K., Chui C.K. IEEE JQE 31(1995) 177-182 1686
Investigation of the time behaviour of different self-pumped phase-conjugating mirrors for the application in interferometric systems Krause A., Notni G., Wenke L. OM 4(1995) 386-391 1687
Phase-shifted fiber bragg gratings and their application for wavelength demultiplexing Agrawal G.P., Radic S. IEEE PTL 6(1995) 995-997 1688
Optische Echtzeit-Neuigkeitsfilterung mittels photorefraktiver Strahlkopplung Sedlatschek M., Rauch T., Denz C., Tschudi T. DGaO 94 1689
Photoconductivity and grating response time of a photorefractive polymer Jones B.E., Ducharme S., Liphardt M., Goonesekera A. JOSA B 11(1994) 1064-1072 1690
Increase of light-beam coherence by two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals Bogodaev N.V., Ivleva L.I., Korshunov A.S. JOSA B 10(1993) 2287-2289 1691
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Laser ablation of nonlinear-optical polymers to define low-loss optical channel waveguides Chon J.C., Comita P.B. OL 19(1994) 1840-1842 1694
Optical trap activation in a photorefractive polymer Silence S.M., Bjorklund G.C., Moerner W.E. OL 19(1994) 1822-1824 1695
The intensity-dependent refractive index of chemically enhanced bacteriorhodopsin Wang Song Q., Zang C., Gross R.B., Birge R.R. OC 112(1994) 296-301 1696
Interferometric tomography for flow visualization of density fields in supersonic jets and convective flow Söller C., Wenskus R., Middendorf P., Meier G.E.A., Obermeier F. AO 33(1994) 2921-2932 1697
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New method for compensating and measuring any motion of three-dimensional objects in holographic interferometry Stimpfling A., Smigielski P. OE 24(1985) 821-823 1701
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Measurement of strains in turbine blades vibrating at resonance using electro-optic holography Bhat G.K. JMO 42(1995) 667-677 1705
Synthesis and spectroscopical characterization of some poly(vinyl alcohol)s with alkoxyazobenecarbonyl substituents Janietz D., Bauer M. MMC 192( 1991) 2635-2640 1706
Conjugate solitons in amplified optical fibre transmission systems Forysiak W., Doran N.J. EL 30(1994) 154-155 1707
Double phase-conjugate mirror: oscillation and amplification properties Korneev N.A., Sochava S.L. OC 115(1995) 539-544 1708
Holographic counterfeit protection Chesak C.E. OC 115(1995) 429-436 1709
Spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals with local mechanism of nonlinearity Iturbe Castillo M.D., Márquez Aguilar P.A., u.a. CLEO/EQEC 94 244-247 1710
Simulation of 50 GHz transmission over 50 km of standard fibre using mid-point spectral inversion for dispersion compensation Richardson D.J., Laming R.I., u.a. CLEO/EQEC 94 293-296 1711
How to increase capacity beyond 200 Tbit/s x km without solitons Kurtzke C., Gnauck A. CLEO/EQEC 94 1712
Spatial solitons in planar waveguides Aitchison J.S. CLEO/EQEC 94 2- 5 1713
Experimental mesurement of multiple brillouin stokes order in a fibre amplifier under pulsed excitation Wait P.C., Newson T.P., Pannell C.N., Russell P.St.J. CLEO/EQEC 94 32- 35 1714
Stable trains of brillouin solitons generated by a cw-pumped fiber ring laser Montes C., Botineau J., u.a. CLEO/EQEC 94 36- 39 1715
Pattern and spatio-temporal omplexity stimulated brillouin scattering in multi-mode optical fibre Harrison R.G., Lim D.S., Lu W., Yu D.J. CLEO/EQEC 94 40- 43 1716
Direct observation of picosecond pulse chirps influenced by copropagating stimulated Raman scattering signal in optical fiber Emplit Ph., Hamaide J.-P. CLEO/EQEC 94 44- 47 1717
Low.latency soliton logic gate in a rapidly amplifying fiber Barnett B., Islam M.N. CLEO/EQEC 94 50- 53 1718
Generation of cw fundamental soliton train using multisoliton pulse compression in a varying dispersion fiber Shipulin A.V., fursa D.G., Golovchenko E.A., Dianov E.M. CLEO/EQEC 94 54- 57 1719
Novel soliton states and bifurcation phenomena in nonlinear fibre couplers Akhmediev N., Ankiewicz A. CLEO/EQEC 94 69- 72 1720
The third order nonlinearity - a factor limiting high SH efficiency in optical fiberes Zhao Y., Town G., Sceats M. CLEO/EQEC 94 84- 87 1721
Measurement of a fast nonlinear refractive index coefficient in an Er-doped fber induced by a 527-nm pumping Lee H.K., Kim K.H., Park S.Y. CLEO/EQEC 94 88- 91 1722
Brilloun gain spectrum measurements using a single laser source Niklès M., Thévenaz L., Robert P. CLEO/EQEC 94 92- 95 1723
Nonlinear propagation of partially polarized light in optical waveguides Svirko Y.P., Zheludev N.I. CLEO/EQEC 94 100-103 1724
All single-mode synchronously mode locked erbium-ytterbium fiber laser pumped with a Nd: YAG laser Stock M.L., Yang L.-M., Andrejco M.J., Fermann M.E. CLEO/EQEC 94 104-107 1725
Properties of input nonlinear grating couplers Yokota M. CLEO/EQEC 94 112-115 1726
443 nm blue cerenkov SHG in a pNAn-PVA waveguide Kinoshita T., Tsuchiya K., Sasaki K. CLEO/EQEC 94 131-134 1727
Acoustic effect and the polarization of adjacent bits in soliton communication lines Golovchenko E.A., Pilipetskii A.N. CLEO/EQEC 94 162-165 1728
Ultrahigh-speed optical soliton communication and soliton transmission control Nakazawa M. CLEO/EQEC 94 158-161 1729
Theoretical analysis of soliton transmission with sliding filters Kodama Y., Wabnitz S., Romagnoli M., Midrio M. CLEO/EQEC 94 166-169 1730
Stepwise dispersion profiling of periodically amplified soliton systems Forysiak W., Doran N.J. CLEO/EQEC 94 170-173 1731
Separation of signal from noise in soliton transmission Hasegawa A., Yano T., Kodama Y. CLEO/EQEC 94 174-177 1732
Interpretation of the effect of reduction of soliton interaction by bandwidth limited amplification Afanasjev V.V. CLEO/EQEC 94 192-195 1733
Pulse-to-pulse frequency jitter in diode lasers and soliton transmission Mirasso C.R., Pesquera L., Mecozzi A. CLEO/EQEC 94 196-199 1734
A split-step finite element scheme for spatio-temporal analysis of pulse propagation in nonlinear waveguides Buah P.A., Rahman B.M.A., Grattan K.T.V. CLEO/EQEC 94 208-211 1735
Self-guided waves-bright and dark Poladian L. CLEO/EQEC 94 212-215 1736
Calculations of femtosecond temporal solitons and spatial solitons using the vector Maxwell´s equations Goorjian P.M., Joseph R.M., Taflove A. CLEO/EQEC 94 228-231 1737
Interaction of vector solitons Afanasjev V.V., Serkin V.N. CLEO/EQEC 94 232-235 1738
Blue self-frequency shift of femtosecond optical solitons Serkin V.N., Vysloukh V.A.- CLEO/EQEC 94 236-239 1739
Soliton-like pulses governed by fourth order dispersion in optical fibers Karlsson M., Höök A. CLEO/EQEC 94 240-243 1740
Electronic nonlinear optical behavior of a polymer waveguide Crook R.J., Cotter N.P.K., Sambles J.R. CLEO/EQEC 94 273-275 1741
Switching and optical bistability with counter propagating waves in nonlinear bragg waveguides Peschel T., Peschel U., Lederer F. CLEO/EQEC 94 281-284 1742
Passive modelocking in fiber lasers Menyuk C.R. CLEO/EQEC 94 318-320 1743
Real-time digital conrol of optical interometers by the mechanical- modulation technique Barone F., DeRosa R., DiFiore L., Fusco F., u.a. AO 33(1994) 7846-7856 1744
Optical implementation of a translation-invariant second-order neutral network for multiple-plattern classification Kakizaki S., Horan P., ArimotoA., u.a. AO 33(1994) 8270-8280 1745
Morphological and wavelet transforms for objekt detection and image processing Ye A., Casasent D. AO 33(1994) 8226-8239 1746
Effect of the modulation transfer function of a digital image-acquisition device on phase-measuring profilomtry Zhou X., Su X.-Y. AO 33(1994) 8210- 8215 1747
Fourier-transform speckle profilometry: three-dimensional shape measurements of diffuse objects with large height steps and / or spatially isolated surfaces Takeda M., Yamamoto H. AO 33(1994) 7829-7837 1748
Optical remote sensing of surface roughness through the turbulent atmosphere Holmes J.F., Peacock J.S., Draper D.C. AO 33(1994) 7770-7776 1749
Noise reduction in adaptive-optics imagery with the use of support constraints Matson C.L., Roggemann M.C. AO 34(1995) 767-780 1750
Motion-sensitive position sensor using bacteriorhodopsin Fukuzawa K. AO 33(1994) 7489-7495 1751
Numerical correction of reference phases in phase-shifting interferometry by iterative least-squares fitting Han G.-S., Kim S.-W. AO 33(1994) 7321-7325 1752
Phase extraction from electronic speckle pattern interferometry addition fringes Moore A.J., Tyrer J.R., Santoyo F.M. AO 33(1994) 7312-7320 1753
Oblique incidence and observation electronic speckle-pattern interferometry Joenathan C., Franze B., Tiziani H.J. AO 33(1994) 7307-7311 1754
Geometric theory of the ellipsoidal grating Namioka T., Koike M., Content D. AO 33(1994) 7261-7274 1755
Digital optical computing with magneto-optic spatial light modulators: a new and efficient multiplication algorithm Wu Y.-D., Shen D.-S., Bykovsky V.K., Rosetti J., Fiddy M.A. AO 33(1994) 7572-7578 1756
Chirp filtering in the fractional fourier domain Dorsch R.G., Lohmann A.W., Bitran Y., Mendlovic D., Ozaktas H.M. AO 33(1994) 7599-7602 1757
Toward a free-space parallel optoelectronic computer: a 300-MHz optoelectronic counter using holographic interconnects Heuring V.P., Ji L.H., Feuerstein R.J., Morozov V.N. AO 33(1994) 7579-7587 1758
Optical bistability and differential amplification in nonlinear fiber resonators Capmany J., Fraile-Peláez F.J., Muriel M. IEEE JQE 30(1994) 2578-2588 1759
Optimized multiwavelength combination sources for interferometric use Wang D.N., Ning Y.N., Grattan K.T.V., Palmer A.W., Weir K. AO 33(1994) 7326-7333 1760
High-speed noncontact profiler based on scanning white-light interferometry Deck L., deGroot P. AO 33(1994) 7334-7338 1761
Polynonmial fitting of interferograms with Gaussian errors on fringe coordinates.I: Computer simulations Cordero-Dávila A., Cornejo-Rodríguez A., Cardona-Nuñez O. AO 33(1994) 7339-7342 1762
Polynomial fitting of interferograms with Gaussian errors on the fringe coordinates. II: Analytical study Cordero-Dávila A., Cornejo-Rodríguez A., Cardona-Nuñez O., Díaz-Uribe R. AO 33(1994) 7343-7349 1763
Digitaloptical computing with magneto-optic spatial light modulators: a new and efficient multiplication algorithm Wu Y.-D., Shen D.-S., Bykovsky V.K., Rosetti J., Fiddy M.A. AO 33(1994) 7572-7578 1764
Fractional fourier transform: simulations and experimental results Britan Y., Mendlovic D., Dorsch R.G., Lohmann A.W. AO 34(1995) 1329-1332 1765
Chirp filtering in the fractional Fourier domain Dorsch R.G., Lohmann A.W., Bitran Y., Mendlovic D. AO 33(1994) 7599-7602 1766
Fourier transformation with a planar holographic doublet Reinhorn S., Gorodeisky S., Friesem A.A., Amitai Y. OL 20(1995) 495-497 1767
Low-noise photorefractive amplification and detection of very weak signal beams Breugnot S., Rajbenbach H., Defour M., Huignard J.-P. OL 20(1995) 447-449 1768
Self-induced optical gratings in nematic liquid crystals with a feedback mirror Macdonald R., Danlewski H. OL 20(1995) 441-443 1769
Model of amplified scattering in photorefractive media: comparison of numerical results and experiment Parshall E., Cronin-Golomb M., Barakat R. OL 20(1995) 432-434 1770
Three-dimensional orderd pattern by light interference Mei D., Cheng B., Hu W., Li Z., Zhang D. OL 20(1995) 429-431 1771
Three-coordinate measurement of an object surface with a combined two-wavelength and two-source phase-shifting speckle interferometer Maack T., Notni G., Schreiber W. OC 115(1995) 576-584 1772
Edge enhancement, contrast reversal and logic operations using beam fanning in a photorefractive iron-doped barium titanate crystal Kamra K., Singh K. JMO 42(1995) 607-618 1773
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Conoscopic holography: toward three-dimensional reconstructions of opaque objects Mugnier L.M. AO 34(1995) 1363-1371 1775
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Optical cellular logic two-level networks for morphological image processing Wang B., Liu L., Liang F., Wang Z. OC 115(1995) 251-255 1791
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Parallel arithmetic operations in an optical architecture using a modified iterative technique Datta A.K., Seth M. OC 115(1995) 245-250 1793
An electro-optic Fabry-Pérot through-plane-modulator based on a Langmuir-blodgett film Cresswell J.P., Petty M.C., u.a. OC 115(1995) 271-275 1794
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Heterodyne technique for the direct measurement of the amplitude and phase of photorefractive space-charge fields Gray D.G., Moharam M.G., Ayres T.M. JOSA B 11(1994) 470-475 1807
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Fundamental space-charge fields for applied alternatimg electric fields in photorefractive materials Grunnet-Jepsen A., Kwak C.H., Richter I., Solymar L. JOSA B 11(1994) 124-131 1811
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Mutually pumped phase-conjugate mirror: fish-head configuration Chang C.C., Selviah D.R. OL 20(1995) 677-679 1816
Phase defects in a phase-conjugate photorefractive-gain oscillator Balzer G., Matamontero S., Vasnetsov M., Tschudi T JMO 41(1994) 807-816 1817
A photorefractive guest-host polymer with high efficiency Kippelen B., Meerholz K., Volodin B.L., Sanalphon, Peyghambarian N. PMED (1995) 5-8 1818
Hexagonal pattern formation in BaTiO3 with mirror feedback Honda T., Matsumoto H. PMED (1995) 21-23 1819
Temperature dependence and wavelength dispersion of electro-optic in KNbO3 crystals Bernsconi P., Zgonik M., Günter P. PMED (1995) 24-27 1820
A study of photochromism in undoped and doped sillenite crystals via magnetic circular dichroism and the optical detenction of magnetic resonance briat B., Hamri A., Reyher H.J., u.a. PMED (1995) 28-31 1821
Temperature dependent photoconductivity in a photorefractive polymer Goonesekera A., Ducharme S., Takacs J.M., Zhang L. PMED (1995) 44-47 1822
Band mobility of photoexcited electrons in Bi12SiO20 Biaggio I., Partanen J.P., hellwarth R.W., PMED (1995) 52-55 1823
Photorefractive fabry-perot quantum wells Kwolek K.M., Melloch M.R., Nolte D.D: PMED (1995) 59-61 1824
Carrier and charge dynamics during photorefractive recording Murillo J.G., Magaña L.F., Carrascosa M., Agulló-López F. PMED (1995) 67-70 1825
Effect of a chromium impurity on properties of photoinduced charge carries in sillenite- structure crystals Mokrushina E.V., Prokofiev V.V., Sokolov I.A. PMED (1995)76-79 1826
Infrared recording in photorefractive tin-hypothiodiphosphate (Sn2P2S6) Shumelyuk A., Hellwig U., Rupp R.A., u.a. PMED (1995) 80-83 1827
Spectroscopic and photorefractive properties of molybdenum-doped barium titanate Schwartz R.N., Wechsler B.A., West L., Bacher G.D. PMED (1995) 93-95 1828
Near infrared response in KNSBN: Cu and LiNbO3: Fe Guo B., Yan L. PMED (1995) 100-102 1829
Observation of photorefractiv parametric oscillation in Bi12SiO20 Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. PMED (1995) 112-115 1830
Subharmonic in BSO in the absence of beam coupling McClelland T.E., Webb D.J., Sturman B.I., Shamonina E., Ringhofer K.H. PMED (1995) 116-119 1831
Effect of absorbtion on photorefractive gratings erasure Liphardt M., Goonesekera A., Ducharme S., Takacs J.M., Zhang L. PMED (1995) 124-127 1832
Absorption effects in photorefractive volume holographic memory Campbell S., Yeh P. PMED (1995) 128-131 1833
Very high single-pass two-beam coupling gain at 647 nm under conditions of induced transparency in Rh: doped BaTiO3 Kaczmarek M., Eason R.W., Garrett M.H., Rytz D. PMED (1995) 132-135 1834
Near-infrared performance of the photorefractive self-pumped phase conjugation in Ni-doped KNbO3 Ding Y., Zhang Z.G., Eichler H.J., Shen D.Z., Ma X.Y., Chen J.Y. PMED (1995) 153-155 1835
Influence of self-diffraction on polarization state in photorefractive BSO crystals Tei K., Yokota H. PMED (1995) 172-173 1836
Photorefractive holographic electrooptic phase - amplitude modulators in centrosymmetric materials Kukhtarev N., Caulfield H.J., Kukhtareva T. PMED (1995) 182-183 1837
The "Swiss cheese" efect: mapping 180° domains using photorefractive beam coupling MacCormck S., Feinberg J., Wechsler B.A: PMED (1995) 184-187 1838
Where do the petals in photorefractive beam fanning come from? Montemezzani G., Zozulya A.A., Zgonik M., Czaia L., u.a. PMED (1995) 192-195 1839
Non-steady-state photoemf based adaptive photodetectors with longitudinal configuration of electrodes Mansurova S., Cruz D.M., Sokolov I., Stepanov S. PMED (1995) 196-199 1840
Bright holographic scattering dots observed with LiNbO3: Cu Goul´kov M., Odoulov S., Sturman B., Jäkel G., Krätzig E. PMED (1995) 200-203 1841
Observation of beam fanning in bulk Bi12SiO20 crystals in the presence of an applied dc electric field Pedersen H.C., Jojansen P.M. PMED (1995) 204-207 1842
Wide angular aperture holograms in photorefractive crystals using orthogonally polarized write and read beams Sarto A.W., Weverka R.T., Wagner K.H., Weaver S. PMED (1995) 214-217 1843
Determination of orientation of optic-axis in a photorefractive crystal Kos K., Siahmakoun A. PMED (1995) 222-225 1844
Bragg reflection in photorefractive distributed feedback gratings Shim S., Kwak C.H., Lee E.-H. PMED (1995) 218-221 1845
Fixing og holograms induced by photorefractive oscillation Modena V., Horowitz M., Fischer B. PMED (1995) 247-248 1846
Excitation of space-charge waves in photorefractive ferroelectrics Sturman B.I., Shamonina E., Ringhofer K.H. PMED (1995) 249-252 1847
Three-valence charge transport model for explanation of the photorefractive effect Buse K., Krätzig E. PMED (1995) 253-256 1848
The effects of seeding on the oscillator/amplifier behavior of the double phase conjugate mirror Parshall E., Cronin-Golomb M. PMED (1995) 257-259 1849
Enhancement of phase conjugate beam reflectivity of photorefractive Bi12SiO20 by the moving grating technique Cook N.J., Wang Z.Q., Cartwright C.M., Gillespie W.A. PMED (1995) 272-275 1850
Contribution of the reflection gratings to the self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3 Sochava S.L., Krause A., Notni G., Rytz D. PMED (1995) 178-181 1851
Self-pumped phase conjugate mirror "-C curve configuration" in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystals Chang C.C., Selviah D.R., PMED (1995) 280-283 1852
Mutally pumped phase conjugate mirror "fish-head" configuration in photorefractive barium titanate crystals Chang C.C., Selviah D.R. PMED (1995) 284-287 1853
External mode-locking with feedback from a self-pumped phase-conjugator Klose G., Siahmakoun A. PMED (1995) 342-345 1854
Multi-beam phase conjugator through unpolished surface of crystal Tan X., Shimura T., Kuroda K., Sun W. PMED (1995) 346-349 1855
Improvement in degenerate four-wave mixing phase conjugation in a kerr medium using a mutually pumped phase conjugate mirror Wood G.L., Yarrison-Rice J.M., Salamo G.J. PMED (1995) 354-357 1856
Analysis of total internal reflection phase conjugate mirror Zozulya A.A., Montemezzani G., Anderson D.Z. PMED (1995) 375-378 1857
Adaptive processing and learning in photorefractive crystals Wagner K., Weverka R.T., Sarto A.W., Garwin C:, Slagle T., Blair S. PMED (1995) 379-382 1858
Astigmatism of steady-state photoinduced drift photorefractive lenses Gómez C.M., Márquez Aguilar P.A., Sánchez Mondragón J.J., Stepanov S., Vysloukh V. PMED (1995) 387-390 1859
Observation and waveguide properties of photovoltaic spatial solitons Bashaw M.C., Taya M., Fejer M.M., Segev M., Valley G.C. PMED (1995) 391-394 1860
Dark, bright and vortex photorefractive quasi-steady-state spatial solitons Salamo G., Duree G., Morin M., Segev M., Crosignani B., DiPorto P. PMED (1995) 399-402 1861
Real-time holographic interferometer with BSO crystal using phase-shifting for quantitative deformation measurements Georges M.P., Lemaire Ph.C. PMED ( 1995) 403-407 1862
Comparison of the accuracy of interferometers with SPPCM Krause A., Notni G. PMED (1995) 408-411 1863
Analog optical image addition and subtraction using phase-code multiplexing in volume holographic memories Denz C., Dellwig T., Lembke J., Tschudi T. PMED (1995) 424-427 1864
Photorefractive double phase conjugator as a correlation filter in fiber-optic sensors Khomenko A.V., Kamshilin A.A., Garcia-Weidher A. PMED (1995) 428-431 1865
High-bandwidth, self-compensating laser-based ultrasound detector using photo-induced EMF in GaAs Mitchell P.V., McCahon S.W., Klein M.B., O´Meara T.R., Dunning G.J., Pepper D.M. PMED (1995) 432-434 1866
Anomalous time response of beam fanning in a BTO photorefractive fiber Kamshilin A.A., Prokofiev V.V., Jaaskelainen T. PMED (1995) 444-447 1867
Detection of phase modulation in 10 MHz frequency range with non-steady-state photo-EMF based photodetectors Korneev N., Rodríguez P., Stepanov S. PMED (1995) 500-503 1868
Opto-electronical two interconnection layer neutral network Aing P., Pauliat G., Roosen G. PMED (1995) 508-511 1869
Real time phase shift determination mod 2.p in double pulse laser holography with BGO crystals Labrunie L., Pauliat G., launay J.-C., Roosen G. PMED (1995) 512-515 1870
Photorefractive fourier image amplification for low light level image detection Gilbreath G.C., Clement A.E., Reintjes J.F. PMED (1995) 542-545 1871
Time-sharing optical thresholder by self-pumped phase conjugator with a ring cavity Nakagawa K., Minemoto T. PMED (1995) 316-319 1872
Double phase-conjugate mirror using a sillenite-structure crytal with the steady and alternating field application Mokrushina E.V., Petrov M.P. PMED (1995) 314-315 1873
Experimental determination of the response times of different self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror Krause A., Sochava S.L., Notni G. PMED (1995) 306-309 1874
Effect of two-input cross talk on laser-diode phase-conjugate Ishii Y. PMED (1995) 303-305 1875
Self-pump conjugation of dyamic images in a Cu: KNSBN crystal Zhao M., Vorontsov M.A. PMED (1995) 362-365 1876
Photorefractive associative memory which can discriminate enclosed image by weighted storage Duelli M., Cudney R.S., Zgonik M., Günter P. PMED (1995) 299-302 1877
Holographic fixing, readout and storage dynamics in photorefractive materials Yariv A., Orlov S. PMED (1995) 358-361 1878
Photoanisotropic incoherent-to-coherent converter using a bacteriorhodopsin thin film Iman H., Lindvold L.R., Ramanujam P.S. OL 20(1995) 225-227 1879
Real-time image processing by degenerate four-wave mixing in polarization sensitive dye-impregnated polymer films O´Leary S.V. OC 104(1994) 245-250 1880
Photophysical properties and photoisomerization processes of methyl red embedded in rigid polymer Lee G.J., Kim D., Lee M. AO 34(1995) 138-143 1881
Coupled mode analysis of polarization volume hologram Huang T., Wagner K.H. IEEE QE 31(1995) 372-390 1882
Chemically enhanced bacteriorhodopsin thin-film spatial light modulator Song Q.W., Zhang C., Blumer R., u.a. OL 18(1993) 1373-1375 1883
Optical logarithmic transformation of speckle images with bacteriorhodopsin films Downie J.D. OL 20(1995) 201-203 1884
Electro-optic Pockels and Kerr effects for the determination of c(2) and c(3): thin films of side-chain polymers containing dimethylaminonitrostilbene and of the polydiacetylene poly-(butoxycarbonylmethyleneurethane) Herold M., Schmid W., Vogtmann Th., Fischer, u.a. AO 34(1995) 996-1002 1885
Efficient nonlinear amplitude recording of holographic gratings in electrolytically colored potassium bromide crystals Raita E., Ozols A., Salminen O. AO 34(1995) 838-841 1886
Basic performance of an organic dye-doped polymer optical fiber amplifier Tagaya A., Koike Y., Nihei E., Teramoto S., u.a. AO 34(1995) 988-992 1887
Electro-optic polymer light modulator based on surface plasmon resonance Jung C., Yee S., Kuhn K. AO 34(1995) 946-949 1888
Dynamics of hologram recording in DuPont photopolymer Rhee U.-S., Caulfield H.J., Vikram C.S., Shamir J. AO 34(1995) 846-853 1889
Multiple-beam wedge-plate shear interferometer for collimation testing Senthilkumaran P., Sriram K.V., Kothiyal M.P., Sirohi R.S. AO 34(1995) 1197-1202 1890
Color holography using the angular selectivity of volume recording media Zhu P., Liu X., Xu Z. AO 34(1995) 842-845 1891
Improved noise-immune phase-unwrapping algorithm Cusack R., Huntley J.M., Goldrein H.T. AO 34(1995) 781-789 1892
Time-multiplexed real-time one-way image compensation for high-spatial-frequency aberration correction Chakmakjian S.H., Gruneisen M.T., Koch K., Kramer M.A., Esch V. AO 34(1995) 1076-1080 1893
Spatial and temporal fidelity of photorefractive image correlators Meigs A.D., Saleh B.E.A. JOSA B 11(1994) 1848-1857 1894
Bitonic sorting using an optoelectronic recirculating architecture Beyette F.R., Mitkas P.A., Feld S.A., Wilmsen C.W. AO 33(1994) 8164-8172 1895
Multi-input optical parallel logic processing with the shadow-casting technique Datta A.K., Seth M. AO 33(1994) 8146-8152 1896
Reflection and transmission properties of holographic mirrors and holographics Fabry-Perot filters. III. Holographic Fabry-Perot filters Wang W. AO 33(1994) 7883-7894 1897
Development and field demonstration of a hardware-compressive fiber-optic true-time-delay steering system for phased-array antennas Goutzoulis A., Davies K., Zomp J., Hrycak P., Johnson A. AO 33(1994) 8173-8185 1898
All-optical nonlinear joint Fourier transform correlator Khoury J., Kane J.S., Asimellis G., Cronin-Golomb M., Woods C. AO 33(1994) 8216-8225 1899
Real-time binary phase holograms on a reflective ferroelectric liquid-crystal spatial light modulator Gourlay J., Samus S., McOwan P., Vass D.G., Underwood I., Worboys M. AO 33(1994) 8251-8254 1900
Reflected optical harmonics from dielectric mirrors Tsang T. AO 33(1994) 7720-7724 1901
Determination of fractional fringe order by phase shifting in real-time shearography Sim C.W., Chau F.S., Toh S.L. JMO 42(1995) 271-277 1902
Digital double-pulsed holographic interferometry for vibration analysis Pedrini G., Zou Y.L., Tiziani H.J. JMO 42(1995) 367-374 1903
Achromatic white-light self-imaging phenomenon: an approach using the Wigner distribution function Lancis J., Sicre E.E., Pons A., Saavedra G. JMO 42 (1995) 425-434 1904
Binary nonlinear joint transform correlator performance with different thresholding methods under unknown illumination conditions Javidi B., Li J., Fazlollahi A.H., Horner J. AO 34(1995) 886-896 1905
Amplitrude-modulated circular-harmonic filter for pattern recognition Chen X., Chen Z., AO 34(1995) 879-885 1906
Real-time acquisition of laser-induced fluorescence decays Reichardt T.A., Klassen M.S., King G.B., Laurendeau N.M. AO 34(1995) 973-976 1907
Multiplexed imaging by means of optically generated Kronecker products: 1. The basis concept Davis D.S. AO 34(1995) 1170-1176 1908
Intensity dependent two-wave mixing at large modulation depth in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystal Kwak C.H., Park S.Y., Lee E. OC 115(1995) 315-322 1909
Double-pulse electronic speckle interferometry for vibration analysis Pedrini G., Tiziani H.J. AO 33(1994) 7857-7863 1910
Nonlinear coherent optical image processing using logarithmic transmittance of bacteriorhodopsin films Downie J.D. AO 34(1995) 5210-5217 1911
Thermal fixing of holographic gratings in BaTiO3 Zhang D., Zhang Y., Li Ch., Chen Y., Zhu Y. AO 34(1995) 5241-5246 1912
Data-dependent-systems and Fourier-transform methods for single-interferogram analysis Pandit S.M., Jordache N. AO 34(1995) 5945-5951 1913
Image-contrast manipulation by the use of photorefractive ring multiresonators Jost B.M. AO 34(1995) 4022-4024 1914
Fringe visibility improvement using an asynchronous image-subtracting optically addressed spatial light modulator Sharpe J.P., Barbier P.R., Moddel G., Johnson K.M. AO 34(1995) 4013-4021 1915
Stabilized nonlinear regression for interferogram analysis Slepicka J.S., Cha S.S: AO 34(1995) 5039-5044 1916
A novel technique for spatial phase-shifting interferometry Servin M., Cuevas F.J. JMO 42(1995) 1853-1862 1917
High-intensity effects in self-pumped photorefractive phase conjugation using nanosecond pulses Damzen M.J., Barry N.P., Buttinger M. JMO 42(1995) 2051-2057 1918
Beam splitter model of two-beam coupling in photorefractive materials Yarrison-Rice J.M., Rice P.R., Rowan D.J. JMO 42(1995) 1971-1984 1919
Optical implementation of a wavelet transform by the use of dynamic holographic recording in a photorefractive material Joseph J., Oura T., Minemoto T. AO 34(1995) 3997-4003 1920
High-frequency resonances in photorefractive crystals Grunnet-Jepsen A., Aubrecht I., Solymar L. OL 20(1995) 819-821 1921
Phase contrast using photorefractive LiNbO3: Fe crystals Liu J., Xu J., Zhang G., Liu S. AO 34(1995) 4972-4975 1922
Optical phase conjugation by two-wave mixing in iron-doped lithium niobate Jayanth P., Krishna Mohan R., Subramanian C.K., Narayanan P.S. OC 116(1995) 175-178 1923
Nonstationary amplication of the holographic recording in doped BSO crystals: a base for photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical conversion Miteva M., Dushkina N., Gospodinov M. AO 34(1995) 4083-4085 1924
Polarization properties of transmission and diffraction in BSO - a unified analysis Goff J.R. JOSA B 12(1995) 99-116 1925
Manipulating the information carried by an optical beam with reflexive photorefractive beam coupling Anderson D.Z., Saffman M., Hermanns A. JOSA B 12(1995) 117-123 1926
Optical computing by use of photorefractive polymers Halvorson C., Kraabel B., Heeger A.J., Volodin B.L., Meerholz K., Sandalphon, Peyghambarian N. OL 20(1995) 76-78 1927
Implementation of an optical multiwavelength full adder with a polarization encoding scheme Wu W., Campbell S., Yeh P. OL 20(1995) 79-81 1928
Theory of the photorefractive effect for Bi12SiO20 an BaTiO3 withshallow traps Tayebati P., Mahgerefteh D. JOSA B 8(1991) 1053-1064 1929
White-light phase-stepping interferometry: measurement of the fractional interference order Hariharan P., Roy M. JMO 42(1995) 2357-2360 1930
Adaptive stabilized interferometer with laser diode Kudryashov A.V., Seliverstov A.V. OC 120(1995) 239-244 1931
High speed optical path routing by using four-wave mixing and a wavelength router with fiber gratings and optical circulators Yamamoto T., Imai T., Komukai T., Miyajima Y. OC 120(1995) 245-248 1932
Transversely-pumped counter-propagating optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers: conversion efficiencies and tuning ranges Ding Y.J., Khurgin J.B., Lee S.-J. IEEE JQE 31(1995) 1648-1658 1933
Phase-locked phase conjugation by brillouin-induced four-wave mixing Ridley K.D. JOSA B 12(1995) 1924-1932 1934
Space-charge fields in photorefractive materials enhanced by moving fringes: comparison of electron-hole transport models Aubrecht I., Ellin H.C., Grunnet-Jepsen A., Solymar L. JOSA B 12(1995) 1918-1923 1935
Tilting of holograms in photorefractive Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6 crystals by self-diffraction Buse K., Kämper S., Frejlich J., Pankrath R., Ringhofer K.H. OL 20(1995) 2249-2251 1936
Interferometric configuration based on a grating interferometer for the measurement of the phase between TE and TM polarizations after diffraction by gratings Giovannini H., Akhouayri H. OL 20(1995) 2255-2257 1937
Programmable optical phase-mostly holograms with coupled-mode modulation liquid-crystal television Neto L.G., Roberge D., Sheng Y. AO 34(1995) 1944-1950 1938
Adjustable half-wave plate Darsht M.Ya., Goltser I.V., Kundikova N.D., Zel´dovich B.Ya. AO 34(1995) 3658-3661 1939
Learning and recall algorithm for optical associative memory using a bistable spatial Toyoda H., Ishikawa M. AO 34(1995) 3145-3151 1940
Optoelectronic fuzzy associative memory with controllable attraction basin sizes Wen Z., Campell S., Wu W., Yeh P. OL 20(1995) 2125-2127 1941
Waveguides formed by quasi-steady-state photorefractive spatial solitons Morin M., Duree G., Salamo G. OL 20(1995) 2066-2068 1942
Photorefractive surface waves Cronin-Golomb M. OL 20(1995) 2075-2077 1943
Refractive surface flow visualization using image processing Britton D.F., Smith L.M. AO 34(1995) 1872-1877 1944
Holographic array illuminator using tandem Michelson interferometers: fabrication and analysis Bhattacharya S., Senthilkumaran P., Darlin J.S., Kothiyal M.P., Sirohi R.S. JOMO 42(1995) 2275-2283 1945
Generalized theory of the resolution of object tracking novelty filters Sedlatschek M., Rauch T., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 116(1995) 25-30 1946
Programmable optical logic systems using free-space optical interconnections Davis J.A., Tiangco R.P., Barnes T.H., Haskell T.G. AO 34(1995) 1929-1937 1947
Holographic interferometry using two-wavelength holography for the measurement of large deformations Ninane N., Georges M.P. AO 34(1995) 1923-1928 1948
Anisotropic strong volume hologram in BaTiO3 Sun C.-C., Chang M.-W., Hsu K.Y. OC 119(1995) 597-603 1949
Evanescent coupling of a dipole to a phase conjugate mirror Agarwal G.S., Gupta S.D. OC 119(1995) 591-596 1950
Implementation of time lenses and optical temporal processors Yang Y. OC 116(1995) 193-207 1951
Optical thresholding in a self-pumped phase conjugate mirror with a ring cavity Nakagawa K., Zgonik M., Minemoto T., Günter P. OC 122(1995) 43-47 1952
Adaptive photorefractive neurons for self-organizing networks Galstyan T., Pauliat G., Villing A., Roosen G. OC 109(1994) 35-42 1953
Whole-beam method analysis of photorefractive effect in correlators Daniel O., Stelmach A., Jonathan J.-M.C., Roosen G. OC 113(1995) 559-567 1954
Photorefractive response of CdTe:V under ac electric field from 1 to 1.5 mm Belaud Y., Delaye P., Launay J.-C., Roosen G. OC 105(1994) 204-208 1955
Diffraction efficiency of photorefractive index gratings Guo R., Ling Z. OC 125(1996) 101-104 1956
Novel method for double phase conjugation in gain media Green R.P.M., Crofts G.J., Damzen M.J. OC 124(1996) 488-492 1957
Discrimination of enclosed images by weighted storage in an optical associative memory Duelli M., Cudney R.S., Günter P. OC 123(1996) 49-54 1958
Optical detection of non-steady-state photo-electromotive force in Bi12TiO20 Sochava S.L., Kulikov V.V., Sokolov I.A., Petrov M.P. OC 125(1996) 262-266 1959
Exact solution to photorefractive two-wave mixing with arbitrary modulation depth Belic M.R., Timotijevic D., Petrovic M., Jaric M.V. OC 123(1996) 201-206 1960
A nonlinear, transient analysis of two- and multi-wave mixing in a photorefrative material using rigorous coupled-wave diffraction theory Jarem J.M., Banerjee P.P. OC 123(1996) 825-842 1961
Bragg-selectivity of a volume gain grating Damzen M.J., Matsumoto Y., Crofts G.J., Green R.P.M. OC 123(1996) 182-188 1962
Pulse train compression up to terabit rates using four-wave mixing in birefringent fiber Starodumov A.N. OC 124(1996) 365-372 1963
Programmable wavefront generation using two binary phase spatial light modulators Yang G.G., Broomfield S.E. OC 124(1996) 345-353 1964
Optical matrix-matrix multiplication by the use of fixed holographic multi-gratings in a photorefractive crystal Wang F., Liu L., Yin Y. OC 125(1996) 21-26 1965
Dynamics of space-charge fields created in photorefractive barium titante by single picosecond pulses: a computer simulation Ishii H., Tomita Y. OC 126(1996) 65-102 1966
Liquid-crystal active lens: a reconfigurable lens employing a phase modulator Takaki Y., Ohzu H. OC 126(1996) 123-134 1967
All-optical remotely programmable routing device Lucek J.K. OC 126(1996)143-151 1968
Holographic recording in algal suspensins Brown K.M., Lamb K., Russell D.L., Ruddock I.S., Cunningham A., Illingworth R. OC 126(1996) 202-206 1969
Achromatic phase-shifting for two-wavelength phase-stepping interferometry Hariharan P., Roy M. OC 126(1996) 220-222 1970
Logic operations based on the fractional Talbot effect Guyot O., Hamam H. OC 127(1996) 96-106 1971
Removing the image-doupling in shearography by reconstruction of the displacement field Waldner S. OC 127(1996) 117-126 1972
All-optical logic with bacteriorhodopsin films Rao D.V.G.L.N., Aranda F.J., Rao D.N., Chen Z., Akkara J.A., Kaplan D.L., Nakashima M. OC 127(1996) 193-199 1973
Multiple-beam, spatially mode-locked photorefractive oscillator Desfarges A., Kermene V., Colombeau B., Froehly C., Vampouille M. OC 127(1996) 372-380 1974
Image edge enhancement by Bragg diffraction Xia J., Dunn D.B., Poon T.-C., Banerjee P.P. OC 128(1996) 1-7 1975
Neural network implementation using self-lensing media Skinner S.R., Behrman E.C., Cruz-Cabrera A.A., Steck J.E. AO 34(1995) 4129-4135 1976
Minimum entropy-neural network approch to turbulent-image reconstruction Wang Y., Frieden B.R. AO 34(1995) 5938-5944 1977
Exposure-induced high-pass filtering of a volume by means of an absorption hologram recording technique Baldwin K.C., Ehrlich M.J., Wagner J.W. AO 35(1996) 227-231 1978
Image transfer by mutually pumped phase conjugators Anderson R.J., Sharp E.J., Wood G.L., Salamo G.J. AO 35(1996) 854-859 1979
Optical computing: introduction by the feature editors Li Y., Tanida J., Tooley F., Wagner K. AO 35(1996) 1177-1179 1980
Experimental free-space optical network for masively parallel computers Araki S., Kajita M., Kasahara K., Kubota K., Kurihara K., Redmond I., Schenfeld E., Suzaki T. AO 35(1996) 1269-1281 1981
External phase-modulation interferometry Gray M.B., Stevenson A.J., Harb C.C., Bachor H.-A., McClelland D.E. AO 35(1996) 1623-1632 1982
Nonintrusive measurements of temperature and size of single falling raindrops van Beeck J.P.A.J., Riethmuller M.L. AO 34(1995) 1633-1639 1983
Particle image velocimetry analysis using an optically addressed spatial light modulator: effects of nonlinear transfer function Jakobsen M.L., Hossack W.J., Greated C.A. AO 34(1995) 1757-1762 1984
Free-space optical module configuration using a guide-frame assembly method Mizukami M., Koyabu K., Fukui M., Kitayama K. AO 34(1995) 1783-1787 1985
Spatial light modulation based on photoinduced change in the complex refractive index of bacterorhodopsin Takei H., Shimizu N. AO 34(1995) 1848-1854 1986
Self-pumped phase conjugation with nanosecond pulses in strontium barium niobate Monson B., Salamo G.J., Mott A.G., Miller M.J., Sharp E.J., Clark III W.W., Wood G.L. OL 15(1990) 12-14 1987
Chirp and self-phase modulation in induced-grating autocorrelation measurements of ultrashort pulses Trebino R., Hayden C.C., Johnson A.M., Simpson W.M., Levine A.M. OL 15(1990) 1079-1081 1988
Stable grating formation in nearly degenerate four-wave mixing Yin E., Lee B., Gustafson T.K., Spiridon A., Watjen J., Cooper D., Martinelli R. OL 18(1993) 229-231 1989
Collapse of a transverse-mode continuum in a self-imaging photorefractively pumped ring resonator Saffman M., Montgomery D., Anderson D.Z. OL 19(1994) 518-520 1990
High-quality self-pumped phase conjugation of nanosecond pulses at 532 nm using photorefractive BaTiO3 Mager L., Laquarnoy C., Pauliat G., Garrett M.H., Rytz D., Roosen G. OL 19(1994) 1508-1510 1991
Dynamic phase-encoding storage of 64 images in a BaTiO3 photorefractive crystal Alves C., Pauliat G., Roosen G. OL 19(1994) 1894-1896 1992
Wave mixing and beam profile control in a photorefractive waveguide Yu W., Krolikowski W., Luther-Davies B. OL 20(1995) 563-565 1993
Flow and controlled rotation of the spontaneous optical hexagon in KNbO3 Honda T. OL 20(1995) 851-853 1994
General optical implementations of fractional Fourier transforms Liu S., Xu J., Zhang Y., Chen L., Li C. OL 20(1995) 1053-1055 1995
Holographic fixing, readout, and storage dynamics in photorefractive materials Yariv A., Orlov S., Rakuljic G., Leyva V. OL 20(1995) 1334-1336 1996
Fixing of photorefractive volume holograms in K1-yLiyTa1-xO3 Leyva V., Engin D., Tong X., Tong M., Yariv A., Agranat A. OL 20(1995) 1319-1321 1997
Polarization dependence of femtosecond soliton-soliton interactions in dispersion-shifted fiber Sugawa T., Kubota H., Nakazawa M. OL 20(1995) 1453-1455 1998
Conjugation fidelity and bistability in a high-efficiency mutually pumped phase conjugator with ring channels Zhang L., Zhang J., Shao Z., Mu X., Chen H., Jiang M. OL 20(1995) 1456-1458 1999
Holographoc scattering lines and mirrorless oscillation in BaTiO3 Neumann J., Jäkel G., Krätzig E. OL 20(1995) 1530-1532 2000
Laser beam cleanup with photorefractive two-beam coupling Takada A., Cronin-Golomb M. OL 20(1995) 1459-1461 2001
Double phase-conjugate mirror: to oscillate, or not to oscillate? Shaw K.D. OL 20(1995) 1610-1612 2002
Simultaneous acquisition of p/2 phase-stepped interferograms with a photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystal: application to real-time double-pulse holography Labrunie L., Pauliat G., Roosen G., Launay J.C. OL 20(1995) 1652-1654 2003
Polarization-dependent mechanism transformation during self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3:Ce Lian Y., Lin S.H., Campbell S., Hsu K.Y., Yeh P. OL 20(1995) 1683-1685 2004
Buildup of spontaneous hexagonal pattern in photorefractive BaTiO3 with a feedback mirror Honda T., Matsumoto H. OL 20(1995) 1755-1757 2005
Phase-compensated holographic recording based on anisotropic photorefractive diffraction Freschi A.A., Barbosa E.A., Frejlich J. OL 20(1995) 2027-2029 2006
Applications of birefringent phase matching for photorefractive devices Cronin-Golomb M., Tarr M.P. OL 20(1995) 2252-2254 2007
Analog optical phase modulator based on chiral smectic and polymer cholesteric liquid crystals Stockley J.E., Sharp G.D., Serati S.A., Johnson K.M. OL 20(1995) 2441-2443 2008
Differentiating optical correlator Davis J.A., Haavig L.L., Cottrell D.M. OL 20(1995) 2511-2513 2009
Continuous coherent transient optical processing in a solid Zhu M., Babbitt W.R., Jefferson C.M. OL 20(1995) 12514-2516 2010
Two-port photorefractive joint-transform correlator Asimellis G., Khoury J., Kane J., Woods Ch. OL 20(1995) 2517-2519 2011
Experimental demonstration of temporal-waveform-controlled spatial routing of optical beams by spatial-spectral filtering Wang T., Lin H., Mossberg T.W. OL 20(1995) 2541-2543 2012
Optical header recognition by spectroholographic filtering Shen X.A., Kachru R. OL 20(1995) 2508-2510 2013
Shift-multiplexed holographic memory using the two-lambda method Barbastathis G., Psaltis D. OL 21(1996) 432-434 2014
Optical power filter: a new kind of passive nonlinear-optical device Medhekar S., Sodha M.S., Konar S. OL 21(1996) 305-307 2015
Grating interferometer for flatness testing deGroot P.J. OL 21(1996) 228-230 2016
Orthogonal photorefractive grating storage Sefler G.A., Gustafson T.K., Yin E., Spiridon A. OL 21(1996) 293-295 2017
Spatiotemporal dynamics of self-pumped phase conjugation in a photorefractive crystal: multipattern storage using incremental recording Zhao M., Vorontsov M.A., Ricklin J.C OL 21(1996) 257-259 2018
Red-band holographic storage in azo dye sensitized by noncoherent light Wu P., Chen W., Gong X., Zhang G., Tang G. OL 21(1996) 429-431 2019
Mutually pumped phase cojugator with a rainbow configuration in BaTiO3:Ce crystal using nanosecond pulses Wang H., Yoshikawa N., Yoshikado S., Aruga T. OL 21(1996) 561-563 2020
Avoiding hologram bending in photorefractive crystals Freschi A.A., Garcia P.M., Rasnik I., Frejlich J., Busa K. OL 21(1996) 152-154 2021
Ultralong dark decay measurements in BaTiO3 Bacher G.D., Chiao M.P., Dunning G.J., Klein M.B., Nelson C.C., Wechsler B.A. OL 21(1996) 18-20 2022
Exact solution to four-wave mixing with complex couplings: reflection geometry Petrovic M., Belic M.R., Timotijevic D., Jaric M. OL 21(1996) 321-323 2023
Charge dynamics for holographic gratings in photorefractive materials Statman D. JOSA B 9(1992) 849-857 2024
Data-dependent systems methodology for noise-insensitive phase unwrapping in laser interferometric surface characterization Pandit S.M., Jordache N., Joshi G.A. JOSA B 11(1994) 2584-2592 2025
Degenerate four-wave mixing in picosecond pulses: study of the temporal shape of the diffracted signal as a function of the material response time Coic H., Roblin M.L., Gires F., Grousson R. JOSA B 11(1994) 2232-2240 2026
Spatiotemporal effects in double phase conjugation Belic M.R., Leonardy J., Timotijevic D., Kaiser F. JOSA B 12(1995) 1602-1616 2027
Nonlinear combinations of gratings in Bi12SiO20: theory and experiments Andersen P.E., Buchhave P., Petersen P.M., Vasnetsov M.V. JOSA B 12(1995) 1422-1433 2028
Evolution and propagation of grating envelopes during erasure in bulk photorefractive media Jeganathan M., Bashaw M.C., Hesselink L. JOSA B 12(1995) 1370-1383 2029
Effect of beam coherence on mutually pumped phase conjugators DeLaCruz S.-C., MacCormack S., Feinberg J., He Q.B., Liu H.-K., Yeh P. JOSA B 12(1995) 1363-1369 2030
Stability analysis of two photorefractive ring resonator circuits: the flip-flop and the feature extractor Zozulya A.A., Saffman M., Anderson D.Z. JOSA B 12(1995) 1036-1047 2031
Parametric oscillation in photorefractive media Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 12(1995) 1065-1073 2032
Dynamics of light-induced absorption in BaTiO3 and application for intensity stabilization Buse K., Bierwirth T. JOSA B 12(1995) 629-637 2033
Bright, dark, and gray spatial soliton states in photorefractive media Christodoulides D.N., Carvalho M.I. JOSA B 12(1995) 1628-1633 2034
Effect of applied electric fields on the writing and the readout of photorefractive gratings DeVre R., Jeganathan M., Wilde J.P., Hesselink L. JOSA B 12(1995) 600-614 2035
Analysis of wave coupling in photorefractive cubic media far from the paraxial limit Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 12(1995) 592-599 2036
Crystal-field energy levels for deep Fe center at orthorhombic and higher symmetry sites in BaTiO3 Chang Y.M., Wang H.F., Rudowicz C. JOSA B 12(1995) 544-552 2037
Modal wave-front reconstruction with Zernike polynomials and Karhunen-Loeve functions Dai G. JOSA B 12(1995) 1218-1225 2038
Comparison of recording densities in three-dimensional optical storage systems:multilayered bit recording versus angularly multiplexed holographic recording Tanaka T., Kawata S. JOSA B 12(1995) 935-943 2039
Exact, dynamical analysis of the Kukhtarev equations in photorefractive barium titanate using rigorous coupled-wave diffraction theory Jarem J.M., Banerjee P.P. JOSA B 12(1995) 819-831 2040
An inverse scattering method in resonant optical problems with external triggering Benedict M.G., Nemeth I. JMO 42(1995) 2265-2273 2041
The interferometer as an optical network Törmä P., Stenholm S. JMO 42(1995) 1109-1121 2042
Phase modulated two-wave mixing in crystals with long photocarrier lifetimes Bian S., Frejlich J. JMO 43(1996) 1185-1198 2043
Double passage imaging of an arbitrary object through turbulence Experimental results Bogaturov A.N., Dainty J.C., Myakinin V.A., Solomon C.J., Wooder N.J. JMO 43(1996) 517-524 2044
Refreshed photorefractive buffer memory for permanent readout Alves C., Pauliat G., Roosen G. OM 4(1995) 423-427 2045
Photorefractive BaTiO3: an efficient material for laser wavefront correction Mager L., Pauliat G., Garrett M.H., Rytz D., Roosen G. OM 4(1995) 381-385 2046
Comparative study of CdTe and GaAs photorefractive performances from 1mm to 1.55 mm deMontmorillon L.A., Delaye Ph., Launay J.C., Roosen G. OM 4(1995) 233-236 2047
Photorefractive effect in (001)-cut GaAs at short pulse excitation Jarasiunas K., Bastiene L., Delaye P., Roosen G. OM 4(1995) 227-232 2048
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Phase conjugation, edge detection and image broadcasting using two-beam coupling configurations in photorefractive KNbO3 Banerjee P.P., Yu H.-L., Gregory D.A., Kukhtarev N. OLT 28(1996) 89-92 2051
Application of the holographic carrier fringe and FFT technique for deformation measurement Quan C., Shang H.M., Bryanston-Cross P.J., OLT 28(1996) 7-13 2052
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Properties and application of liquid crystal spatial light modulators in optical signal processing Hawlitschek N., Gärtner E., Gussek P., Reichel F. ETP 40(1994) 199-239 2061
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Optical data storage readout with quadrant pupil detection Milster T.D., Chen Z., Walker E.P., Tuell M.T., Gage E.C. AO 35 (1996) 2471-2476 2074
Optical design for pape access to volume optical media Neifeld M.A., McDonald M. AO 35 (1996) 2418-2430 2075
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A precision tester for studies of holographic optical storage materials and recording physics Bernal M.-P., Coufal H., Grygier R.K., Hoffnagle J.A., Jefferson C.M., Macfarlane R.M., et al. AO 35 (1996) 2360-2374 2078
Optoelectronic-cache memory system architecture Chiarulli D.M., Levitan S.P. AO 35 (1996) 2449-2456 2079
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Exact solution of the Bragg-diffraction problem in sillenites Sturman B.I., Webb D.J., Kowarschik R., Shamonina E., Ringhofer K.H. JOSA B 11 (1994) 1813-1819 2082
Three-dimensional microscopy by optical scanning holography Poon T.-C., Doh K.B., Schilling B.W., Wu M.H., Shinoda K., Suzuki Y. OE 34 (1995) 1338-134 2083
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Cross-talk reduction procedure for phase encoded holographic memory Alves C., Pauliat G., Roosen G. PMED (1995) 332-333 2086
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Detection of ultrasonic vibrations on rough surfaces through the photorefractive effect Delaye P., Blouin A., deMontmorillon L.-A., Biaggio I., Drolet D., Monchalin J.-P., Roosen G. SPIE P (1996) p 50 2088
All-optical correlation in speckle photography for deformation mapping in monuments Gärtner E., Gülker G., Hinrichs H., Hinsch K., Meinlschmidt P., Reichel F., Wolff K. Laser´95 Congress (1995) 2089
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Transmission of time modulated optical signals through an absorbing photorefractive crystal Delaye P., deMontmorillon L.A., Roosen G. OC 118 (1995) 154-164 2092
Holographic motion picture by Eu3+: Y2SiO5 Mitsunaga M., Uesugi N., Sasaki H., Karaki K. OL 19(1994) 752-754 2093
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Threshold for spontaneous pattern formation in reflection-grating-dominated photorefractive media with mirror feedback Honda T., Banerjee P.P. OL 21(1996) 779-781 2115
Multimode structure of bright and dark vector solitons in photorefractive media Krolikowski W., Akhmediev N., Luther-Davies B. OL 21(1996) 782-784 2116
One-way image transmission with a pair of multimode optical fibers and a phase-conjugate mirror Ogasawara T., Ohno M., Karaki K. OL 20(1995) 2435-2437 2117
Femtosecond transillumination optical coherence tomography Hee M.R., Izatt J.A., Jacobson J.M., Fujimoto J.G. OL 18(1993) 950-952 2118
Deth-resolved holographic imaging through scattering media by photorefraction Hyde S.C.W., Barry N.P., Jones R., Dainty J.C., French P.M.W. OL 20(1995) 1331-1333 2119
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Phase conjugation in optical communication links with photorefractive Fe: KNbO3 Medrano C., Zgonik M., Bernasconi P., Günter P. OC 128(1996) 177-184 2132
Three-wave interaction solitons in a dispersive media with quadratic nonlinearity Malomed B.A., Anderson D., Lisak M. OC 126(1996) 251-254 2133
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Hybrid optical processor for systems of nonlinear equations Abushagur M.A.G., Mansour M.K., Choi P.-S., Caulfield H.J. OC 124(1996) 542-549 2136
Phase conjugation behind an ordered multimode fibre bundle Eichler H.J., Lui B., Duelk M., Lu Z., Chen J. OC 123(1996) 412-422 2137
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Efficient nonlinear algorithm for envelope detection in white light interferometry Larkin K.G. JOSA A 13(1996) 832-843 2139
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Gallium-induced inhibition of the photorefractive properties of sillenite crystals Coya C., Zaldo C., Volkov V.V., Egorysheva A.V., Polgar K., Peter A. JOSA B 13(1996) 908-915 2141
Phase-locked phase conjugation using a Brillouin lopp scheme to eliminate phase fluctuations Ridley K.D., Scott A.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 900-907 2142
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Holographic grating formation in photopolymers Piazzolla S., Jenkins B.K. OL 21(1996) 1075-1077 2223
Pulsed-laser deposition and optical properties of completely (001) textured optical waveguiding LiNbO3 films upon SiO2/Si substrates Hu W.S., Liu Z.G., Lu Y.-Q., Zhu S.N., Feng D. OL 21(1996) 946-948 2224
Transient four-wave mixing with a collinear pump and probe Mecozzi A., Mork J., Hofmann M OL 21(1996) 1017-1019 2225
Bit-error rate and statistics of complex amplitude noise in holographic data storage Gu C., Sornat G., Hong J. OL 21(1996) 1070-1072 2226
Self-pumped phase conjugation with femtosecond pulses by use of BaTiO3 Yau H.-F., Wang P.-J., Pan E.-Y. OL 21(1996) 1168-1170 2227
Comparison of degenerate four-wave mixing line shapes from population- and thermal-grating scattering Danehy P.M., Farrow R.L. JOSA B 13(1996) 1412-1418 2228
Effect of four-wave mixing on copropagation spatial solitons Ansari N.A., Sammut R.A., Tran H.-T. JOSA B 13(1996) 1419-1425 2229
Experimental modal analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of a linear photorefractive phase-conjugate resonator Korwan D.R., Indebetouw G. JOSA B 13(1996) 1473-1481 2230
Hologram recording in Zn-doped LiNbO3 crystals Volk T.R., Razumovski N.V., Mamaev A.V., Rubinina N.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 1457-1460 2231
Light-induced charge transport properties of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6: Ce crystals Buse K., van Stevendaal U., Pankrath R., Krätzig E. JOSA B 13(1996) 1461-1467 2232
Phase locking of multiple stimulated Brillouin scattering by a phase-conjugate laser resonator Lamb R.A., Damzen M.J. JOSA B 13(1996) 1468-1472 2233
Pattern dynamics in photorefractive bidirectional ring-resonator experiments Chen Z., McGee D., Abraham N.B. JOSA B 13(1996) 1482-1490 2234
Experimental comparison of the ac field and the moving-grating holographic-recording techniques for Bi12SiO20 and Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystals Sochava S.L., Mokrushina E.V., Prokofev V.V., Stepanov S.I. JOSA B 10(1993) 1600-1604 2235
Eikonal therory and computer algebra II Walter A. JOSA A 13(1996) 1763-1765 2236
Crystallographic heterodyne phase detection for highly sensitive lattice-distortion measurements Takeda M., Suzuki J. JOSA A 13(1996) 1495-1500 2237
Diffraction properties of volume volume holographic diffusers Gu C., Lien J.-R., Dai F., Hong J. JOSA A 13(1996) 1704-1711 2238
Excited-state absorption and pump propagation effects on optical phase conjugation in a saturable absorber Miyanaga S., Ohtateme H., Kawano K., Fujiwara H. JOSA B 10(1993) 1069-1076 2239
Phase conjugation in optical communication links with photorefractive Fe: KNbO3 Medrano C., Zgonik M., Bernasconi P., Günter P. OC 128(1996) 177-184 2240
Optimization of photorefractive recording by means of light phase-shifts Aguilar M., Serrano E., Lopez V., Carrascosa M., Agulló-Lopez F. OC 116(1995) 398-404 2241
Eye-safe large field of view homodyne detection using a photorefractive CdTe: V crystal deMontmorillon L.-A., Biaggio I., Delaye P., Launay J.-C., Roosen G. OC 129(1996) 293-300 2242
The influence of longitudinal modes of lasers on the photorefractive two wave coupling Sun Q., Xu J., Lui S., Lan G., Zhang C., Zhang G. OC 129(1996) 189-192 2243
Coherence effects in a photorefractive ring oscillator Krolikowski W. OC 129(1996) 44-48 2244
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Pattern formation in a linear photorefractive oscillator Mamaev A.V., Saffman M. OC 128(1996) 281-286 2247
An improved photorefractive joint-transform correlator utilizing beam-fanning in a high-gain barium titanate crystal Pati G.S., Roy A., Singh K. OC 129(1996) 81-88 2248
Experimental investigation of the relationship between pohotorefractive and two-beam coupling response times Matsushima S.-S., Tomita Y. OC 128(1996) 287-291 2249
Programmable fuzzy associative memory processor Shao L., Lui L., Li G. OC 129(1996) 89-97 2250
A symmetry analysis in the mixed grating geometry of degenerate four-wave mixing in saturable-gain media Gutierrez-Castrejon R., Hung K.M., Hall T.J. OC 128(1996) 275-280 2251
Photorefractive circuitry and optical transistors Belic M., Petrovic M., Kaiser F. OC 123(1996) 657-664 2252
Writing and copying in volume holographic memories: approaches and analysis Campbell S., Zhang Y., Yeh P. OC 123(1996) 27-33 2253
Differential phase-contrast microscope with a split detector for the readout system of a multilayered optical memory Kawata Y., Juskaitis R., Tanaka T., Wilson T., Kawata S. AO 35(1996) 2466-2470 2254
Shift multiplexing with spherical reference waves Barbastathis G., Levene M., Psaltis D. AO 35(1996) 2403-2417 2255
Sparse-wavelength angle-multiplexed volume holographic memory system: analysis and advances Campbell S., Yeh P. AO 35(1996) 2380-2388 2256
Covariance-based approach to texture processing Liu Z.Q., Madiraju S.V.R. AO 35(1996) 848-853 2257
Large arrays of spatial light modulators hybridized to silicon integrated circuits Worchesky T.L., Ritter K.J., Martin R., Lane B. AO 35(1996) 1180-1186 2258
Intergration of refractive micro-optical elements with differential-pair optical-thyristor arrays Passon C., Moisel J., McArdle N., Eckert W., Brenner K.-H., Heremans P. AO 35(1996) 1205-1211 2259
Realizing optical logic with a smart-pixel spatial light modulator kane J.S., Grycewicz T.J., Kincaid T.G. AO 35(1996) 1249-1252 2260
Shearing interferometer with a Kitty self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror Sun C.-C., Tsou R.-H., Shen W., Chang H.-H., Chang J.-Y., Chang M.-W. AO 35(1996) 1815-1819 2261
Analysis of the viewing zone of the Cambrigde autostereoscopic display Dodgson N.A. AO 35(1996) 1705-1710 2262
Application of geometric phase techniques to stellar interferometry Tango W.J., Davis J. AO 35(1996) 621-623 2263
Optical implementation of visible gray-image morphology with the visual-area-coding technique Konishi T., Taniguchi S., Tanida J., Ichioka Y. AO 35(1996) 1234-1239 2264
Design and demonstration of a high-speed, multichannel, optical-sampling oscilloscope Morrison R.L., Johnson S.G., Lentine A.L., Knox W.H. AO 35(1996) 1187-1194 2265
Unwrapping of interferometric phase-fringe maps by the discrete cosine transform Kerr.D., Kaufmann G.H., Galizzi G.E. AO 35(1996) 810-816 2266
Dynamic holographic interferometry by photorefractive crystals for quantitative deformation measurements Pouet B., Krishnaswamy S. AO 35(1996) 787-794 2267
Lensless imaging by spatial Fourier synthesis holography Arons E., Dilworth D. AO 35(1996) 777-781 2268
Wigner distribution function applied to third-order aberrations Dragoman D. AO 34(1996) 161-168 2269
Direct image transmission through a multimode optical fiber Son J.-Y., Bobrinev V.I., Jeon H.-W., Cho Y.-H., Eom Y.-S. AO 35(1996) 273-277 2270
Coherent transient optical signal processing without brief pulses Merkel K.D., Babbitt W.R. AO 35(1996) 278-285 2271
Photorefractive processing for large adaptive phased arrays Weverka R.T., Wagner K., Sarto A. AO 35(1996) 1344-1366 2272
Convergence of backward-error-propagation learning in photorefractive crystals Petrisor G.C., Goldstein A.A., Jenkins B.K., Herbulock E.J., Tanguay A.R. AO 35(1996) 1328-1343 2273
Beam-fanning novelty filter with enhanced dynamic phase resolution Rehn H., Kowarschik R., Ringhofer K.H. AO 35(1996) 4907-4911 2274
Noise filtering in the interference pattern by dynamic holographic recording in photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystals Tontchev D., Sainov V., Stoilov G. AO 35(1996) 3087-3090 2275
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Robust phase-unwrapping method for phase images with high noise content Charette P.G., Hunter I.W. AO 35(1996) 3506-3513 2277
Self-pumped phase-conjugate interferometer with a photorefractive iron-doped lithium-niobate crystal Jayanth P., Mohan R.K., Subramanian C.K. AO 35(1996) 3534-3559 2278
Optical wvelet transform by the phase-only joint-transform correlator Erbach P.S., Gregory D.A., Yang X. AO 35(1996) 3117-3126 2279
Phase-only joint-transform correlator: analysis and experimental results Erbach P.S., Gregory D.A., Hammock J.B. AO 35(1996) 3091-3096 2280
Measurement of the spatial phase modulation of a ferroelectric liquid-crystal modulator Löfving B. AO 35(1996) 3097-3103 2281
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Photorefractive beam coupling in tin hypothiodiphosphate in the near infrared Odoulov S.G., Shumelyuk A.N., Hellwig U., Rupp R.A., Grabar A.A. OL 21(1996) 752-754 2283
Optical wavelet-matched filtering by four-wave mixing in photorefractive media Widjaja J., Tomita Y. OC 117(1996) 123-126 2284
Real-time atmospheric compensation by stimulated Brillouin-scattering phase conjugation Bruesselbach H., Jones D.C., Rockwell D.A., Lind R.C. JOSA B 12(1995) 1434-1447 2285
Characteristics of a class of new opto-coupler amplifiers with positive feedback Cheung W.N., Edwards P.J. IEEE JQE 32(1996) 502-506 2286
Self-aligned imaging system using phase conjugate readout from elementary holographic grating Konishi T., Tanida J., Ichioka Y. OLT 28(1996) 83-87 2287
Real-time histogram generation using active optical scanning Pieper R.J., Richstein J.K., Poon T.-C., Moore D.J. OLT 28(1996) 171-178 2288
Multimode fiber-optic sensor using photorefractive double phase conjugator Kamshilin A.A., Jaaskelainen T., Khomenko A.V., Garcia-Weidner A. APL 67(1995) 2585-2587 2289
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Two-wave mixing and fanning effect in Bi12TiO20 under an alternating electric field Tuovinen H., Kamshilin A.A., Ravattinen R., Prokofiev V.V., Jaaskelainen T. OE 34(1995) 2641-2647 2291
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Contribution of population or thermal grating to phase conjugation in saturable Xanthene-dye-doped polymer films Kawano K., Nakagawa K., Fujiwara H. JJ AP 32(1993) 5545-5548 2293
Synthesis and properties of polyesters having cyanoazobenzene units in the side chain Sato M., Hayakawa M., Nakagawa K., Mukaida K. MRC 15(1994) 21-29 2294
Growth of single-crystal photorefractive fibers of Bi12SiO20 and Bi12TiO20 by the laser-heated pedestal growth method Prokofiev V.V., Andreeta J.P., deLima C.J., Andreeta M.R.B., Hernandes A.C. et al. JCG 137(1994) 528-534 2295
Adaptive holographic interferometry for two-dimensional vibrational mode display Bardosa E.A., Frejlich J., Prokofiev V.V., Andreeta J.P., Gallo N.J., Andreeta J.P. OE 33(1994) 2659-2662 2296
The influence of temperature gradients on structural perfection of single-crystal sillenite fibers grown by the LHPG method Prokofiev V.V., Andreeta J.P., deLima C.J., Andreeta M.R.B., Hernandes A.C. et al. OM 4(1995) 521-527 2297
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Constructively and destructively interfering diffraction in a photorefractive medium Lee B., Yin E., Spiridon A., Gustafson T.K. SPIE 2404 (1995) 328-335 2299
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Red-shifted photochromic behavior of a bacteriorhodopsin film made from the L93T genetic variant Downie J.D., Smithey D.T. OL 21(1996) 680-682 2301
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Cascading nonlinearities in optical four-wave mixing Zgonik M., Günter P. JOSA B 13(1996) 570-576 2307
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Laser beam self-channeling in a photorefractive waveguide Kamshilin A.A., Raita E. SPIE 2778(1996) 798-799 2312
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Enhanced backscattering from a volume-scattering medium behind a phase screen Dogariu A., Boreman G.D., Dogariu M. OL 20(1995) 1665-1667 2346
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Dynamic holographic interfrometry by photorefractive crystals for quantitative deformation measurements Pouet B., Krishnaswamy S. AO 35(1996) 787-794 2395
Diffraction efficiency of photorefractive index gratings Guo R., Ling Z. OC 125(1996) 101-104 2396
Diffraction analysis of layered structures of photorefractive gratings De Vre R., Hesselink L. JOSA A 13(1996) 285-295 2397
Two-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitons Shih M., Leach P., Segev M., Garrett M.H., Salamo G., Valley G.C. OL 21 (1996) 324-326 2398
Photorefractive screening solitons of high and low intensity Segev M., Shih M., Valley G.V. JOSA B 13(1996) 706-718 2399
Effects of optical activity on photorefractive spatial solitons in a biased Bi12TiO20 crystal Singh S.R., Christodoulides D.N. JOSA B 13(1996) 719-724 2400
Edge enhancement of a phase-conjugate image with a mutually pumped phase conjugator Yarrison-Rice J.M., Sharp E.J., Wood G.L., Neurgaonkar R.R. AO 35(1996) 1904-1910 2401
Array of photorefractive waveguides for massively parallel optical intrconnections in lithium niobate Matoba O., Itoh K., Ichioka Y. OL 21(1996) 122-124 2402
Writing and copying in volume holographic memories approaches and analysis Campbell S., Zhang Y., Yeh P. OC 123(1996) 27-33 2403
Optically switched volume holographic elements Malcuit M.S., Stone T.W. OL 20(1995) 1328-1330 2404
Real-time image substraction by phase conjugation using an erythrosin-B-doped-PVA film Suzuki T., Egami C., Nakagawa K., Fujiwara H SPIE P 1213(1990) 120-125 2405
A spatial light modulator by using a methyl-red doped polyvinyl alcohol film Takeda T., Nakagawa K., Fujiwara H. NO 7(1994) 295-301 2406
Magnetophotorefractive effect in LiNbO3: Fe crystals: theory and experiments Dam-Hansen C., Johansen P.M., Petersen P.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 2286-2298 2407
Photorefractive grating formation in piezoelectric La3Ga5SiO14: Pr3+ crystals Dam-Hansen C., Johansen P.M., Fridkin V.M. APL 69(1996) 2003-2005 2408
Observation of nondegenerate photorefractive parametric amplification Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. PRL 76(1996) 4159-4162 2409
Longitudinal, degenerate, and transversal parametric oscillation in photorefractive media Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. PRL 77(1996) 3106-3109 2410
Degenerate parametric amplification in photorefractive media: theoretical analysis Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 560-600 2411
Dynamic holographic interferometric-dhi sensor on adaptive supergrating Dovgalenko G., Loutchkina I. SPIE 2860(1996) 232-238 2412
Nonlinear combinations of gratings in drift-dominated recording in Bi12SiO20 Andersen P.E., Petersen P.M., Buchhave P. JOSA B 12(1995) 2453-2462 2413
Holographic grating formation in photopolymers Piazolla S., Jenkins B.K. OL 21(1996) 1075-1078 2414
Fast mutually pumped phase conjugation at the surface of photorefractive bismuth titanium oxide crystals Raita E., Kamshilin A.A., Prokofiev V.V., Jaaskelainen T.   2415
Four-wave-mixing interferometer Tang N., Partanen J.P. OL 21(1996) 1108-1110 2416
Nonlinear optical polymer electrets current practice Bauer-Gogonea S., Gerhard-Multhaupt R. IEEE TDEI 3(1996) 677-705 2417
Transient four-wave mixing with a collinear pump and probe Mecozzi A., Mork J., Hofmann M. OL 21(1996) 1017-1019 2418
Interferometric measurement of femtosecond pulse modulation via cascaded second-order nonlinear optical process Kim C.M., Yoon C.S., Kim D. SPIE 2778(1996) 783-784 2419
Experimental investigation of the relationship between photorefractive and two-beam coupling response times Matsushima S., Tomita Y. OC 128(1996) 287-291 2420
Very-high-gain single-pass two-beam coupling in blue Rh: BaTiO3 Kaczmarek M., Eason R.W. OL 20(1995) 1850-1852 2421
Nonperturbative analytical solution for steady-state photorefractive recording Serrano E., Carrascosa M., Agulló-Lopez F. OL 20(1995) 1910-1912 2422
The physics of photopolymer-liquid crystal composite holographic gratings Sutherland R.L., Natarajan L.V., Tondiglia V.P., Bunning T.J., Adams W.W. SPIE 2689(1996) 158-168 2423
Ellipsometric measurements of poling birefringence, the Pockels effect, and the Kerr effect in high-performance photorefractive polymer composites Kippelen S.B., Meerholz K., Peyghambarian N. AO 35(1996) 2346-2354 2424
Strong coupling between coherent gratings due to nonlinear spatial frequency mixing in Bi12SiO20 Andersen P.E., Buchhave P., Petersen P.M. OC 128(1996) 185-192 2425
Optimization of the developing stage for fixed gratings in LiNbO3 Carrascosa M., Agulló-Lopez F. OC 126(1996) 240-246 2426
10,000 optical write, read, and erase cycles in an azobenzene sidechain liquid-crystalline polyester Holme N.C.R., Ramanujam P.S., Hvilsted S. OL 21(1996) 902-904 2427
Effect of the oxidation state of LiNbO3: Fe on the diffraction efficiency of multiple holograms Burr G.W., Psaltis D. OL 21(1996) 893-895 2428
Cationic ring-opening photopolymerization methods for volume hologram recording Waldmann D.A., Ingwall R.T., Dhal P.K., Horner M.G., Kolb E.S., Li H.-Y.S., Minns R.A., Schild H.G. SPIE 2689(1996) 127-141 2429
Optical effects caused by high laser power in ion-implanted Bi4Ge3O12 waveguides Huang X., Jaque D., Vereda F., Fonrobert B., Chandler P.J., Townsend P.D: JMO 43(1996) 1731-1743 2430
Single shot wave front measurement of sub-ps laser pulses Edwards C.B., Lee P., Tatarakis M., SPIE 2375(1995) 254-260 2431
Pattern formation in a linear photorefractive oscillator Mamaev A.V., Saffman M. OC 128(1996) 281-286 2432
Stabilization of the speckle pattern of a multimode fiber undergoing bending Anderson D.Z., Bolshtyansky M.A., Zel´dovich B.Y. OL 21(1996) 785-787 2433
Transmission of the image signal with the use of a multimode fiber Bolshtyansky M.A., Zel´dovich B.Y. OC 123(1996) 629-636 2434
Comparison of beam propagation method and rigorous coupled-wave analysis for single and multiplex volume gratings Ahmed S., Glytsis E.N. AO 35(1996) 4426-4435 2435
Organization of data for monochromatic multiplex volume holography Bashaw M.C., Heanue J.F., Hesselink L. JOSA A 13(1996) 2174-2186 2436
Analysis of heterodyne and confocal microscopy for illumination with broad-bandwidth light Kempe M., Rudolph W. JMO 43 (1996) 2189-2204 2437
Spectral phase encoding for data storage and addressing Lorgere I., Grelet F., Ratsep M., Tian M., LeGouet J.L., Sigel C., Roblin M.L. JOSA B 13(1996) 2229-2234 2438
Underwater vehicles equipped with laser beacons and tracked from aircraft Estes L.E., Garcia R.A., Lizotte C.D. AO 35(1996) 4843-4849 2439
Real-time signal classification with an acousto-optic triple-product processor cascaded into a volume holographic classifier Garvin C., Wagner K. AO 35(1996) 3937-3944 2440
Volume-holographic memory for laser threat discrimination DeLong M.L., Duncan B.D., Parker J.H. JOSA B 13(1996) 2198-2208 2441
The one-step phase-shifting technique for wave-front interferometry Ng T.W. JMO 43(196) 2129-2138 2442
Topology-preserving mappings in a self-imaging photorefractively pumped ring resonator Saffman M., Montgomery D., Zozulya A.A., Anderson D.Z. CSF 4(1994) 2077-2092 2443
Complementary-encoding photorefractive optical processor for truth-table lookup Yuan S., Yan Y., Jin G., Wu M. AO 35(1996) 5246-5250 2444
Particle image velocimetry using wavelet-matched filters Widjaja J., Tomita Y. JMO 43(1996) 1993-1997 2445
Programmable spatial filtering with bacteriorhodopsin Storrs M., Mehrl D.J., Walkup J.F. AO 35(1996) 4632-4636 2446
Dynamic digital photorefractive memory for optoelectronic neural network learning modules Sasaki H., Mauduit N., Ma J., Fainman Y., Lee S.H., Gray M.S. AO 35(1996) 4641-4654 2447
Full-range, continuous, complex modulation by the use of two coupled-mode liquid-crystal televisions Neto L.G., Roberge D., Sheng Y. AO 35(1996) 4567-4576 2448
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of spatial light modulators Abuelmaátti M.T. AO 35(1996) 4563-4566 2449
Liquid-crystal projection image depixelization by spatial phase scrambling Yang X., Jutamulia S., Li N. AO 35(1996) 4577-4580 2450
Reconstruction of a vibrating object from its time-averaged image intensities by the use of exponential filtering Nakajima N., Saleh E.A. AO 35(1996) 4581-4588 2451
Time-encoded spatial routing in a photorefractive crystal Rätsep M., Tian M., Grelet F., LeGouet J.-L., Sigel C., Roblin M.-L. OL 21(1996) 1292-1294 2452
Analog nonvolatile optically addressed spatial light modulator Robinson M.G., Tombling C. OL 21(1996) 1588-1590 2453
Computer-generated pseudo-deep holograms Lohmann A.W., Arrizon V. JMO 43(1996)2381-2401 2454
Real-time phase-only matched filtering with dual liquid-crystal spatial light modulators Ishii Y., Takahashi T., Kobayashi M. OC 132(1996) 153-160 2455
Implementation of a novel optical half-adder Yang C., Wu W., Yeh P. OC 131(1996) 21-24 2456
Analysis of direct three-dimensional image transmission throughoptical fibers by the use of coherence methods Naulleau P., Chen C., Leith E. AO 35(1996) 3953-3962 2458
2k-grating-assisted self-pumped phase conjugation: theoretical and experimental studies Lin S.H., Lian Y.W., Yeh P., Hsu K.Y., Yong Z. JOSA B 13(1996) 1772-1779 2459
Theroy of nonlinear multiple-grating interaction in diffusion-dominated photorefractive media Pedersen H.C., Andersen P.E., Petersen P.M., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 2569-2579 2460
Spatial differentiation of optical images using selective erasure of photorefractive holograms Shin S.-H., Campbell S., Yeh P. OC 130(1996) 20-24 2461
Light-induced director axis reorientation in a dye-doped ferroelectric liquid crystal and its application to self-aligned spatial filtering Inoue T., Tomita Y. JOSA B 13(1996) 1916-1920 2462
The execution of full text search on an optical computer Guilfoyle P.S., Hessenbruch J.M., Berra P.B., Zeise F.F. Netz 2463
Optimization of diffractive optical interconnect elements for high performance optoelectronic computing modules McCallum D.S., Guilfoyle P.S., Stone R.V., Hessenbruch J.M. et al. Netz 2464
Smart multichip module communications using free-space optical interconnects McCallum D.S., Guilfoyle P.S. Netz (SPIE) 2465
Relations between spontaneously occurring beams in bismuth silicon oxide with two frequency-detuned pump beams Buchhave P., Lyuksyutov S., Vasnetsov M. OL 20(1995) 2363-2365 2466
Instability of moving gratings in photorefractive crystals Sturman B.I., Mann M., Ringhofer K.H. AP A 55(1992) 235-241 2467
2D silicom/ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulators Drabik T.J., Titus A.H.,Handschy M.A., Banas D., Gaalema D., Ward D.J. IEEE M 15(1995) 67-76 2468
Experimental investigation of solitary structures in a nonlinear optical feedback system Schreiber A., Thüring B., Kreuzer M., Tschudi T. OC 136(1997) 415-418 2469
Transverse instabilities in photorefractive counterpropagating two-wave mixing Sanfuchs O., Leonardy J., Kaiser F., Belic M.R. OL 22(1997) 498-500 2470
Intensity redistribution in a thin photorefractive crystal caused by strong fanning effect and internal reflections Kamshilin A.A., Raita E., Khomenko A.V. JOSA B 13(1996) 2536-2543 2471
Nonlinear spatial filtering with a dye-doped liquid-crystal cell Kato J., Yamaguchi I., Tanaka H. OL 21(1996) 767-769 2472
Optoelectronic fuzzy inference system based on beam-scanning architecture Itoh H., Mukai S., Yajima H. AO 33(1994) 1485-1490 2473
Application of wavelet-matched filters to holographic associative memories Widjaja J., Tomita Y., Wahab A. OC 132(1996) 217-220 2474
Optically aligned liquid crystals: physics and applications Kosa T., Palffy-Muhoray P. PAO 5(1996) 595-602 2475
Real-time enhancement of defects in periodic patterns by use a bacteriorhodopsin film Okamoto T., Yamaguchi I. OL 22(1997) 337-339 2476
Novelty filter that uses a bacteriorhodopsin film Okamoto T., Yamaguchi I., Boothroyd S.A., Chrostowski J. AO 36(1997) 508-511 2477
All-optical spatial light modulator with surface plasmon resonance Okamoto T., Kamiyama T., Yamaguchi I. OL 18(1993) 1570-1572 2478
Simultaneous measurement of thicknesses and refractive indices of multiple layers by a low-coherence confocal interference microscope Fukano T., Yamaguchi I. OL 21(1996) 1942-1944 2479
Joint transform correlator: aberrations in the joint spectrum and their influence on the correlation peak Comastri S.A., Simon J.M., Fucci F. PAO 6(1997) 173-189 2480
Fabrication of a side-polished fiber polarizer with a birefringent polymer overlay Lee S.G., Sokoloff J.P., McGinnis B.P., Sasabe H. OL 22(1997) 606-608 2481
Near-field scanning optical microscope using a gold particle Okamoto T., Yamaguchi I. JJ AP 36(1997) 166-169 2482
Error characteristics of read-only-memory versus write-once-read-many compact discs: CD-ROM versus CD-WORM Tehranchi B., Howe D.G. AO 35(1996) 5831-5838 2483
Two-dimensional wavelet processor Ouzieli I., Mendlovic D. AO 35(1996) 5839-5846 2484
Wide angular aperture holograms in photorefractive crystals by the use of orthogonally polarized write and read beams Sarto A.W., Wagner K.H., Weverka R.T., Weaver S., Walge E.K. AO 35(1996) 5765-5775 2485
Wavelet filter: pure-intensity spatial filters that implement wavelet transforms Jiang Z., Ni M., Lu Q., Liu Z., ZhaoY. AO 35(1996) 5758-5760 2486
Experimental demonstration of a phased-array antenna optically controlled with phase and time delays Dolfi D., Joffre P., Antoine J., Huignard J.-P., Granger P. AO 35(1996) 5293-5300 2487
Development and testing of a holographic projection system Jiang W., Shealy D.L., Baker K.M. AO 35(1996) 5994-5998 2488
Four-plane space-variant Fresnel-transform optical processor with a random phase encoder Davis J.A., Tiangco R.P., Cottrell D.M., O´Shea D., Poutous M.K. AO 35(1996) 3819-3828 2489
Analytical and numerical study of photorefractive kinetics high modulation depths Serrano E., Carrascosa M., Agulló-Lopez F. JOSA B 13(1996) 2587-2594 2490
Photorefractive materials: specifications relevant to applications Delaye P., C-Jonathan J.M., Pauliat G., Roosen G. PAO 5(1996) 541-559 2491
Polarization and energy transfer dependencies on crystal depth in self-diffraction in BSO Pedersen H.C., Johansen P.M.B. PAO 2(1993) 659-676 2492
Theory of nonlinear multiple-grating interaction in diffusion-dominated photorefractive media Pedersen H.C., Andersen P.E., Petersen P.M., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 13(1996) 2569-2579 2493
Fusion and birth of spatial solitons upon collision Krolikowski W., Holmstrom S.A. OL 22(1997) 369-371 2494
Effect of natural optical activity on the propagation of photorefractive solitons Krolikowski W., Akhmediev N., Andersen D.R., Luther-Davies B. OC 132 (1996) 179-189 2495
Self-bending photorefractive solitons Krolikowski W., Akhmediev N., Luther-Davies B., Cronin-Golomb M. PR E 54 (1996) 5761-5765 2496
Dynamic spatial structure of spontaneous beams in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide Buchhave P., Lyuksyutov S., Vasnetsov M., Heyde C. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2595-2601 2497
Holographic-current study in laser and photorefractive crystals Noginova N., Kukhtarev N., Noginov M.A., Chen B.S., Caulfield H.J., Venkateswarlu P. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2622-2629 2498
Time evolution of the photorefractive phase conjugation process in BaTiO3 del Pino M., Limeres J., Carrascosa M. OC 131 (1996) 211-218 2499
Diffraction efficiency enhancement of holographic gratings in Bi12Ti0.76V0.24O20 crystals after recording Rickermann F., Riehemann S., Buse K., Dirksen D., von Bally G. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2299-2305 2500
Holographic storage dynamics in lithium niobate: theory and experiment Yari A., Orlov S.S., Rakuljic G.A. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2513-2523 2501
Fast mutually pumped phase conjugation using transient photorefractive coupling Raita E., Kamshilin A.A., Prokofiev V.V., Jaaskelainen T. APL 70 (1997) 1641-1643 2502
Broadband optical detection of ultrasound by two-wave mixing in a photorefractive crystal Ing R.K., Monchalin J.-P. APL 59 (1991) 3233-3235 2503
Diffraction-free planar beams in unbiased photorefractive media Christodoulides D.N., Coskun T.H. OL 21 (1996) 1460-1462 2504
Effects of optical bias on moving gratings in bismuth silicon oxide at large fringe modulation Wang Z.Q., Cartwright C.M., Gillespie W.A., Cook N.J. AO 35 (1996) 3829-3834 2505
Compact read-only memory with lensless phase-conjugate holograms Zhao F., Sayano K. OL 21 (1996) 1295-1297 2506
Dynamic solutions of the photorefractive two-wave coupling at large modulation depths Zhou Z., Sun X., Li Y., Jiang Y., Zhao H., Xu K., Wan Q. OC 132 (1996) 128-134 2507
Excitation og higher spatial harmonics by a moving light pattern in sillenites McClelland T.E., Webb D.J., Sturman B.I., Shamonina E., Mann M., Ringhofer K.H. OC 131 (1996) 315-321 2508
Characterization of photorefractive properties of "blue" Rh: baTiO3 via nonlinear wave mixing Kaczmarek M., Hribek P., Eason R.W. JMO 43 (1996) 1817-1827 2509
Image transmission with a pair of graded-index optical fibers and a BaTiO3 phase-conjugate mirror Ogasawara T., Ohno M., Karaki K., Nishizawa K., Akiba A. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2193-2197 2510
Implementation of a photorefractive arithmetic logic unit for multiwavelength information processing Wu W., Campell S., Yeh P. JOSA B 13 (1996) 2549-2557 2511
Laser-diodes injection locking with a douple phase-conjugate mirror in photorefractive Bi12TiO20 fiberlike crystal under external alternating voltage Kamshilin A.A., Jaaskelainen T., Spirin V.V., Khriachtchev L.Y., Onodera R., Ishii Y. JOSA B (1997) 2512
Low-noise preamplifier for multistage photorefractive image amplification Breugnot S., Rajbenbach H., Defour M., Huignard J.-P. OL 20(1995) 1568-1570 2513
Randomly accessible, multilayred optical memory with a Bi12SiO20 crystal Kawata Y., Tanaka T., Kawata S. AO 35(1996) 5308-5311 2514
Readout of a real-time hologram in bacteriorhodopsin film with high diffraction efficiency and intensity Wang F., Liu L., Li Q. OL 21(1996) 1697-1699 2515
Digital wavelenght-multiplexed holographic data storage system Lande D., Heanue F., Bashaw M.C., Hesselink L. OL 21(1996) 1780-1507 2516
Numerical studies of externally pumped phase conjugation in photorefractive crystals with applied electric fields Xie P., Dai J.-H., Wang P.-Y., Zhang H.-J. OC 130(1996) 302-306 2517
Transverse optical structures in a ring resonator with intensity-phase coupling Rehn H., Kowarschik R. OL 21(1996) 1505-1507 2518
Multipage storage in a LiNbO3:Fe crystal sheet using the photorefractive light-climbing effect Fang Q., Xu J., Sun Q., Lui S., Zhang G., Ma C., Zhang G., Tian G. AO 35(1996) 6744-6746 2519
Photon-echo novelty filter for measuring a sudden change in index of refraction Zhang Y., Kachru R. AO 35(1996) 6762-6766 2520
Determination of the force constant of a single-beam gradient trap by measurement of backscattered light Friese M.E.J., Rubinsztein-Dunlop H., Heckenberg N.R., Dearden E.W. AO 35(1996) 7112-7116 2521
Dynamics of hologram readout in photorefractive crystals for broken bragg-condition Goltz J., Denz C., Tschudi T. OC 68(19988) 228-230 2522
An improved photorefractive joint-transform correlator utilizing beam-fanning in a high-gain barium titanate crystal Pati G.S., Roy A., Singh K. OC 129(1996) 81-88 2523
Influence of the internal photoinduced electric field on the formation of self-pumped phase conjugation in doped (K0.5Na0.5)0.2(Sr0.75Ba0.25)0.9Nb2O6 crystals Zhang J., Liu H., Jia W. AO 35(1996) 62416248 2524
Temperature dependent photorefractive properties of a Ce-doped BaTiO3 crystal Dou S.X., Ding Y., Eichler H.J., Zhu Y., Ye P.X. OC 131(1996) 322-326 2525
Holographic diffraction gratings recording in organically modified silica gels Cheben P., Belenquer T., Nunez A., del Monte F., Levy D. OL 21(1996) 1857-1859 2526
High gain and double phase conjugation with strongly doped Co:BaTiO3 in reflection grating configurations Glick Y., Sternklar S. OC 137(1997) 192-198 2527
Degenerate four-wave mixing using an optical parametric oscillator as an incoherent light source Yanagawa T., Kurokawa Y., Kasai H., Nakanishi H. OC 137(1997) 103-106 2528
Multiple phase conjugator and orthoscopic projection of a three-dimensional object in a Cu:KNSBN crystal Zheng Y., Sasaki A., Gao X. OC 136(1997) 437-440 2529
Self-pumped phase conjugation with picosecond and femtosecond pulses using BaTiO3 Yau H.-F., Wang P.-J., Pan E.-Y., Chen J., Chang J.Y. OC 135(1997) 331-336 2530
Stabilization of an externally-pumped phase conjugator by the control of mean phases of incident beams Nakamura A., Shimura T., Kuroda K. OC 135(1997) 337-341 2531
Characterization of photorefractive rhodium doped barium titanate at 1.06 mm Huot N., Jonathan J.M.C., Paulit G., Rytz D., Roosen G. OC 135(1997) 133-137 2532
Photorefractive properties with multiple traps and two types of carriers in doped KNSBN crystals Li Y., Hou F., Liu S., Sun W., Xu K. OC 134(1997) 591-598 2533
Photorefractive two-wave mixing: complex amplitudes solutions in the case of a weak signal beam Breugnot S., Defour M., Huignard J.P. OC 134(1997) 599-606 2534
Phase shift between index and intensity patterns in photorefractive two-wave mixing experiments in InP:Fe Chauvet M., Towe T., Salamo G.J., Bliss D.F., Bryant G., Iseler G OC 134(1997) 211-217 2535
Contactless determination of the dominant photorefractive mobile charge by comparing cw and ps two-wave mixing Juodkazis S., Netiksis V., Petrauskas M., Eichler H.J., Smandek B., Ding Y. OC 134(1997) 227-232 2536
Transient modeling of double-pumped phase conjugation in inverted Nd:YAG Udaiyan D., Syed K.S., Green R.P.M., Kim D.H., Damzen M.J. OC 133(1997) 596-604 2537
Running space charge wave instability in photorefractive crystals Korneev N.A., Sanchez-Mondragon J.J., Stepanov S.I. OC 133(1997) 109-115 2538
Brillouin-enjanced four-wave-mixing vector phase-conjugate mirror with beam-combining capability Bowers M.W., Boyd R.W., Hankla A.K. OL 22(1997) 360-362 2539
Random gratings as correlator sensors Ojeda-Castaneda J., Sauceda A. OL 22(1997) 257-258 2540
Observation of interaction forces between one-dimensional spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals Garcia-Quirino G.S., Iturbe-Castillo M.D., Vysloukh V.A., Sanchez-Mondragon J.J. et al. OL 22(1997) 154-156 2541
Experimental demonstration of impulse-equivalent time-domain optical memory Shen X.A., Kachru R. OL 21(1996) 2020-2022 2542
Self-pumped phase conjugation in rhodium-doped BaTiO3 with 1.06-mm nanosecond pulses Brignon A., Huignard J.-P., Garrett M.H., Mnushkina I. OL 22(1997) 215-217 2543
Circular harmonic filters for the recognition of marine microorganisms Zavala-Hamz V.A., Alvarez-Borrego J. AO 36(1997) 484-489 2544
Relative phase shifts of apertured Gaussian beams and transformation of a Gaussian beam through a phase aperture Jiang Z., Lu Q., Liu Z. AO 36(1997) 772-778 2545
White-light Fizeau interferometer Schwinder J. AO 36(1997) 1433-1437 2546
Compact, holographic correction of aberrated telescopes Andersen G., Munch J., Veitch P. AO 36(1997) 1427-1432 2547
Vibration-resistant phase-shifting interferometry Deck L. AO 36(1997) 6655-6662 2548
Analysis of lateral shearing interferograms by use of Zernike polynomials Harbers G., Kunst P.J., Leibbrandt G.W.R. AO 35(1996) 6162-6172 2549
Optical illustration of a varied fractional Fourier-transform order and the Radon-Wigner display Mendlovic D., Dorsch R.G., Lohmann A.W., Zalevsky Z., Ferreira C. AO 35(1996) 3925-3929 2550
Single-chanel polychromatic pattern recognition by the use of a joint-transform correlator Mendlovic D., Deutsch M., Ferreira C., Garcia J. AO 35(1996) 6382-6389 2551
Spatially resolved phase imaging of a programmable liquid-crystal grating Friedman L.J., Hobbs D.S., Lieberman S., Corkum D.L., Nguyen H.Q., Resler D.P., Sharp R.C., Dorschner T.A. AO 35(1996) 6236-6240 2552
Robust, simple, and fast algorithm for phase unwrapping Herraez M.A., Burton D.R., Lalor M.J., Clegg D.B. AO 35(1996) 5847-5852 2553
Comparison of beam propagation method and rigorous coupled-wave analysis for single and multiplexed volume gratings Ahmed S., Glytsis E.N. AO 35(1996) 4426-4435 2554
Two-dimensional wavelet transform by wavelength multiplexing Garcia J., Zalevsky Z., Mendlovic D. AO 35(1996) 7019-7024 2555
Application of fuzzy-rule-based postprocessing to correlation methods in pattern recognition Wolf T., Gutmann B., Weber H. et al. AO 35(1996) 6955-6963 2556
Space-variant optical correlator based on the fractional Fourier transform: implementation by the use of a photorefractive Bi12GeO2a (BGO) holographic filter Granieri S., Lasprilla M., Bolognini N. Sicre E.E. AO 35(1996) 6951-6954 2557
one-step implementation of the optical hit-miss transform Yuan S., Wu M., Yan Y., Jin G. AO 35(1996) 6881-6887 2558
Reconfigurable lens with an electro-optical learning system Takaki Y., Ohzu H. AO 35(1996) 6896-6908 2559
Noise-free normalized fringe patterns and local pixel transforms for strain extraction Yu Q., Andresen K., Osten W., Jueptner W. AO 35(1996) 3783-3790 2560
New noise-suppression technique in photorefractive crystals Zhang G., Lui S., Tian G., Xu J., Sun Q., Zhang G. AO 36(1997) 1815-1819 2561
Direct pattern recognition of a motion picture by hole-burning holography of Eu3+:Y2SiO5 Sasaki H., Karaki K. AO 36(1997) 1742-1746 2562
Hadamard transforms of images by use of inexpensive liquid-crystal spatial light modulators Macgregor A.E., Young R.I. AO 36(1997) 1726-1729 2563
Wave-front correction and production of Zernike modes with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator Love G.D. AO 36(1997) 1517-1524 2564
Object-binarized phase-only matched filtering with dual liquid-crystal spatial light modulators Takahashi T., Ishii Y. AO 36(1997) 1073-1085 2565
Parallel optical negabinary arithmetic based on logic operations Li G., Liu L., Shao L., Yin Y., Hua J. AO 36(1997) 1011-1016 2566
Optical wavelet processor by holographic bipolar encoding and joint-transform correaltion Hirokawa K., Itoh K., Ichioka Y. AO 36(1997) 1023-1026 2567
Optical transfer function design by use of a phase-only coherent transfer function Zalevsky Z., Mendlovic D., Shabtay G. AO 36(1997) 1027-1032 2568
Phased-array antenna, maximum-compression, reversible photonic beam former with ternary designs and multiple wavelengths Riza N.A., Madamopoulos N. AO 36(1997) 983-996 2569
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Halo arcs from airborne, pyramidal ice crystal falling with their c axes in vertical orientation Pekkola M., Riikonen M., Moilanen J., Ruoskanen J. AO 37(1998) 1435-1440 2825
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Photorefractive shooting stars Cudney R.S., Garrett M.H. OL 23(1998) 828-830 2830
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Phase-conjugating stimulated Brillouin scattering mirror for low powers and reflectivities above 90 % in an internally tapered optical fiber Heuer A., Menzel R. OL 23(1998) 834-836 2832
Rhodium-doped barium titanate phase-conjugate mirror for an all-solid-state, high-repetition-rate, diode-pumped Nd:YAG master-oscillator power amplifier laser Brignon A., Sénac St., Ayral J.-L., Huignard J.-P. AO 37(1998) 3990-3995 2833
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Phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing via autoionizing states Cohen S., Lyras A. JOSA B 15(1998) 1069-1077 2837
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Characteristics of recording and thermal fixing in lithium niobate Liu B., Liu L., Xu L. AO 37(1998) 2170-2176 2840
Transient dynamics during two-wave mixing in photorefractive quantum well diodes using moving gratings Lahiri I., Pyrak-Nolte L.J., Nolte D.D. Oex 28(1998) 432-438 2841
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Phase-modulation-induced two-wave mixing in a temporal-nonlocal medium Yang Q., Xu G., Liu X., Si J., Ye P. AP B 66(1998) 589-592 2843
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Reflectivity of photorefractive cross-polarized four-wave mixing in consideration of pump depletion Matsuoka H., Okamoto A., Takamura M., Sato K. JOSA B 15(1998) 1545-1552 2846
Photorefractive space-charge field with running grating and applied sinusoidal ac electric field: solution for all time scales Johansen P.M., Pedersen H.C. JOSA B 15(1998) 1366-1374 2847
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Solitary waves in coupled nonlinear waveguides with Bragg gratings Mak W.C.K., Chu P.L., Malomed B.A. JOSA B 1685-1692 2849
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Experimental observations of transient phase conjugate waves in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide crystals Jayanth P., Mohan R.K., Subramanian C.K. OC 147(1998) 33-38 2865
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A new optical configuration in speckle interferometry for contouring of three-dimensional objects Santhanakrishnan T., Palanisamy P.K., Krishna Mohan N., Sirohi R.S. OC 152(1998) 19-22 2867
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Heterodyne detection of the complete electric field of femtosecond four-wave mixing signals Gallagher S.M., Albrecht A.W., Hybl J.D., Landin B.L., Rajaram B., Jonas D.M. JOSA B 15(1998) 2338-2345 2870
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Tunable single-mode operation of a high-power laser-diode array by use of an external cavity with a grating and a photorefractvie phase-conjugate mirror L obel M., Petersen P.M., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 15(1998) 2000-2005 2874
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Quartz fibre phase conjugators with high fidelity and reflectivoty Eichler H.J., Kunde J., Liu B. OC 139(1997) 327-334 2878
Real-time double exposure holographic phase shifting interferometer using a photorefractive crystal Labrunie L., Pauliat G., Launay J.C., Leidenbach S., Roosen G. Oc 140(1997) 119-127 2879
Boundary integral equations for computer-aided design and simulations of near-field optics: two-dimensional optical manipulator Tanaka T., Tanaka K. JOSA A 15(1998) 101-108 2880
Ocean-color model incorporating transspectral processes Sathyendranath S., Platt T. AO 37(1998) 2216-2226 2881
Optical implementation of the Hough transform by use of rotationally multiplexed holograms Shin D.-H., Jang J.-S. AO 37 (1998) 329-333 2882
Two-dimensional measurement of the temporal correlation function of picosecond light pulses recorded in a photorefractive crystal Okamura H., Kuroda K. JOSA B 14(1997) 860-868 2883
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Light-in-flight holography for visualization and velocimetry in three-dimensional flows Hinrichs H., Hinsch K.D., Kickstein J., Böhmer M. OL 22(1997) 828-830 2885
Optical phase conjugation in a nematic liquid-crystal film modulated by a quasi-static electric field Chen S.-H., Shen Y. JOSA B 14(1997) 1750-1753 2886
Evanescent-wave holography by use of surface-plasmon resonance Maruo S., Nakamura O., Kawata S. AO 36(1997) 2343-2346 2887
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Fast mutually pumped phase conjugation induced by a transient photorefractive sureface wave Raita E., Kamshilin A.A., Jaaskelainen T. JOSA B 15(1998) 2023-2031 2890
Coherence-based imaging through turbid media by use of degenerate four-wave mixing in thin liquid-crystal films and photorefractives Brown D., Fleurov B., Carroll P., Lawson C.M. AO 37(1998) 5306-5312 2891
Hexagon formation in photorefractive crystals as mirrorless coherent oscillation Uesu Y., Ueno A., Kobayashi M., Odoulov S. JOSA B 15(1998) 2065-2069 2892
Phase conjugation in BaTiO3 by use of the indirect photorefractive coupling of orthogonally polarized light waves Jullien P., Mathey P., Lompré P., Odoulov S., Sturman B. JOSA B 15(1998) 2018-2022 2893
Grating oscillations and nonlinear effects in photorefractive crystals Petrov M.P., Petrov V.M., Bryksin V.V., Gerwens A., Wevering S., Krätzig E. JOSA B 15(1998) 1880-1888 2894
Effect of random volume scattering on image amplification and beam fanning in photorefractive materials Xie P., Wang P.-Y., Dai J.-H., Zhang H.-J. JOSA B 15(1998) 1889-1894 2895
Photorefractive amplification and generation of light beams in BaTiO3 controlled by the intensity of the pump light Neumann J., Röwe M., Krätzig E. AP B 67(1998) 73-77 2896
Rigorous coupled-wave analysis of photorefractive reflection gratings Jarem J.M., Banerjee P.P. JOSA B 15(1998) 2099-2109 2897
Effects of strong modulation on beam-coupling gain in photorefractive materials: application to B12SiO20 Murillo J.G., Magaña L.F., Carrascosa M., Agulló-López F. JOSA B 15(1998) 2092-2098 2898
Steady state and dynamic gratings in photorefractvie four-wave mixing Bugaichuk S.A., Khizhnyak A.I. JOSA B 15(1998) 2107-2113 2899
Spatiotemporal pattern formation in counterpropagating two-wave mixing with an externally applied field Sandfuchs O., Kaiser F., Belic M.R. JOSA B 15(1998) 2070-2078 2900
Orthogonally polarized four-wave mixing involving two noncoupling waves in a photorefractive crystal Taj I.A., Mishima T. JOSA B 15(1998) 2132-2142 2901
Influence of multigrating operation on the generation of phase-conjugate beams by four-wave mixing Limeres J., Carrascosa M. JOSA B 15(1998) 2037-2044 2902
Kinetics of higher-order combinational gratings in photorefractvie media: diffusion regime Anderson P.E., Peterson P.M. JOSA B 15(1998) 2032-2036 2903
Pattern dynamics and competition in a photorefractive feedback system Denz C., Schwab M., Sedlatschek M., Tschudi T., Honda T. JOSA B 15(1998) 2057-2064 2904
Influence of beam-coupling on photorefractive parametric oscillation in a dc-field-biased Bi12SiO20 crystal Pedersen H.C., Webb D.J., Johansen P.M. JOSA B 15(1998) 2439-2445 2905
Measurement of the photorefractive grating phase shift in a polymer by an ac phase-modulation technique Liphardt M., Ducharme S. JOSA B 15(1998) 2154-2160 2906
Holographic interferometers with photorefractive recording media Moore T.R., Blair R.L., Megofna A.J., Riegner M.P., Shoop B.L. AO 37 (1998) 5176-5183 2907
Implementation of a photorefractive binary joint transform correlator Cook N.J., Carnicier A., Vasllmitjana S., Juvells I., Cartwright C.M., Gillespie W.A. JOSA B 15(1998) 1977-1984 2908
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