Phase conjugation with fiber-like BTO crystals

In order to get more information about this topic you can read the papers

Mutually and self-pumped phase conjugation with fiber-like BTO crystals (Annual Report)
Phase conjugation in fiber-like BTO-crystals with applied electric field (LASERS'98 Summary)
Phase conjugation in fiber-like BTO-crystals with applied electric field (LASERS'98 Proc.)

or you can look at one of the posters.

Titel: Wechselseitig gepumpte und selbstgepumpte Phasenkonjugation in faserähnlichen BTO-Kristallen
This Poster was presented at the
Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics
1998 in Bad Nenndorf, Germany
Titel: Phase conjugation in fiber-like BTO crystals with applied electric field
This Poster was presented at the
1999 in Elsinore, Denmark

Für Fragen oder Bemerkungen kontaktieren Sie bitte Matthias Esselbach.